General info

Whose work are you reviewing?

John Krill98

Link to draft you're reviewing

John Krill98/Dating preferences

Link to the current version of the article (if it exists)

Evaluate the drafted changes


Hello! Great work with this article! I thought the article so far has done a great job of presenting all sides of the research, not solely one side. I especially found the link between self-perception and ideal preferences extremely interesting. By looking at the lead so far, I thought that a couple of sentences could be added to allude to the rest of the information in the article (kind of like laying out a framework for the article like mentioning the race preferences, weight preferences, wanting children, and the psychological abuse). Other than that, I thought the lead does a good job of giving a general sypnosis of the information in the article. I also thought that the sections were well-organized by first presenting the research and then presenting the specific aspects of dating preferences that researchers have found. However, I feel like some of the paragraphs could be broken up into smaller paragraphs as to not overwhelm the reader with a chunk of information (for example, with the first paragraph about race). I also thought that, as the dating preferences within the asian-american community has a whole paragraph dedicated to the information, maybe other dating preferences within/between other races could be fleshed out as well. I thought the article did a good job of keeping the content neutral, and the sources all appear to be reliable! Great work!