Executive Order 07-C001 - Leave of Absence Procedures


By Executive Order, I hereby creating the following procedure to be used regarding requests and approvals of Leave(s) of Absences. These procedures will be in effect for all members of the Fleet.

This Procedure establishs the rules regarding the use of Leave(s) of Absence in the Fleet.


  1. Leave of Absence (LOA)
    1. An excused absence from duty, in part or in whole, electively taken by a player, CO, BFA member, the BFXO or the BFCO for a

period of 1 to 14 days.

  1. Extended Leave of Absence (ELOA)
    1. An LOA which has been authorized to extend beyond the time allowed with a standard LOA. With the extension, the overall

period of an LOA shall not to exceed 2 months.

  1. Away Without Leave (AWOL)
    1. Any player, CO, BFA member, the BFXO or the BFCO who is absent from their duties in the Fleet without having requested or

being granted an LOA or ELOA; who fails to report at the end of a granted LOA or ELOA; or who fails to report as required

during their LOA or ELOA cycle.


  1. Any player who needs to take a short period of time away from their duties for personal reasons, shall be eligible for a

Leave of Absence (LOA).

    1. A player requesting an LOA, must contact their simulation CO informing them of the LOA. Depending on the reason for the

LOA, requests may be granted for a period of up to 14 days. The LOA notification should include a simple reason for the LOA

and the expected return date.

    1. If the period of time needed for the LOA extends beyond 14 days, the CO must authorize the player's leave, and may grant an

ELOA to a maximum period of 3 weeks.

    1. If after 3 weeks, the player continues to need an LOA, the CO shall make a request with their Task Force CO (TFCO), which

shall include the name, rank and reason for the request. The TFCO may grant an ELOA extension.

    1. At no time shall a player be granted an ELOA lasting longer than 2 months. Should a player be faced with such a scenario,

they can request the CO to change the character to a protected PPC status, where no major character alterations can occur,

however that position will be considered open to any other player desiring to apply to the simulation.

    1. Any character, position, rank or title possessed by a player who is actively on an approved LOA or ELOA shall be protected

from demotion, removal or reprisal by the CO of the simulation for failure to post or otherwise carry out assigned duties

during the LOA period, except as required by provision 1.6 of this by-law.

    1. Any player who is granted an ELOA shall be required to maintain verifiable communications with their CO via email, Instant

Message, Private Message (IRC or Forums) or forum posting, on at least a bi-weekly basis. Failure to report under this

provision, or to return from the LOA by the agreed return date, may constitute the player as being AWOL, and may subject the

player to corrective action by the CO and/or BFJAG team.

  1. Any CO who needs to take a short period of time away from their duties for personal reasons, shall be eligible for a Leave

of Absence (LOA)

    1. A CO requesting an LOA, must contact their TFCO or his/her designate, informing them of the LOA. Such requests are granted

automatically for a period of up to 14 days. The LOA notification should include a simple reason for the LOA and the expected

return date.

    1. If the period of time needed for the LOA extends beyond 14 days, the TFCO must authorize the CO's leave, and may grant an

ELOA to a maximum period of 3 weeks.

    1. If after 3 weeks, the CO continues to need an LOA, the TFCO shall make a request with their Division CO, which shall

include the name, rank and reason for the request. The Division CO may grant an ELOA extension.

    1. At no time shall a CO be granted an ELOA lasting longer than 2 months. Should a CO be faced with such a scenario, the TFCO

shall be required to contact the XO of the simulation to check eligibility and fitness for command.

      1. If the XO of the simulation does not currently hold a Commanding Officer position in the Fleet, the TFCO shall inquire if

the XO wishes to take over the simulation.

      1. If the XO already holds a CO position, chooses not to take over the simulation, or is otherwise found unfit for Command,

the TFCO shall inquire of the crew of the simulation to see if any candidates to assume Command may be available.

      1. If no suitable candidates are found on the simulation, the simulation shall be closed, and the players on board shall be

offered assistance in finding another simulation on which to play.

    1. The Executive Officer of the simulation (XO) shall be required to carry the duties of the Commanding Officer of the

simulation during the time that the CO of the simulation is on LOA.

    1. Any character, position, rank or title possessed by a CO who is actively on an approved LOA or ELOA shall be protected from

demotion, removal or reprisal by the TFCO of the Task Force for failure to post or otherwise carry out assigned duties during

the LOA period, except as required by provision 2.7 of this by-law.

