Here I am collecting evidence that I may introduce into the on-going Muhammad images case before Arbcom.

From Talk:Muhammad/images


General observations




Tarc (talk · contribs) edit counter

Wikipedia's consensus-finding process relies on a minimum level of intelligence (which the vast majority of or editors have, so is not really a problem) and on editors using it. Wikipedia has no effective process whatsoever to enforce that editors engage in intelligent discussion where appropriate, and Tarc is shamelessly exploiting this loophole to a bizarre degree.

Analysis of Tarc's edits


Tarc got involved in the present dispute after 27 hours and 28 posts by 10 editors. Somewhere between 30% and 50% of his edits since then have been contributions to the dispute, and most of these have exhibited a serious battleground mindset and have contributed substantially to the the escalation. The main locus was Talk:Muhammad/images, but he was also involved in related skirmishes at User talk:Tarc, WP:WQA, and later also WP:ANI, WT:NOT, User talk:Jimbo Wales and Arbcom. The overall quality of Tarc's contributions appears to have been relatively constant. As the first contributions have no doubt had most influence on the structure of the battleground, I will restrict the analysis to his edits in October. I have classified problematic and borderline problematic behaviour as follows.

Complete list of Tarc's 46 relevant edits in October excluding minor edits such as typo corrections. The quotations are selective, but overall they cover a substantial fraction of the text written by Tarc in relevant postings.
The following discussion has been closed. Please do not modify it.
  1. 21 Oct 17:08 Talk:Muhammad/images [1]
    "This entire proposal simply reeks of bad-faith. Ludwigs, who do you think you're trying to kid here, twisting a foundation resolution to serve your own bias? [...] There is no part of that resolution that is applicable here." - [B][R]
  2. 21 Oct 17:56 Talk:Muhammad/images [2]
    "There is no good-faith explanation for why someone would take something the foundation directed primarily at sexual images and try to use it to prop up their failed position of image removal here. You have made such cases in the past that WP:NOTCENSORED should not protect the images in this article, you saw this foundation proposal and thought it would prop up said arguments. Clear enough for you?" - [B][D][R]
  3. 21 Oct 17:56 User talk:Tarc [3]
    Tarc's response to Ludwigs2's complaint about [B] was "BAWW".
  4. 21 Oct 18:43 Talk:Muhammad/images [4]
    "You just explained your bias quite clearly; unbridled political correctness. Let me make this quite clear; the images will not be removed from this article. Period. Full stop." [A][P]
  5. 21 Oct 19:57 User talk:Tarc [5]
    Tarc's response to Amatulic's NPA warning: "Ludwigs can go pound sand for all I care, to hell with thin skin and wounded sensitivies. If he has the gall to say "I do not believe that the project should insult or offend anyone or anything", then labeling said opinion as being that of political correctness is not a personal attack." [M]
  6. 21 Oct 20:04 Talk:Muhammad/images [6]
    "What you have done here, and continue to do, is bring up an old, dead tired, suggestion that has been rejected again and again and again and again by an overwhelming consensus of editors. Much the same as some wish the CRU hacking case to be called 'Climategate' or for Barack Obama's bio to note the skepticism of birthers over his birth certificate...tired, repetitive, dead-horse arguments eventually get flagged as tendentious and the pusher of such winds up with a good ol bommerang to the face." [A][C][G][T]
    "I note over on the pregnancy article you are engaging in the exact same behavior as you are here, so I kindly suggest the the problem lies in your own behavior, and not with any of your perceived opponents." [W]
    "[...] consensus has determined that the encyclopedic value of images of Muhammad override any vanishingly small minority of religious conservatives that do not like to see such images." [C][V]
  7. 22 Oct 04:41 Talk:Muhammad/images [7]
    "Ludwigs, if you intend to make a declaration that you will war and battle and emo-rage until you get your way, I will point you to Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Obama articles, where a slew of similarly stubborn-headed individuals decided to make a (in their estimation) noble last stand against the Hordes only to find themselves in a Tenneyson poem. [...] " [G][M][T]
    "The images are in this article because at various points in history, people have painted pictures of the subject matter, and it would be rather silly to have a biography of a person without them." [N] "Your suggestion that the images are places in the article with the express purposes of causing offense to a particular subset of potential readers is, quite frankly, an extremity retarded assertion to make." [W]
