Due to the fact that it appears that the betting pools will not survive the AfD, I have saved them. However, I have trimmed them down to what I think they should be, removing nonsense and trimming it down to the most basic of predictions. If this is nominated for deletion as well, then so be it. But it's an attempt to save a bit of harmless fun. For anybody interesting in seeing the results of the betting pools, I have saved it.

Note: This is all just for fun. There is no actual betting going on here.

2006 Atlantic hurricane season

Informal betting on the date of formation of first storm (Alberto)

Zeta does NOT count. This is only for Alberto.

Informal betting on date of dissipation of last storm

Informal betting on the strongest storm name

Informal betting on the highest winds

The wind speeds are in miles per hour

Informal betting on the lowest pressure

The pressures are in millibars

Informal Betting on the final storm name

2006 Pacific hurricane season

Informal betting on formation date of first storm

Informal betting on dissipation date of last storm

Informal betting on final storm name

East Pacific

Central Pacific

Informal betting on strongest storm name