Good day, Ma'am/Sir this is Ascension221's User Page.
Welcome to my User Page.

General Description

This user is male.
This user believes that when you die, YOU DIE!!.
This user is interested in luck.
This user believes in materialism, the belief that everything that exists is made of matter.
This user, based on evidence and current consensus, thinks that the Universe began with a bang.


ARTThis user is an expert in Art.


This user plays Dota 2.
L4D2This user was Left 4 Dead...Again.
GThis user feels good.
GDThis user is an American Idiot.

BkThis user understands that black isn't a colour, but favours it nevertheless.
They're delicious...
This user likes
Starbucks Coffee.
This user likes to eat Filipino food.
This user drinks frappé coffee.