  8. 22 Oct 12:15 Talk:Muhammad/images [8]
    "It has never been discussed here because it is not applicable." [R] (Ludwigs2's earlier activity was restricted to 10 days / 1 section in March.)
    "As for 'just ignoring', what usually happens when that is attempted when dealing with a tendentious editor, is that the editor will declare 'well, since no one opposes it, I will just go ahead and do it'. The only way to put an end to something like this is a topic ban, so if this is going to go anywhere it should be to WP:ANI to consider such a measure. Enough is enough. And Ludwigs, please don't bother with WQA, we all know how that is going to go." [T]
  9. 22 Oct 13:43 Talk:Muhammad/images [9]
    "Yay, once again another uninformed voice weighs in with a "YOU'RE KEEPING IMAGES HERE ON PURPOSE TO OFFEND" broadside, with no basis in reality." [W]
    "They are not 'purely ornamental', they are illustrative of the subject." Picking out a minor instance of hyperbole in what I said, and failing to respond to the substance [10].
  10. 22 Oct 16:59 WP:WQA [11]
    "I punctured Ludwigs' WP:OWN argument quite handily, and the rest is just prevarication from the matter at hand, which is that Ludwigs brings up a perennial (it is even noted at WP:PERENNIAL) topic that has been easily and overwhelmingly rejected in past discussions. There's a line where consensus can change ends and dead horses begin, and this guy has sailed right over it." [C][Y]
    Here, Ludwigs seems to relish the idea of a heated bit of rhetoric with an edit summary of r to Tarc - ok, no gloves. I can do that. (This is hypocritical, as Ludwigs2's edit summary was a reaction to the following sequence of Tarc's edit summaries directed at Ludwigs2: "bullshit", "bad-faith is clear", "", "bam!")
  11. 22 Oct 17:06 Talk:Muhammad/images [12]
    "'Illustrative of the subject' means just that; we have a picture, we tend to like pictures in Wikipedia articles when licensing allows them to be used." ([N])
  12. 22 Oct 18:51 WP:WQA [13]
    "You actually did follow through with that claim numerous times, in things said to me and to others, e.g. your "competence" line cited above, the bit about "parrots" to me in Muhammad/images, among others." [M] (Also hypocritical. The context of Ludwigs2's statements was as follows: "Consider the following two actions: * Doing something that offends people because it is necessary to do it to give a complete and accurate description of a topic. * Doing something that offends people because it is pretty/fun/cute. If you do not see the difference between these two actions, then I have no choice except to question your competence as an editor." [14] // "Every time someone says the images are "illustrative of the subject", I ask them to explain how they are illustrative of anything. No one ever bothers to answer. [...] You can continue to spout out 'illustrative of the subject', 'illustrative of the subject', 'illustrative of the subject' like badly-trained parrots, [...]")
  13. 22 Oct 18:56 Talk:Muhammad/images [15]
    "And now you've devolved to a 'images are just decorative' position? Facepalm Facepalm" [M]
    "Let me ask this; do you have a non-religious-based argument against the images in this article?" [Z]
  14. 22 Oct 20:01 Talk:Muhammad/images [16]
    Tarc's 14th edit related to the dispute, and the first one that I would consider constructive.
  15. 22 Oct 20:25 Talk:Muhammad/images [17]
    "stop wasting time with bad arguments, please" [W]
  16. 23 Oct 21:52 Talk:Muhammad/images [18]
    "As I said at the beginning, images will not be removed from this article. before you go BAWWWing about WP:OWN again, no, it is not that, but rather a simple matter of acknowledging reality." [A]
    "This is no different than declaring that the CRU hacking case will never be renamed 'Climategate', or that there will never bee a line in Barack Obama that says 'presumably born in Hawaii'." [G]
    "Consensus has been reached that the images will remain, and it is about time that you accept that you are the minority that is on the outside looking in." [C] "Declaring that you will repeatedly push in the face of consensus will invariably bring sanctions down on your head." [T]
  17. 23 Oct 23:03 Talk:Muhammad/images [19]
    "I have already destroyed your WP:OWN argument, Ludwigs, several times now. Do I need to do it again?" [Y] "If within the next 6 months of this RfC closure you broach the subject again, I will file a motion in the appropriate venue to topic-ban you from this and related articles." [T]
  18. 24 Oct 03:07 User talk:Tarc [20]
    "What inscription would you like on your wiki-epitaph once they run you out on a rail? Seriously bro, I haven't seen this steep of a flameout since ChildofMidnight" [G][T]
