
Taiwan Mahjong is a common mahjong game in Taiwan and is calculated by the number of units. Because 16 cards are drawn, it is also often called Taiwan 16 Mahjong. In the early 20th century, it was transformed from the 16 Mahjong in Fujian Province. After time, Taiwan Mahjong has become its own style.

The four people first randomly decide their seats. Then pick out the East, South, West, and North from the cards, and cover them to disrupt them. By throwing three dice, the player decides who will draw the cards first. The person who draws the cards first is in the east position, and then the player draws the cards counterclockwise in turn. 5, 9, 13, and 17 points are drawn by the thrower himself. 6, 10, 14, 18 points are drawn by the dice thrower. 3, 7, 11, and 15 points are drawn by the opponents who throw the dice. The 4, 8, 12, and 16 points are drawn by the thrower. Those who are drawn "East" sit in the east wind position.
After the cards were shuffled, the four people piled 144 cards into four "walls" of two (high) by eighteen (bottom). PS. If you don't play flower cards, the bottom is seventeen.
After the pile of cards is completed, the player sitting in the east wind position throws three dice to determine who is the first dealer. And starting from the dealer, counting from the rightmost of the eighteen tiles in front of the house (clockwise), two tiles (four tiles) are taken at a time, and the four players take turns to complete the matching four times. At this time, everyone has sixteen cards in his hand. Example: If the dice rolls 11 points, the player in the west wind position will be the bank, and the banker will take the twelfth and thirteenth tiles from the front (leave the eleven tiles on the right).
After opening the door, the dealer has a total of 17 cards in his hand. Check whether there are "flower cards" in the cards. If so, they must show them all at the "hand front" at once, and then take the corresponding number from the Ling shang cards to make their own hand. Continue to hold seventeen cards, called "applique". After the dealer has finished making up cards, it indicates that the player can make up flowers in order. If the replacement card is made up to the "flower card", it must be "post-filled" and the procedure is the same as that of the flower card.
If the game is in progress until there are "eight tiles" (sixteen cards) left on the wall and there are no other cards on the wall, the game is over, commonly known as "Tie Ba Tun" or "Huang Yi Zhuang".
Da Xianggong: If the player has more cards than the standard number of cards (16 cards) when the player is not a Hu card, it is called Da Xianggong. After the great minister, neither draw nor call. (Eat, touch, bar) Xiaoxianggong: The player's number of cards is less than the standard number of cards, which is called Xiaoxianggong. Xiao Xianggong couldn't make a draw, but he could still call a card.


If the banker involves winning or losing, it must add [2n+1] table, n=the number of consecutive bankers, so the normal situation has the following characteristics:

2. Loser:

Ronghu situation non-gunner: 0

Player loses player:-(bottom + number of units)

Player loses banker:-(base + number of units + [2n+1])

Banker loses player:-(base + number of units + [2n+1])

  1. When Rong hu, non-gunners do not need to pay (it has nothing to do with winning or losing) Since the time of the draw, the winning side has won three times as much money as the Rong hu of the same hand (not counting the banker’s streak) There is no problem of sharing compensation when being touched by oneself, all losers will lose [1 base + number of units] take-off (not counting the situation of the dealer's chain) Both the base and the number of units are calculated by adding and subtracting from the score of the negative party instead of multiples and exponents

2. Loser:

Ronghu situation non-gunner: 0

Player loses player:-(bottom + number of units)

Player loses banker:-(base + number of units + [2n+1])

Banker loses player:-(base + number of units + [2n+1])

牌型 台數 牌型需求 舉例
莊家連N拉N 2N+1台 莊家胡牌、放槍或輸自摸加1台。每連莊一次再加2台。
自摸 1台 自己摸到胡牌的牌。
門清 1台 胡牌前沒有吃、碰、明槓,但可暗槓。
不求人 3台 門清的情況下自摸。(自摸+門清+不求人,合稱門清一摸三)
三元刻 1台 中、發、白任何一組刻子或槓子。
圈風刻 1台 字牌東、南、西、北 , 任何一組刻子或槓子 , 附和圈風即有1台。

門風刻 1台 字牌東、南、西、北 , 任何一組刻子或槓子 , 附和門風即有1台。

正花 1台 春、夏、秋、冬(四季),梅、蘭、菊、竹(四君子),拿到正花即有1台。


1台 又稱「單邊」或是「」,兩張順子的牌一般都是兩面聽,但是12僅聽3、89僅聽7。

崁張 1台 又稱「中洞」,聽順子的中間序牌。
獨聽 1台 又稱「」或是「」,當所有搭子都配完只剩下單獨一張牌也就是缺少將牌的時候就是聽該張牌。

搶槓 1台 別人加槓的牌,正是自己能胡的牌,則可搶槓胡。
槓上開花 1台 暗槓、加槓、補花後所摸進的牌正是自己能胡牌。可加計自摸。 摸到花牌:


海底撈月 1台 摸進海底牌後剛好胡牌。可加計自摸。
花槓 2台 拿齊四季或四君子即有兩台。不計正花。
全求人 2台 胡牌者手牌皆已吃、碰、明槓 只剩1張手牌,胡牌時由其他家放槍。

(如自摸 算 半求 1台 不計單吊;門面若出現「暗槓」則不算「全求」僅能以「獨聽/單吊」計之)
平胡 2台 胡牌者,手牌要符合:「無字、無花、無刻、不是偏崁獨、非自摸」的規定。



三暗刻 2台 胡牌時,手牌中有3副刻子(包括暗槓)。 暗槓:


對對胡(碰碰胡) 4台 胡牌時,除了將牌外全為刻子(或槓)。


混一色(湊一色) 4台 由一種花色的序數牌及字牌組成的牌型。


小三元 4台 胡牌時有三元牌的2副刻子及將牌。不計三元刻。 +將牌:
地聽 4台 起牌後海底打進八張牌內,無發生吃、碰、槓之情況聽牌。
四暗刻 5台 胡牌時,手牌中有4副刻子(包括暗槓)。
五暗刻 8台 胡牌時,手牌中有5副刻子(包括暗槓)。

清一色 8台 由一種花色的序數牌組成的牌型。


小四喜 8台 胡牌時有風牌的3副刻子及將牌。

大三元 8台 胡牌時有三元牌3副刻子。不計三元刻。
七搶一 8台 持7張花牌可以搶別家1張花牌湊滿花牌而胡牌。

八仙過海 8台 取得全部8張花牌而胡牌。須補花後表明花胡,視同自模,莊連拉照算。

天聽 8台 莊家專屬台型,其於起手配牌補花後,打出第一張牌即聽。不計門清,其餘另計。
字一色 16台 由字牌的刻子(槓)所組成的牌型。


大四喜 16台 胡牌時有4副風刻組成的牌。不計風刻台。
人胡 16台 閒家專屬台型,配牌後,第一巡內未摸牌前,無發生吃、碰、槓之情況,胡他人牌。

地胡 16台 閒家專屬牌型,配牌後,第一巡內,無發生吃、碰、槓之情況,

天胡 24台 莊家專屬台型,其於起手配牌補花後17張完美自摸。不可暗槓。

牌型 台數 牌型需求 舉例
見花見台 1台 只要有任何花牌,一張花牌就計一台,不必對位。
見風見台 1台 只要東、南、西、北風的刻子,一組風牌刻子就算一台,不必對位。
明槓 1台 有明槓或加槓,每一組槓牌都加一台。
暗槓 2台 有暗槓時,每一組暗槓計兩台,不與槓牌的一台重複計算。
無字無花 2台 胡牌時完全沒有花牌跟字牌。

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