Dstorres is the user id for Dax S. Torres (yes that is my real name). He was born on February and shares a birthday with his mother. Dax has been into comic books for as long as he can remember and officially becoming a collector at age 11. An avid gamer and anime nut since his youth (cutting his teeth on Battle of the Planet & Robotech) he has watched anime take over the cartoon scene and loved (almost) every moment of it.

He has a very lovely wife and two young sons.

Vital Statistics

Biological Age: 40's
Blood Type: O+
Birthplace: Charleston,SC
Height/Weight: 5'6" / Classified.
Hobbies: Video games, comic books
Sport: Aikido & Tae Kwon Do
Prized possession: Art Portfolios
Enjoys: Time with family
Fears: personal loss
Quote: "It's not my fault!!!"