  19. 24 Oct 03:45 Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case [21]
    "We have a lone, disgruntled user who does not accept the consensus reached at the respective article pages." [C][M]
    "If this case is taken, then I'd suggest a motion or whatever to strip (pun unintended) this down to only dealing with the pregnancy issue and not the Muhammad images one, though Ludwig's tendentious, battleground behavior in both should be subject to review." (hypocritical, given Tarc's own behaviour)
  20. 25 Oct 01:26 Talk:Muhammad/images [22]
    In response to "Can someone please point me to an earlier discussion explaining the educational value of the images, or, if possible, give me a brief summary here?": "I don't really see why an explanation is necessary, as "this is an article on Muhammad" and "these are images of Muhammad" are two very simple concepts."
  21. 25 Oct 04:06 Talk:Muhammad/images [23]
    In response to "I'm looking for a discussion about images of Muhammad in the article and can't find one. Was that a deliberate editorial choice, or hasn't it been addressed yet?": "Your questions are bordering on the pedantic, honestly. You are trying to set up some sort of extra-special litmus test, above and beyond any other article in the project, to justify image inclusion. The only reason for such a litmus test is because of outside agitation by religious conservatives. That is not a valid criteria to make editorial decisions in the Wikipedia." Later removed. [24]
  22. 25 Oct 04:10 Talk:Muhammad/images [25]
    "Your concerns are not concerns that we take into account when editing this Wikipedia article. I'm not sure how much clearer this point can be made to you. [A]"
    "Ludwigs' pontification is equally meritless, there is no "turning to the Muslim community" and there never will be." [A]
  23. 25 Oct 12:20 Talk:Muhammad/images [26]
    "But that brings us back to the kerfuffle that started this whole thing; Ludwigs taking that foundation proposal and unreasonably stretching it to cover the situation in this article." [R]
    "That point of view has not garnered much, if any, support." [C]
  24. 25 Oct 14:20 Talk:Muhammad/images [27]
    (cryptic interjection)
  25. 25 Oct 14:24 Talk:Muhammad/images [28]
    "Well goody for you, but it simply isn't going to happen. This project does not make editorial decisions based on fundamentalist interpretations of religious beliefs. There is no wiggle room here. "
  26. 25 Oct 17:03 Talk:Muhammad/images [29]
    Long, mostly constructive comment with edit summary "3-point Ludwigs rebuttal". [G][N]
  27. 27 Oct 19:10 Talk:Muhammad/images [30]
    "Religious fundamentalism is never going to be a concern to take into account when making editorial decisions in this project." [F][Z]
  28. 27 Oct 22:52 Talk:Muhammad/images [31]
    "What your objections are based on is a remix of the logically fallacious won't somebody please think of the children? argument, but with Muslims subbed in for children." [G][M] "You don't get to subject the images of this article to a litmus test that most other articles' images don't have to deal with." [A][N] "You don't get to hold them up because of your personally-held beliefs." [A][B] (appears to claim that Ludwigs2 is secretly a Muslim)
  29. 28 Oct 13:22 Talk:Muhammad/images [32]
    "The claim that 'NPOV, TPG, a Foundation resolution, and even (at a pinch) IAR on my side' is not remotely within the realm of reality." [A][R] "No one but you really buys the stretching of the Foundation resolution to cover this topic, there are no violations of talk-page guidelines when discussing something that is relevant to the article, it would actually be a violation of NPOV to remove the images, as we would be showing an imbalanced favoritism of a religious minority point of view." [F][R]
    "You can either stop yourself from attacking other editors in this fashion, or we can go somewhere where a stoppage will be forced upon you. Your choice." [A][T] 29
  30. 28 Oct 16:06 Talk:Muhammad/images [33]
    Actually adresses as weak point in Ludwigs2's argument somewhat reasonably.
  31. 28 Oct 16:10 Talk:Muhammad/images [34]
    "I defend the images because they are not trivial and are necessary to the article." [V] "You have no valid case to make in the area, never have and never will." [A] "'We do not consider offense' is the crux of the matter here." [F] "Religious extremism does not dictate WIkipedia editorial decisions." [X]
  32. 28 Oct 20:01 Talk:Muhammad/images [35]
    (constructive comment)
  33. 29 Oct 00:23 Talk:Muhammad/images [36]
    "So this is the game plan now? Make a demand so outrageous at the outset (remove the images to appease some conservative religious sensitivities), then after awhile offer a 'compromise' (just picture the air-quotes in your mind when reading that) that gets you most of what you want? The insinuation that those who are now unwilling to meet your faux-compromise are now the obstinate/stubborn ones was a nice touch, btw." [B]
