Fairthorne Manor is an area of parkland and woodlans in Hampshire, near the village of Botley. It has an area of 111 acres, including a golf course. Fairthorne Manor is primarily an children's outdoors activity centre, and offers a variety of activities including kayaking, canoeing, sailing, abseiling, climbing, archery, aerial runway and raft-building. By far the main income of Fairthorne comes from the summer camps, when thousands of children come in from the surrounding area to talk part in the activities on offer. The children coming to Summer Camp are split into 4 main age-groups - Holiday Club (5 to 8 year olds), Activity Club (8-12 year olds, Adventure Club (12-14 year olds) and the self-explanatory Club 14-16. Fairthorne also provides a nursery for the under 5s. In 2004 a new structure was introduced into the Fairthorne grounds, a 30-foot tall tower with an abseiling ramp (adapted for use by wheelchairs), a climbing wall and a low ropes course.

Fairthorne is run by the YMCA charity. The manor itself is the administration hub of the site


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