HOW TO TAKE POWER by Dennis Morrisseau

I would like not to. We would all like not to I guess. But that's not going to work anymore. We have to. There is no other option. No one presently in power is going to help us even though some of them say they will and say they can. They're lying. So here's how: Keep in mind the meteoric rise from nowhere to "front runner for the Presidency" of Howard Dean little more than a year ago. This is the new political paradigm. That he failed at the end is beside the point. He failed due to personal mistakes. The power and speed of his rise, and how it was done, must be kept in mind. We can do that again, and we must, in the upcoming '06 Congressional elections. My proposal is that dozens of us, hundreds of us "outsiders" launch a unified national campaign to take control of Congress.

We are celebrity addicted and have been seduced time after time into fake contests for the fake power of the Presidency. Congress writes the laws, collects the taxes, and writes the checks that fund all government actions, even war. Congress can choose to fund or not fund whatever they wish. A president has virtually no say in these matters. What does that tell you? It should tell you that Congress calls the shots; and I am telling you that. My degree is in political science and I am not kidding. All those Democrat and Republican Congressmen are happy to have us think they are just a bunch of warring doofusses. They love it when we focus our attention and hopes on Presidential elections. And when things go wrong---their things that they set up--they shove that cardboard cutout "President" out in front of us to absorb our anger. Presidents come and go, but Congress and their hidden backers and agendas have so far stayed with us. Congress is responsible for the Iraq war and what may be coming soon in Iran. Congress is responsible for everything you see that is wrong with our government and our politics and our posture in the world. So we need them gone. We need TO BECOME Congress.

This way: I have already announced as an Independent running for Congress in Vermont. I'm looking for a second Independent candidate anywhere in the country to also announce linked to me. If that doesn't impress the mainstream media, we two will find a 3rd Independent candi-date, and we'll stage a 3 person announcement. If that doesn't impress, we three will find a 4th Independent and the 4 of us will announce/reannounce together--and so on. All of this is unprecedented in American history, so I am convinced that by the time we get to 3 or 4 or 5 of us linked Independents, ordinary decent citizens not Dems and not Repubs, the media WILL NOTICE and so then will the country. From there we will reach 8 or 9 or 10 Independents a lot easier than we got the first few. Somewhere in there the "Dean phenomena" will occurr and WE WILL LEAP TO 100, OR 200 OR MORE. And at that point, a few months from now and long before the "06 elections, we will already be able to govern. We will be able to control THIS President and move THIS Congress around, because everybody will see by then what is coming. They will see, "we the people" coming and they will know that their time is up.