I am [Faethon].

Someone [robbed] my Faethon2-10 accounts, so I created Faethon11.

My login is Faethon11 and my password Faethon11.

My Rules

  1. In case someone robs my account again, you can always find me in Faethon3 with password Faethon3, or in Faethon4 with password Faethon4 e.t.c. . In general only one Faethon is considered to be the original one at the same time, and it is the FaethonX with the highest (and contiguous) X number.
  2. I am always increase the Faethon number one digit, so if you find Faethon7 account then Faethon6-5-4-3-2 and Faethon(original with the public key) have to exist as registered wikipedia accounts (and robbed Faethons of course, as long as Faethon7 exists)
  3. If you want to check if a FaethonX account is a valid Faethon account, try to login to it with the appropriate FaethonX password. If failed, then obviously it is not.
  4. In case you find more than one FaethonX with password FaethonX, you can encrypt a message with Faethon's public key, and ask the FaethonX candidate to decrypt it for you. Only one FaethonX with password FaethonX is the valid Faethon at the same time, you can consider the rest as cheap immitations.
  5. In case you find more than one FaethonX accounts that have correctly decrypted your messages and their passwords are the correct FaethonX passwords, then you can consider as the real Faethon the one who has the latest date decrypted message.
  6. Whenever I want to vandalize or do an illegal action against policy, I always sign it with my key. Not signed illegal actions are not by me. You are allowed to talk using my account, but if you want to use my account to vandalise or do any action against policy, have in mind that this can be proved as long as your IP is always logged by administrators.
  7. Except of the above, a valid FaethonX account should always have at least one document signed with Faethon's key. You can locate FaethonX's signed documents in contributions history[[1]], their summary has the suffix "(F signed)"