This is the user sandbox of Kanesham. A user sandbox is a subpage of the user's user page. It serves as a testing spot and page development space for the user and is not an encyclopedia article. Create or edit your own sandbox here.Other sandboxes: Main sandbox | Template sandbox Finished writing a draft article? Are you ready to request review of it by an experienced editor for possible inclusion in Wikipedia? Submit your draft for review!

Applicable Canadian law


Canada's formal act is referred to as Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). The act establishes the the Privacy Commissioner of Canada as the ombudsman for addressing complaints.The Commissioner works to resolve problems through voluntary compliance, rather than heavy-handed enforcement. The Commissioner investigates complaints, conducts audits, promotes awareness of and undertakes research about privacy matters.

An individual can complain about any matters specified in the section 5 to 10 of the Act or in the recommendations or obligations set out in Schedule 1.