
Villionism is a small religion originating in Western Canada. It's founding members felt that they had no particular adherence to any religion. For this reason they created Villionism. Because there were so many founders, it was hard to agree on solid and clear cut rules, therefore the Villiber (Villionism's holy text) is very open ended. In fact the Villiber says in multiple locations that not all people will be meant to follow some of it's guidelines. Despite being fairly free when it comes to rules Villionism does have some rules. Among them are impure art forms. Which is forms of art such as dance or painting that people are forced to do against there will. Because Villionists believe in freedom of choice in life and in the art one takes part in, this is considered to be bad and is therefore outlawed. Villionism's main guiding belief is centered around the idea of ultimate evolution. A theoretical state of society where it is improved to the point that it can no longer be improved. Villionists believe that by living ones life to its fullest and helping others do the same we can take gradual steps towards a state of ultimate evolution. Villionists are optimistic about this future as is shown by the Villiber's well known quote, "let's make this the happiest ever after in the history of happy ever afters"

Religous Opression

In early 2014 many Villionists faced oppression at the hands of a someone who forced them to take part in dance. Because of this offensive behavior Villionists became upset. However, despite countless complaints nothing was done. To this day Villionists are still facing oppression. Because of this religious suppresion some of the more devoted Villionists have created a way of memorializing the suppression. Depending on one's devotion and ability to do so, Villionists will fake leg injuries on Tuesdays. This is not mandatory, but many choose to participate in this activity as a way of praying to one day have religious freedom.