  34. 29 Oct 03:11 Talk:Muhammad/images [37]
    Comparison to the Virgin Killer case. [G] Also note the edi summary: "look at the bright side; at least we don't have a naked picture of Muhammad with broken glass obscuring his penis".
  35. 29 Oct 16:08 Talk:Muhammad/images [38]
    "Once again, a fraudulent argument." [B] "We do not dip and bow to every single thing every single person may find objectionable." [X] "This is political correctness run amok." [P] "For the umpteenth time, that some people do not like images of Muhammad to be displayed is not a concern will will take when editing this page." [A][F]
  36. 29 Oct 18:35 Talk:Muhammad/images [39]
    "You have no right to impose your views on the rest of us, any more than those Muslims who oppose images have a right to impose their views upon the Wikipedia." [A][X] "You can ignore me all you like with cutsey '...', but I will hammer this simple fact home as often as you need it." [A]
  37. 29 Oct 18:44 Talk:Muhammad/images [40]
    "'RfC - Should the Wikipedia acquiesce to the demands of religious fundamentalism and their apologists, removing all images of Muhammad from the main article? Or should it ignore external advocacy and propaganda pushes, to provide information to the world freely and uncensored?'" Inflammatory false dichotomy. Later struck. [41]
  38. 29 Oct 18:55 Talk:Muhammad/images [42]
    Creates a new section "Is there even legitimate, outside opposition to images here?" The question which Tarc asks there may well be the key to his numerous strange contributions.
  39. "You haven't said much worth responding to lately either, just the same broken record of "superfluous images that cause offense must be removed", even though they aren't superfluous and the largely invented offended parties are negligible." [M][V][X] "Most everyone has simply stopped engaging you, you're lucky that Robert has the patience of a saint." [C]
  40. 30 Oct 02:23 Talk:Muhammad/images [43]
    "Anthony, THE FOUNDATION RESOLUTION HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALISTS' NOT WANTING PEOPLE TO SHOW IMAGES OF THEIR PROPHET. N-O-T-H-I-N-G. I do hate to yell, but I also hate to see the same falsehoods spread again and again and again on this issue. You and ludwins are not going to be allowed to hide behind an unconnected WMF memo on this." [B][R] Also note the edit summary: "stop spreading falsehoods, anthony"
  41. 30 Oct 02:46 Talk:Muhammad/images [44]
    Long comment with edit summary "probably the longest passage I have ever written in my time here". [C][G][M][X]
  42. 30 Oct 16:02 Talk:Muhammad/images [45]
    "The problem for you though is that it simply isn't a notable of significant controversy. Again, a gaggle of wiki-editors advocating for something they feel is controversial doesn't actually make it so. There is no outside preuure, no significant oppoition to images in this article. Your "only use a controversial image..." line has no applicability to this article." [X]
  43. 30 Oct 19:23 Talk:Muhammad/images [46]
    (As a comment on: "Robert: Comment on content, not on the contributor. Nothing you said above is meaningful in this context except as a determined effort to poison the well.") "In other words, neener neener? How charming."
    "[...] but you don't get to advocate on behalf of a religious minority, and your continued, deliberate falsehoods stated about the WMF resolution's applicability to this issue here will continue to be challenged for as long as you choose to make them." [A][R][X]
    "The reality of the situation is that a change has been suggested, several times, and has been rejected each time." [C]
  44. 30 Oct 20:55 Talk:Muhammad/images [47]
    Comment on proposed image-by-image analysis.
  45. 30 Oct 23:32 Talk:Muhammad/images [48]
    "'Least astonishment' does not have the slightest applicability to this article. A reader with even average common sense who clicks on the article for Muhammad will expect to be presented with images thereof." [R]
  46. 31 Oct 01:47 Talk:Muhammad/images [49]
    (In response to "Tarc, your contributions to this discussion seem to get more and more insulting over time. As far as I can tell, you're saying that any Sunni coming to this article does not have 'average common sense'.") "If you feel insulted, then you should work on some skin-thickening exercises. This is Not Not A reader reading an article in the English Wikipedia, which like it or not presents topics in a Western-centric point-of-view, should not be astonished to see an image of Muhammad in the Muhammad article." [W]
    "Ludwigs has no leg to stand on on this tangent, and neither do you." [A]





