I am a post-doctoral researcher, studying educational neuroscience, especially numerical cognition and synesthesia in Nashville, Tennessee, with Bruce McCandliss at Vanderbilt University. Prior to that, I was a post-doctoral researcher with Stanislas Dehaene at INSERM Unit 562. I received my PhD from the University of California, San Diego working with V.S. Ramachandran (see also Vilayanur S. Ramachandran) and Geoffrey Boynton at the Salk Institute. Before that, I did my undergraduate studies in cognitive science at the University of California, Berkeley.

My main areas of research include:

Current Projects

Below is a list of some of the projects that I am currently working on.

And here, you can see how many page views some of these projects get:

Scientific Topics

  • History of synesthesia research: A history of synesthesia research (created)
  • Grapheme-color synesthesia: An entry on the most intensely studied form of synesthesia, grapeheme-color synesthesia.
  • Number form: An entry which relates to synesthesia, and which I have cleaned up and started to integrate more completely with the synesthesia page.
  • Ordinal linguistic personification: Another form of synesthesia, which I have been working on recently in my professional life. (created)
  • Lexical-gustatory synesthesia: Another form of synesthesia, entry is a fork to illustrate various forms of synesthesia. (created)
  • Neural basis of synesthesia: Neural mechanisms of synesthesia. (forked from previously created section of synesthesia main page).
  • American Synesthesia Association: The first organization dedicated to the study of synesthesia in the United States. (created)
  • Synesthesia in art: A discussion of the artistic uses of synesthesia, and art that attempts to convey the synesthetic experiene. (created)
  • Synesthesia in literature: A list of portrayals of synesthesia in both fiction and non-fiction literature. Needs ISBNs and brief discussion of each book. (created)
*Numeracy: Related to numerical cognition, as the important social outcome of our numerical abilities. Seems relatively well-done, so low on my priority list.




Hubbard Family

Some other members of the (very extended) family tree are here.