The U.G.C. | United Galactic Command | Military Organization | Military Units | NOT REAL!!! Made For Fun Do Not Cite This. Or Take This. Please. Danke... Thank You...:

U.G.C. Military Forces: (Almost All of This is NOT REAL!!!!!).

U.G.C. Rankings:

  1. Pregistalate (Leader of The U.G.C.).
    1. Trinity Agontolas Hoffman
  2. Antaligate (Leader of the People's House... "Decision Making").
  3. Briomnigate (Secondary Opinion)
  4. Degistalate (Commands Large Battles).
    1. Degistalate Primative Reducto
    2. Degistalate Gnerd Develvon
  5. Dodomerate (Ensures the people are happy).
  6. Kadomulate
  7. Supreme Commando (Performs Super Raids, very stealthy, very strong, very intelligent, and also has a very high ranking due to Supreme skill in battle).
  8. Brendiwald (Great Speaker, and is capable of giving a whole army the will power to continue to fight. These people are true saviors when the U.G.C. is about to lose a battle).
  9. Cathereen (Ka-there-een, Helps with strategic importance. A Cathereen can correct a mistake made by a Commanding Officer or lead up to 3 armies).
  10. Commando (Performs Raids, also has a very high ranking due to skill in battle).
  11. Admiral
  12. General
    1. Captain Kilotamen (Captain Sounds Cool In His Opinion)
  13. Field Marshall
    1. Field Marshall Opaktcha
    2. Field Marshall Marcus Indiogropher
  14. Lieutenant
  15. Major
  16. Colonel
  17. Captain
    1. Captain Kilotamen
  18. Commander
    1. Commander Nëyo
  19. Sergeant
  20. Corporal
  21. Private
  22. Recruit

1st U.G.C. Fury | Alphon Corp. | The National Galactic Frontier Force:

Primary Commanding Officer: Pregistalate Trinity Howard Hoffman

Secondary Commanding Officer: Field Marshal Opaktcha

Year Created In: 2267 A.D.

Description: The Alphon Corp. is the first U.G.C. Army ever made. This Army goes back to 2267 during the Chemical Apocalypse Aftermath of WW3 when humanity reformed and flourished into a brand new establishment. The Army is meant for any task given to them and is 100% loyal to the U.G.C. The Alphon Corp. was a multi use Corp./Army that was able to fight in many different conditions.

Other Description: Literally At Every Battle The U.G.C. Has Fought!!!

2nd U.G.C. Fury | The Beta Corp. | Beton Invasion Force:

Primary Commanding Officer: Vice Pregistilate Terdmore Lesington Botsch-heart

Secondary Commanding Officer: 2nd Vice Pregistilate Vincent Theodore Hetchmog

Other Commanding Officers:

Year Created In: 2374 A.D.

Description: Used for Planetary Invasions, one of the most famous invasion they took place on was "The Twin Mining Planets". The invasion was a failure but proved to the Evil Drentronis Empire the true might and nature of mankind. These men are hard fighters.

3rd U.G.C. Fury | The Glazing Blitz | Heavy Blitz Legion | "Quick, Swift, and Efficient":

Commanding Officer: Degistalate Primative Reducto

Colors: Fire, Red, Orange

Year Created In: 2346 A.D.

Description: This is the 3rd Fury. A bunch of Hard Working Men who fight until they are all dead. They go from the far reaches of the U.G.C. Frontier to the core planets that aid the U.G.C. in fighting against the Drentronis, and other relentless enemies.

4th U.G.C. Fury | Veterans Legion | VeTon Platoon:

Commanding Officer: Trinity Agontolas Hoffman

Colors: Any

Year Created in: 2266

5th U.G.C. Fury | Lightning Cavalry Battalion:

Commanding Officer: Degistalate Gnerd Develvon

Colors: Blue, White

Year Created In: 2357

Description: This is the only U.G.C. Legion to ride on horses. Their horses are heavily armored. This legion is supplied with bayonets, rifles, lances, and shields. This Battalion used to be known as a counter attack battalion but after a battle they had nothing besides local horses and sticks. Their guns were not working after they were struck EMP so they rode on the horses using large sticks to lance any enemies and fulfilled their orders to counter attack the Drentronis Forces at that battle. After this battle they were all given a new battalion name and they were provided with mounts and powerful equipment for their battles.

