Now attempting to use the <imagemap module:

((Elementbox_header-imagemap | number=118 | symbol=Uuo | name=ununoctium | left=[[ununseptium]] | right=[[ununennium]] | above=[[radon|Rn]] | below=(Uho) | color1=#ecfefc | color2=gray ))
((Elementbox_series | [[noble gas]]es ))
((Elementbox_groupperiodblock | group=18 | period=7 | block=p ))
((Elementbox_appearance | unknown, probably colorless ))
((Elementbox_atomicmass_gpm | predicted, [[1 E-25 kg|(314)]]  ))
((Elementbox_econfig | perhaps [[[radon|Rn]]] 5f<sup>14</sup> 6d<sup>10</sup> 7s<sup>2</sup> 7p<sup>6</sup><br />(guess based on [[radon]]) ))
((Elementbox_epershell | 2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 18, 8 ))
((Elementbox_phase | presumably a [[gas]] ))
((Elementbox_cas_number | 54144-19-3 ))
((Elementbox_footer | color1=#ecfefc | color2=gray ))

Old method required that html tags be enabled, which they are not here at Wikipedia. But they are here