Source. Accessed 5 April 2009

We have many of these paintings under other titles, and the list seems dubious.

  1. Close, Big Self Portrait – d:Q98609717
  2. Gerard David, The Wedding at Cana – d:Q19318765
  3. Dubuffet, Le Métafisyx
  4. Dufy, Street with Flags – d:Q60061788
  5. Gris, Le Petit Déjeuner – fr:Le Petit Déjeuner
  6. Guardi, Gala Concert in Honour of Princess Maria Fedorowna in Venice – d:Q29474644
  7. Hodler, The Stockhorn Group on the Lake of Thun
  8. Hofmann, The Gate – d:Q19882607
  9. Indiana, The Figure Five – d:Q62451405
  10. Kauffmann, Cornelia Pointing to Her Children as Her Treasures
  11. Kelly, Red Blue Green (He has a number of similar paintings, perhaps from a series, it may be more valuable to write about them all, rather than an individual piece)
  12. Kirchner, Two Women in the Street
  13. Lam, Initiation
  14. Leibl, Three Women in a Church
  15. Matta, Je m'honte
  16. Miró, Painting
  17. Modersohn-Becker, Seated Nude with Flowers
  18. Motherwell, Elegy to the Spanish Republic No. 34
  19. Noland, Gift – d:Q28564128
  20. Nolde, Masks – d:Q64563047
  21. O'Keeffe, City Night – d:Q20891250
  22. Pissarro, La Place Du Théâtre Français – d:Q20881119
  23. Prud'hon, Portrait of the Empress Joséphine – d:Q18762449
  24. Reinhardt, Abstract Painting, Blue – d:Q28134170
  25. Reynolds, Portrait of Mrs. Elisha Mathew – d:Q28094068
  26. Ruysch, Flower Still Life – which of the dozens she did?
  27. Schiele, Portrait of Paris von Gütersloh – d:Q20891412
  28. Schmidt-Rottluff, Manor in Dangast, Gramberg Houses
  29. Signorelli, The Damned Cast into Hell – d:Q97377044
  30. Soutine, The Little Pastry Cook
  31. Steen, The Christening Feast – d:Q20790458
  32. Stella, Tahkt-i-Sulayman I
  33. Tanguy, The Five Strangers
  34. ter Borch, The Letter – which?
  35. Tiepolo, Rinaldo Under the spell of Armida – do the series
  36. Vasarély, Arcturus II
  37. Vuillard, Interior with Work Table (The Suitor) – d:Q83901277
  38. Wesselmann, Great American Nude No. 57 – d:Q64517268 – why not #56, or 58?
  39. Witte, Interior of a Church – which of the dozens he did?