On the 1 February 2005 I noticed a large whole in the category coverage for schools in the UK. So I set about fixing it ;)

Started: 1 February 2005

Ended: still in progress


  1. Provide a framework that allows for the inclusion of all schools in the UK to be added to the category system in a logical format
  2. Encourage more schools articles
  3. Encourage longer and better schools articles

Work so far

After discussion over an issue over private/public on Categories for Deletion, the current proposal stands like this

I have no listings for Wales or Northern Ireland as yet? Anyone found any?

Want to help?

Most of the structure is there - it just needs eagle eyed Wikipedians to sort out what they find while browsing.

In particular:

"Schools in the area or region."



Future plans

I aim to add the following to categorise by school type

I don't believe going down to the level of county is advantageous for types of school. Not while there are so few at the moment.

Any feedback on this project is welcome!