Quotes from Caxton... From [1]

All seems Infected that th' Infected spy,
As all looks yellow to the Jaundic'd Eye.
~ Alexander Pope ~

Scholars, like princes, may learn something by being incognito. Yet we see those who cannot go into a bookseller's shop, or bear to be five minutes in a stage-coach, without letting you know who they are. They carry their reputation about with them as the snail does its shell, and sit under its canopy, like the lady in the lobster. I cannot understand this at all. What is the use of a man's always revolving round his own little circle? He must, one should think, be tired of it himself, as well as tire other people.
--William Hazlitt


Words to live by.

Under construction: nothing currently

/Fanny Imlay experiment


Wish I could take credit for this.

Wikipedia:COPYEDIT#Common_edits - commas

That thing I can never remember: ((cite web |title=Document_Title |publisher=Publisher_Name |url=URL |format=PDF |accessdate=YYYY-MM-DD ))

The learning process continues

Slogan Proposal... tell me if I missed anything

Wikipedia, the encyclopedia that you can use (for the most part, excluding fair-use content that may not be legally available to you, depending on how you'd be using it) without paying anything beyond the price of your internet-ready device and any applicable utility or service bills even though it costs the WMF a lot of money, not to mention the costs incurred by various owners of web servers and services due to the amazingly high level of bandwidth dedicated to people and electronic entities surfing and editing the various articles and media on the site, which (by the way) any conscious, technologically-literate human being with an active internet connection in a country with relatively relaxed censorship laws and no unfortunate firewalls or other technical, biological, psychological, or societal obstacles can, if they so choose, edit under the condition that they don't violate any policies or run afoul of the WMF in ways that aren't specifically enumerated by policy but which nonetheless endanger the project, its goals, or other users.