The Centre of Byzantine, Modern Greek and Cypriot Studies is a research institute located in Granada, Spain.

CarterNewmann/Centre of Byzantine Studios, Neogriegos Modern and Cypriot



The Center for Byzantine, Modern Greek and Cypriot Studies (Centro de Estudios Bizantinos, Neogriegos y Chipriotas in Spanish, or C.E.B.N.CH.) was founded by the Greek State, through the Embassy of Greece in Spain, in July 1998 and operates as a constituent centre the University of Granada. Its objective is to support and promote Byzantine and Neo-Greek studies in the Spanish-speaking world.



Interdisciplinarity and research: Through the research team of the University of Granada “Studies on medieval and modern Greek culture (HUM 728)”, which was founded in 2000 by the Education Council of the Autonomous Government of Andalusia, it is active in the following lines of research :

Library: It has one of the best specialized libraries of its kind outside Greece and Cyprus, open to the research public. It has more than 20,000 titles and 100 scientific and literary journals. Much of it consists of donations from academics, institutes, publishing houses and private collections, among which is the personal library of the former president of the Hellenic Republic, Constantine Tsatsos

Reading room of the C.E.B.N.C

Lectures: Since its foundation, the Center for Byzantine, Neo-Greek and Cypriot Studies offers modern Greek courses distributed in four levels with forty hours of class per semester, as well as interpretation and cultural seminars. Since the 2000-2001 academic year, it has offered its services to the University of Granada for the introduction, strengthening and stabilization of the teaching of Modern Greek and its literature, with teaching staff, strengthening of postgraduate programs, offering of teaching materials, offering of infrastructure, etc.

Organisation of research meetings:

To date, several international conferences have been organized, including:


Nevertheless, it participates in seven series in the field of electronic publications, published on its website in open access:

Cultural activities: It carries out a notable activity in the following areas:





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