Welcome to the first trial Funktopia page on wiki!

File:Funktopian freedom flag.jpg

Funktopia is an internet nation of freedom. I would like to suggest that Funktopia is the first internet nation, but it is probably not true.

New projects


Things for people


Some Funktopians beleive in Space. Not just as an abstract ideal, but as a viable future. Thus space communities are beleived to be a thing worth investing in. Having thrashed around the arguments, some other Funktopians cleaverly crafted the objections subsection of the SPAAAACE article (while no one was watching).

Some Concepts Behind Funktopia


Funktopia is a trancendental nation.



Some other *topias include...

Things to be scared of


The Funktopian Manifesto


The people and nation of Funktopia shall abide by the following principles and ideals that bind us together as one nation, independantly of any other geographic circumstance or happenstance.