Wikipedia takes religious concerns into account to some extent


A good example is the article currently at Genesis creation narrative.

My own contributions


Some opinions


"Hmm, I think we should aim for a presentation that community consensus agrees is in line with presentations in reputable secondary sources. What I mean is this: it isn't reliable sources *versus* community consensus, but rather that the proper goal of community consensus should be (generally) to reflect what is in reliable sources.

To be very very specific rather than abstract, we should be careful not to allow political views held by almost all Wikipedians (in a particular language) to distract us from the demands of NPOV. So as an example, if reliable sources suggest that depictions of Muhammad are rare, we shouldn't as a "political act" shove a bunch of them in just to prove some kind of case against censorship - if we do so, then we misrepresent history.

True NPOV in this area would involve finding a consensus about what reliable sources do. Depictions of Muhammad needs to have some historically relevant and important ones because that's what the article is about. Muhammad though, should not mislead the reader into thinking such images are common if they are not. This doesn't mean that the number should be zero, necessarily, just that it should reflect what is found in reliable sources.--Jimbo Wales (talk) 08:35, 20 November 2011 (UTC)"

Problematic behaviour on case pages


Evidence page


[B] blatant battleground behaviour [C] severe confusion about policy and its application [I] islamophobia, bigotry etc.

Very poor evidence with some of the characteristics you would expect from a bully who thought he could hide in a mob and becomes all delicate and touchy when this is pointed out.

I doubt this is worth serious comment.

To a large extent he is just arguing for his position on the content question. He then draws comparisons to other articles for which the unique circumstances of the Muhammad article (problematic relation to depictions by majority of followers of religion founded by biography subject) are not satisfied though they are otherwise comparable. He assumes but does not even argue that these unique circumstances must not factor in. He claims there is a compromise but does not point to a discussion where it arose. (I think it's actually a stable condition reached under the influence of forces going both ways. A consensus is something much better.) The last sentence takes "principle of least astonishment" literally in a way that is clearly not reasonable.

