True awareness is the path to all liberation. Kollox huwa gidba, illużjoni. Viskas yra melas, iliuzija.

!تحيا الماركسية -لينينية

"'The only political reality in this country is the mood of President Macias, which is entirely unpredictable and often irrational,' said one observer."

Pronouns: she/her.

"I take refuge in the Buddha. I take refuge in the Dharma. I take refuge in the Sangha."

Humanist. Supports mixed economy state capitalism. Abrahamic Maltheist, egotheist, anthropolater (I worship my limerence objects - two spefic women, they are my only gods), and a crypto-Satanist of the real type. Absolute pessimist. History and linguistics are an interest and a hobby of mine.

Articles very important to me