Moving along


Yeah, so I'm a nerd, and a conspiracy theorist (No, I don't wear a pie tin. That's just stupid. However, appliance companies make their products to wear out just as they end warrantiy, and Zango's pure evil). I have a nerve disorder, and my keyboard's broke, so some edits are kinda garbled.

Avatar Review


This generation's Titanic/ Star Wars set on Planet Preachy.


Baisically Elves from a standard fantasy setting if Elves were giant blue Furries.

You're not listening to the forest! You're pure evil! You must all die or leave!

Human POV


Everyday working folks shipped to a hostile environment where everything hates their guts.

  1. We tell you at least once a week for X ammount of years that you need to move, but all we get is "No. We live here" and an arrow or ten lobbed at us. Then, when we finally get sick of asking, there's tears and blood, general unpleasantness.
  2. We can't "listen" in the first place. You guys are just arrogant. Furthermore, you aren't listening to us.
  3. Our people are dying. We need the Metal you selfish dicks are camped over to survive. Either grab a pickaxe and hardhat or f**k off.



Why the hell didn't we just nuke Pandora from orbit?



Women want to be equal, but they're clearly not.

Keeping your maiden name while not doing any work besides cooking and cleaning


Equal Pay for equal work, while not being able to handle the workload


You can't do equal physical labour. You are not my equal, merely a parasite.

Abuse is fine-when women abuse men


You are adverse to getting a hiding when you get smartmouthed. You seem to think men can be pushed around like dogs, and then run away screaming when we offer you the same treatment. Men reconize a beating as a natural consequence of being lippy. You are not my equal, merely a mouthy little bully with a meaner older brother.