
Can you point us to a conversation where you did a good job of explaining, supporting or rebutting a policy or guideline?


Advice after close but failed RFAs

Take some time off and enjoy yourself. RFAs create stress, and stress creates problems.

After failed RFAs where the vote was close, you'll often hear "RFA is obviously crap, otherwise you would have passed" and "No, there's nothing wrong with RFA" (it must be you). Ignore both, because both carry some implication that you'll never be able to pass RFA, and that's rarely true when the vote is close. There's nothing to be embarrassed about; many great admins have failed an RFA, and people generally aren't going to hold anything against you that's said at RFA. Anyone who gets more than 50% support in their RFA is generally doing good work somewhere on Wikipedia, and I hope you'll continue to enjoy your work.