    1. Any CO who is granted an ELOA shall be required to maintain verifiable communications with their TGCO, TFCO and their

simulation's XO via email, Instant Message, Private Message (IRC or Forums) or forum posting, on at least a bi-weekly basis.

The CO shall also be responsible for ensuring that the Monthly Report for their simulation is filed with the TFCO in a timely

manner. Failure to report under this provision, or to return from the LOA by the agreed return date, may constitute the CO as

being AWOL, and may subject the CO to corrective action by the JAG team.

  1. Any member of the BFA, with the exception of the BFCO, who needs to take a short period of time away from their duties for

personal reasons, shall be eligible for a Leave of Absence (LOA).

    1. Any BFA Member, with the exception of the BFCO, requesting an LOA, must contact one of their immediate superiors (Division

CO or the BFXO) and the BFCO, informing them of the LOA. Such requests are granted automatically for a period of up to 14

days. The LOA notification should include a simple reason for the LOA and the expected return date.

    1. If the period of time needed for the LOA extends beyond 14 days, the BFCO must authorize the leave, and may grant an ELOA

to a maximum period of 1 month.

    1. At no time shall the BFCO grant an ELOA that lasts longer than 1 month. Should a BFA member be faced with such a scenario,

the member must make a make a motion to the BFA to extend the ELOA, which shall include the reason for the request. The BFA

may grant up to 2 ELOA extensions, in 2 week increments.

      1. The motion to extend the LOA must be agreed upon by a simple majority (>50%) of the BFA.
      2. Should the motion pass, the member shall be granted an extension to their LOA not to exceed 2 weeks, and shall only be

eligible to request a total of 2 such extensions for a maximum of 2 months overall LOA.

               + 3.3.c Should the motion fail and the member not be able to immediately return to active duty, or if the 

member is unable to return to active duty at the end of an approved extension, the member shall immediately forfeit their

position, and the BFCO shall nominate a replacement to fill the vacancy.

         o 3.4 The following forms of relief shall exist to temporarily fill in during the LOA of a member of the BFA:
               + 3.4.a The Task Force Executive Officer (TFXO) shall be required to carry the duties of the Commanding 

Officer of the TF during the time that a TFCO is on LOA.

               + 3.4.b In the event that a Division CO should take an LOA, the BFXO shall cover the duties of the Division 


               + 3.4.c In the event that the BFXO should take an LOA, the most senior Division CO shall cover the duties of 

the BFXO.

         o 3.5 Any character, position, rank or title possessed by a BFA member who is actively on an approved LOA or ELOA 

shall be protected from demotion, removal or reprisal by the BFA for failure to post or otherwise carry out assigned duties

during the LOA period, except as required by provisions 3.3 or 3.6 of this by-law. This protection shall not apply if the

member is a TFCO, and the BFA votes to close the Task Force in which the member is TFCO.

         o 3.6 Any BFA member who is granted an ELOA shall be required to maintain verifiable communications with their 

immediate superior and the BFCO via email, Instant Message, Private Message (IRC or Forums) or forum posting, on at least a

bi-weekly basis. The member shall also be responsible for ensuring that the Monthly Report for their Task Force or Division

is filed with the BFCO in a timely manner. Failure to maintain such communication, or to return from the LOA by the agreed

return date, may constitute the member as being AWOL, and may be grounds for the BFA to seek relief in the form of

impeachment from office.

         o 3.7 Any BFA member who also serves as a simulation CO shall also be bound by the communications rule and other 

requirements provided in Section 2 of this by-law.

   * 4 Should the BFCO need a short period of time away from their duties for personal reasons, s/he shall be eligible for a 

Leave of Absence (LOA).

         o 4.1 The BFCO must contact the BFXO and the BFA, informing them of the LOA. Such requests are granted 

automatically for a period of up to 14 days, during which the BFCO may opt to keep the power of Executive Authority or grant

it to the BFXO in their stead. The LOA notification should include a simple reason for the LOA and the expected return date.

         o 4.2 If the period of time needed for the LOA extends beyond 14 days, the BFCO may grant themself an ELOA to a 

maximum period of 2 weeks, however the BFXO shall act with full Executive Authority during the ELOA.

         o 4.3 If after 2 weeks, the BFCO continues to need an LOA, s/he shall make a motion with the BFA to extend the 

ELOA, which shall include the reason for the request. The BFA may grant the BFCO up to 3 ELOA extensions in 2 week


               + 4.3.a The motion to extend the LOA must be agreed upon by a simple majority (>50%) of the BFA.
               + 4.3.b Should the motion pass, the BFCO shall be granted an extension to their LOA not to exceed 2 weeks, 

and shall only be eligible to request a total of 3 such extensions for a maximum of 2 months overall LOA.