6th U.G.C. Fury | 88th Dropship Division | Hammer Squadron:

7th U.G.C. Fury:

8th U.G.C. Fury:

9th U.G.C. Fury:

10th U.G.C. Fury:

11th U.G.C. Fury | Siagon Regiment:

Commanding Officer:

12th U.G.C. Fury:

13th U.G.C. Fury:

14th U.G.C. Fury:

15th U.G.C. Fury:

16th U.G.C. Fury:

17th U.G.C. Fury:

18th U.G.C. Fury:

19th U.G.C. Fury:

20th U.G.C. Fury:

21st U.G.C. Fury:

22nd U.G.C. Fury:

23rd U.G.C. Fury:

24th U.G.C. Fury:

25th U.G.C. Fury:

26th U.G.C. Fury:

27th U.G.C. Fury | The Demenßäch Battalion | The Elite Support and Recovery Battalion:

Commanding Officer: Commander Nëyo

Colors: Green

Year Created In: 2381 A.D.

Description: The Demenßäch Battalion is the group of troops that are known for supporting different U.G.C. Fury's on many different planets when they are in need of help. They have a lot of skill in the recon branch of the U.G.C as well. This Battalion also has many Medical Stations, it is capable of being a Mobile Medical Hospital.

28th U.G.C. Fury:

29th U.G.C. Fury:

30th U.G.C. Fury:

31st U.G.C. Fury:

32nd U.G.C. Fury:

33rd U.G.C. Fury:

34th U.G.C. Fury:

35th U.G.C. Fury:

36th U.G.C. Fury:

37th U.G.C. Fury:

38th U.G.C. Fury:

39th U.G.C. Fury:

40th U.G.C. Fury:

41st U.G.C. Fury:

42nd U.G.C. Fury:

43rd U.G.C. Fury:

44th U.G.C. Fury | The Sir Rod Cot Garrison Legion:

Primary Commanding Officer: Field Marshall Marcus Indiogropher

Year Created In: 2356 A.D.

Color: Dark Blue

Description: The Rod Cot is named after Sir. Rot Cot Herald IV. Sir. Rod Cot Herald IV is a U.G.C. Veteran who saved an entire city garrison against the Drentronis Empire. He prepared all civilians for anything and they defended successfully and the U.G.C. Promoted him to Supreme Commando after his great deeds. He was "An Honorary Soldier". The Rod Cot Defense Garrison was named after the great man and trained by Rod Cot himself. They are the best men to protect anything and can defend a position in any enviroment with a 99.9% guarantee of succeeding.

45th U.G.C. Fury | The MAS Legion | Mass Assault Scaled Legion:

Primary Commanding Officer: Captain K. | Admiral Herald

Secondary Commanding Officer: Commander Nëyo

Color: Flat Red

Year Created In: 2382 A.D.

Description: This is the Well Known Legion commanded by the one and only Captain Kilotamen | Captain K, A War Hero, and this legion is known for taking the heaviest of assaults, the most suicidal of assaults, and the Largest of All Assaults. The MAS Legion is the last effort to win or the best military group for the Job.

267th U.G.C. Fury | Galactic Rangers Corp. | The Galactic Rangers Tactical Response Force:

Primary Commanding Officer: General Makintag

Color: Any

Year "Officially" Created In: 2385 A.D.

Description: The Galactic Rangers is a Corp. specialized for the most tactical, strategic, or stealthiest Corp. to ever go on the battlefield. After General Makintage’s obsession over an advanced soldier and constant nagging the U.G.C. put out Project Apigo. The U.G.C. finally released the first successful squadrons in 2384 A.D.

189th U.G.C. Fury | Optogröphon Corp. | Underwater Defense/Attack Battalion:

Description: This is the U.G.C.’s first and only underwater corp. but it may be the best. The Optogröphon name originates from the German Scientist's Company back in 2057 A.D. when they made the Optogröphon C80H+ U-Boat that dropped down to the deep deep bottom of the Mariana Trench.

The Grand U.G.C. Space Navy:

The MAS Support Fleet:

Commanding Officer: Admiral Herald | Captain K.

Secondary Commanding Officer: The Galactic Heros

Year Created In: 2362 A.D.


The Blue Fleet:

Commanding Officer:

The Independent Departments of The Super Secret Investigations of Anti U.G.C. Revolutionaries:

The Brington Mining Corporations Investigation Department:

Description: In the U.G.C. owned Brington Mining Corporations

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