Territories of the Holy Roman Empire in 1789


Free Cities

  1. Regensburg
  2. Nuremberg
  3. Rothenburg
  4. Windsheim
  5. Schweinfurt
  6. Weissenburg-im-Nordgau
  7. Cologne
  8. Aachen
  9. Dortmund
  10. Lübeck
  11. Goslar
  12. Mühlhausen
  13. Hamburg
  14. Bremen
  15. Nordhausen
  16. Worms
  17. Speyer
  18. Frankfurt am Main
  19. Friedberg
  20. Wetzlar
  21. Augsburg
  22. Ulm
  23. Esslingen
  24. Reutlingen
  25. Nördlingen
  26. Schwäbisch Hall
  27. Ueberlingen
  28. Rottweil
  29. Heilbronn
  30. Schwäbisch Gmund
  31. Memmingen
  32. Lindau
  33. Dinkelsbuhl
  34. Biberach
  35. Ravensburg
  36. Kempten
  37. Kaufgbeuern
  38. Weil
  39. Wangen
  40. Isny
  41. Leutkirchen
  42. Wimpfen
  43. Giengen
  44. Pfullendorf
  45. Buchhorn
  46. Aalen
  47. Bopfingen
  48. Buchau
  49. Offenburg
  50. Gengenbach
  51. Zell

Ecclesiastical States

  1. Archbishopric of Mainz
  2. Archbishopric of Cologne
  3. Archbishopric of Trier
  4. Archbishopric of Salzburg
  5. Archbishopric of Besançon
  6. Teutonic Order
  7. Order of St John
  8. Bishopric of Bamberg
  9. Bishopric of Würzburg
  10. Bishopric of Worms
  11. Bishopric of Eichstädt
  12. Bishopric of Speyer
  13. Bishopric of Strassburg
  14. Bishopric of Constance
  15. Bishopric of Augsburg
  16. Bishopric of Hildesheim
  17. Bishopric of Paderborn
  18. Bishopric of Freising
  19. Bishopric of Regensburg
  20. Bishopric of Passau
  21. Bishopric of Trent
  22. Bishopric of Brixen
  23. Bishopric of Basel
  24. Bishopric of Münster
  25. Bishopric of Osnabrück
  26. Bishopric of Liège
  27. Bishopric of Lübeck
  28. Bishopric of Chur
  29. Bishopric of Fulda
  30. not worrying about abbeys, etc. yet.

Lands of the Bohemian Crown

  1. Bohemia
  2. Moravia
  3. Silesia

Princely Territories


Austrian Habsburg Territories

  1. Bohemia
  2. Moravia
  3. Austrian Silesia
  4. Austria
  5. Tyrol
  6. Styria
  7. Carinthia
  8. Carniola
  9. Brabant
  10. Mechlin
  11. Hainaut
  12. Flanders
  13. Luxembourg
  14. Namur
  15. Limburg
  16. Tournai
  17. Breisgau
  18. other Swabian territories in the Vorlände (to be specified later)

Prussian Territories

  1. Margravate of Brandenburg
  2. Duchy of Magdeburg
  3. Duchy of Cleves
  4. County of Marck
  5. Principality of Halberstadt
  6. Duchy of Further Pomerania
  7. Principality of Minden
  8. Duchy of Silesia
  9. Principality of Kammin
  10. Principality of East Frisia

Bavarian Territories

  1. Duchy of Upper Bavaria
  2. Duchy of Lower Bavaria
  3. Upper Palatinate
  4. Lower Palatinate
  5. County Palatine of Neuburg
  6. County Palatine of Sulzbach
  7. County Palatine of Simmern
  8. County Palatine of Kaiserslautern
  9. County Palatine of Veldenz
  10. Duchy of Jülich
  11. Duchy of Berg

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