               + 4.3.c Should the motion fail and the BFCO not be able to immediately return to active duty, or if the BFCO 

is unable to return to active duty at the end of such extensions, the BFCO shall immediately forfeit their position, and the

BFXO shall be promoted to fill the vacancy.

         o 4.4 If the BFCO is granted an ELOA, s/he shall be required to maintain verifiable communications via email, 

Instant Message, Private Message (IRC or Forums) or forum posting, on at least a bi-weekly basis with both the BFXO and the

BFA. Failure to maintain such communication, or to return from the LOA by the agreed return date, may constitute the BFCO as

being AWOL, and may be grounds for the BFA to seek relief in the form of impeachment from office.

         o 4.5 Since the BFCO must also serve as a simulation CO, s/he shall also be bound by the communications rule and 

other requirements provided in Section 2 of this by-law.

   * 5 Unless approved by a 2/3 majority of the BFA on a special motion, no player, BFA member, the BFXO or the BFCO shall 

have the right to an ELOA lasting in excess of 2 calender months (8 weeks).

         o 5.1 The following exemptions will automatically apply for ELOA extention without need of a vote from the BFA, for 

a period of 6 months, which can be extended for an additional 6 months as needed so long as the status of the member does not


               + 5.1.a Deployment of a member of the Armed Services.
               + 5.1.b Major medical/surgical procedure and/or long term medical treatment.
         o 5.2 When an automatic ELOA for a simm CO is approved for the reasons in section 5.1, the XO of the simulation 

will be contacted to check eligibility and fitness for a temporary command.

               + 5.2.a If the XO of the simulation does not currently hold a Commanding Officer position in the Fleet, the 

TFCO shall inquire if the XO wishes to take over the simulation.

               + 5.4.b If the XO already holds a CO position, chooses not to take over the simulation, or is otherwise found 

unfit for Command, the TFCO shall inquire of the crew of the simulation to see if any candidates to assume Command may be


               + 5.4.c If no suitable candidates are found on the simulation, the simulation shall be suspended pending the 

return of the of the CO on the ELOA, and the players on board shall be offered assistance in finding another simulation on

which to play.

   * 6 Any CO, TGCO, TFCO, Division CO, the BFXO or the BFCO who receives an LOA notification or request from a player, CO, 

BFA member the BFXO or the BFCO, shall immediately send notification of receipt of the LOA request via the same medium as it

was received on, as well as by email if the original medium was not such. The receipt should include acknowledgement of the

LOA, as well as the understood return date. Failure to send such receipt may hinder the ability to seek relief against the

player for failing to return from E/LOA. It is suggested that the return receipt also be CC'd to the acknowledging party's

immediate superior for the purpose of independent verification.

   * 7 Any player, CO, BFA member, the BFXO or the BFCO who wishes to claim unfair removal from their position or demotion 

based on an LOA status, must provide the return receipt of confirmation from their superior that the LOA request was actually

received, and that the date the player actually returned was on or prior to the agreed return date.

   * 8 In the event that such a claim is raised, unless the original decision was made by a vote of the BFA, the BFA shall 

vote to uphold or to reverse the decision that was made. The vote to reverse any decisions made shall require 2/3 majority of

the BFA. If 2/3 majority cannot be established, or if the original decision was a result of a vote of the BFA, the decision

shall be determined as upheld.

VAdm Clawson will serve in this capacity as described by the Constitution for a period of no more than 90 days, unless removed by the BFCO, installed permanently by the BFCO or the person acting in the BFCO's stead, or by a vote of the BFA.

VAdm Clawson will be allowed to pick assistants as she deems necessary, and I will give her access to the hoh@bravofleet.org email address immediately.

So Ordered this 6th day of October 2006,

Admiral Marcus Shepherd
Acting Fleet Commanding Officer
Bravo Fleet

This Executive Order will expire 90 days from its inception, unless adopted as a permanent change by the BFA.