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List_of_French_words_for_vegetables (légumes)

ail (m) garlic

artichaut (m) artichoke

asperges (f) asparagus

aubergine (f) eggplant

avocat (m) avocado

betterave (f) beetroot, beets

carottes (f) pl carrots

carrelet (m) plaice

céleri (m) celery

cerfeuil (m) chervil

champignons (m) pl cultivated mushrooms

chanterelles wild mushrooms

chou (m) cabbage

chou-fleur (m) cauliflower

choux de Bruxelles brussels sprouts

choucroute (f) pickled cabbage (sauerkraut)

citrouille (f) pumpkin

concombre (m) cucumber

cornichon (m) gherkin (pickle, small, cucumber)

courgette (f) zucchini

épinards (m) pl spinach

estragon (m) tarragon

haricots (m) pl verts French or string beans

laiture (f) lettuce

lentiilles (f) pl lentils

mange-tout (m) sugar, snow peas

morilles morel, wild mushrooms

oignon (m) onion

olives (f) pl olives

pastèque (f) watermelon

patate douce (f) sweet potato

petits pois (m) pl peas

poireau (m) leek

pois chiches (m) pl chickpeas

pomme de terre (f) potato

potiron (m) pumpkin

radis (m) radish

riz (m) rice

topinambours (m) pl Jerusalem artichokes

tomatoes tomatoes

truffes (f) pl truffles

List_of_French_words_for Fruits

abrioct (m) apricot

amandes (f) (pl) almonds

ananas (m) pineapple

banane (f) banana

cassis (m) black currant

cerises (f) pl cherries

citron (m) lemon

citron vert (m) lime

figue (f)fig

grenade pomegranate

groseille (f) red currant

mandarine mandarin orange

melon melon

mirabelle (f) plum

orange (f) orange

pastèque watermelon

poire pear

pomme (f) apple

pamplemousse (m) grapefruit

péche (f) peach

poire (f) pear

prune (f) plum

pruneau (m) prune

raisins (m) pl grapes


aneth (m) dill

ciboulette (f) chives

laurier (m) bay leaf

menthe (f) mint

moutarde (f) mustard

persil (m) parsley

poivre (m) pepper

poivron (m) capsicum, chili pepper

raifort (m) horseradish

romarin (m) rosemary

sauge (f) sage

thum (m) thyme


cacahuètes (f) pl peanuts

chátaignes (f) pl chestnuts

datte (f) date

marrons (m) pl chestnuts

noisettes (f) pl hazelnuts

noix (f) nuts/walnuts

noix de coco (f)coconut

pignon pine nuts

List_of_French_words_for_berries (baies)

fraises (f) pl strawberries

framboises (f) pl raspberries

groseilles (f) pl gooseberries

mûres (f) pl blackberries

myrtille (f) blueberry