I think Ludwigs2 is right that Mathsci has a history of injecting himself into cases that concern Ludwigs2, and I am also under the impression that this happened here. Probably in good faith. If I had the time I would collect diffs showing that many if not most of the Ludwigs2 diffs were reactions to similar but stronger comments in his directions or to comments of an unquivocal RANDY quality.

Proposals by Hans Adler


Proposed principles


Good-faith consensus finding and status quo


1) As a wiki, Wikipedia is built on the fundamental principle of consensus. All editors are required to contribute to the consensus-finding process in good faith. The search for a consensus may occasionally get unproductive or disruptive and have to be postponed. It is not acceptable to rely on this mechanism and block reasonable productive discussion in order to defend a status quo.

Comment by Arbitrators:
Comment by parties:
Seems mostly obvious and uncontroversial. The only point of contention that I am anticipating here is applicability. For this, see my evidence on Tarc, and see how Resolute's compromise proposal was disrupted.
Comment by others:

Wikipedia's reaction to attempted censorship


2) Attempts from outside Wikipedia to censor our content lead to increased scrutiny. In such cases, it is vital that the community focuses on getting the articles right and makes sure that reactance do not get into the way of NPOV and other policies. This applies equally on the height of the public attention and long after the attempted censorship.

Comment by Arbitrators:
Comment by parties:
See my response to AGK at #Increase in number of images since the cartoon controversy. It is hard to tell how many editors are thinking in the reactance logic, but there are good reasons to suspect many of them are, and some of the observed behaviour is so far out of bounds that I think it only makes sense in this context. Based on this, I think this might be relevant to the case, and even if it's not used for any specific findings or remedies it's still worth pointing out.
Comment by others:



3) {text of Proposed principle}

Comment by Arbitrators:
Comment by parties:
Comment by others:

Proposed findings of fact


Religious offence not a priori ruled out as an argument


1) According to WP:NOTCENSORED, religiously motivated feelings of offence are generally not sufficient grounds for removal. This does not rule out a careful weighting of offence (along with other reasons for removal) against reasons for inclusion. A number of editors interpret WP:NOTCENSORED as requiring that such feelings must not be given any weight at all in editorial deliberations. This interpretation is incorrect.

Comment by Arbitrators:
Comment by parties:
This interpretation is objectively incorrect per the wording of WP:NOTCENSORED. Evidence that some editors still interpret it that way:
  • Coren: "Offensiveness should not be a factor in deciding whether or which images to use [=heading] The substantive matter revolves around whether some images may be "offensive" and should be excluded on that ground. This is exactly what WP:CENSORED is meant to prevent, despite repeated claims that it is being misused when used for its primary function." (Note how the heading is much more extreme than the body of this proposed 'evidence'.)
  • Thryduulf: Proposed principle 3).
  • Kww: "The nature of the controversy is one which is irrelevant to the project, and must be ignored while making all policy and editorial decisions." (on workshop page)
    "NOTCENSORED simply eliminates a kind of argument for removal [...]" (ditto)
  • Noformation: "Wikipedia is a secular encyclopedia and we are not censored. Policy specifically prohibits considering religious beliefs when deciding content." [353] (probably not formally in evidence).
Comment by others:

Muhammad images in a state of equilibrium, not consensus


2) With respect to figural depictions of the subject, the Muhammad article is in a state of equilibrium between those who would prefer more or more prominent figurative depictions and those who would prefer less. A number of editors have claimed that this equilibrium represents a consensus. That is incorrect. There is no consensus on the number, type and placement of figural depictions.

Comment by Arbitrators:
Comment by parties:
We have clear evidence that many want more figurative images, want them in the infobox, or even want the painting of Muhammad in hell. We also have clear evidence that many want no figurative images at all or want them confined to the section discussing such depictions. (We also have evidence that the equilibrium moved slightly in favour of such images as a reaction to attacks from outside Wikipedia.) Consensus is when most editors feel that a situation is reasonable and that it would not be worth to make a fuss just to get it absolutely right. Mere equilibrium without consensus is when most editors feel that a situation is wrong and absolutely needs changing, but know that they can't do anything about it because others would pull vigorously in the opposite direction.
Evidence of the incorrect claim:
  • Tarc: "The article as it is right now is a product of consensus, as Resolute has noted below." [354]
Comment by others:

Unsupported claims of usefulness


3) Many editors have made blanket claims that the figural depictions of Muhammad are encyclopedic or educationally useful in the article. When they were pressed on the matter, the only arguments offered were (a) based on the general relevance inherent in every naturalistic but imprecise depictions, and/or (b) based on the cultural role of these pictures in the reception of the subject.

Comment by Arbitrators:
Comment by parties:
  • Johnbod: "I think the pictures are certainly useful and, as the selection has evolved, well-balanced." (Response to AGK; does not give any reasons, which were not asked for explicitly, but goes into great detail otherwise)
  • Resolute: "In my view, the depictions most certainly aids the article. And the truth is, this should be so self-evident that such a question should not even need to be asked. They are direct representations of the article subject, in most cases showing the subject during a notable moment of their life. Their very nature is educational: they reveal how Muhhamad has been viewed throughout history, even by Muslims. The very fact that we have 100 Islamic depictions and nearly 150 total should make it self-evident people throughout history have found value in such imagery. I believe we do too, exactly as we do on any other article subject." (Response to AGK)
  • Alanscottwalker: "The images are educationally useful. If they need to be further contextualized by the text, to avoid unwanted implication, than that can be readily done. The Muhammad article is the biography of a man -- this is not an article whose purpose is art, art history, religion, or architecture. It is apparent by looking at them that the images in the article bear some kind of naturalistic representation of the man, Muhammad, although they are certainly not photographic. (Indeed, it is the fact that they do so, that gives rise to any religious objection that they could be idolotrous). They are images of a man, that all have said is the man Muhammad, doing things that are important in the story of his life." (Response to AGK 1; continues with cultural observations)
  • Alanscottwalker: "An important reason for the policy is because we are in the project to make knowledge as concrete and accessible as we can to a pluralistic audience. Thus, in the biography of a man, we at a minimum say: this is a man's life, this is what is important about him, these are illustrations of that. All topically related images used in an article (thus having consensus) are contextualized and explained in words, not misrepresented, and not deleted. "
  • FormerIP: "Including images for the sake of including images is good enough." (Response to AGK 3)
  • Tivanir2: "I find all the pictures useful; both caligraphy and images since they show different things about muhammad. Calligraphy gives us information about how he is currently portrayed in the Islamic world, while the images give us an idea of how his followers perceived him to be. Both give us insights into what he has molded (i.e. legacy) the religious followers into today." (Response to AGK)
  • ASCIIn2Bme: "As I said in my reply to your first question: the art-type depictions included are reception-type images: they illustrate how Muhammad was depicted in various cultures across time. There was a time and place where anthropomorphic, non-veiled depictions of him were common. And it was an important Islamic culture." (Response to AGK 3)
Comment by others:



1) {text of proposed finding of fact}

Comment by Arbitrators:
Comment by parties:
Comment by others:

Proposed remedies


Note: All remedies that refer to a period of time, for example to a ban of X months or a revert parole of Y months, are to run concurrently unless otherwise stated.



1) {text of proposed remedy}

Comment by Arbitrators:
Comment by parties:
Comment by others:



2) {text of proposed remedy}

Comment by Arbitrators:
Comment by parties:
Comment by others:

Proposed enforcement




1) {text of proposed enforcement}

Comment by Arbitrators:
Comment by parties:
Comment by others:



2) {text of proposed enforcement}

Comment by Arbitrators:
Comment by parties:
Comment by others: