Hi, my name is Anhar. I spell my name with A-N-H-A-R. I am 26 years old. I am from Maros Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. My native language are Buginese and Indonesian. I like reading some books. I am a teacher.

I have several hobbies that I normally do every time. Jogging is a hobby that is very healthy. Every morning, I usually do jogging. I think jogging can increase endurance of my body. Playing football is my favorite sport. Whenever I have spare time, I usually play football in with my friends. Playing football is fun. I think football is a game that is close to the people around the world. By playing football I leraned a lot about discipline and patience. Another hobby is watching television and watching television is special for me. I usually watch television in my house, but now I sometimes watch it in my neghbor’s house. I love to watch television because it can increase my knowledge in many fields. I always watch TV when I get bored in my work. By watching television I feel entertained and enjoy the atmosphere of my life. I hope my hobbies can provide me with benefit in my life and make the most beautiful memories.

My hometown, Maros, is an enjoyable place. There are a lot of tourist objects there, such as various kind of butterflies, waterfall, dream cave, and a lot of trees with monkeys. There are also many special shops in which we can get some special breads, spongecake, and other traditional foods in Maros. Beside that, there are also rice fields, fishponds, and rivers. That places were usually visited by tourists. In Maros, believe me, is an enjoyable and a wonderful place.

I am a person who is always optimistic in my life. I always stay positive in facing problems. For example, if I get difficult in my life, I want to effort reforming in my life. So, I think that a failure in my hard work did not reap the maximum results. However, it does not reduce my intention to continue working hard because I'm sure behind all of the problems it must have something good. In this difficult life, I've always been optimistic that every cloud has a silver lining. I also want to being the best and useful side of God.

Identify my characteristics of a good man These are my wise words for your life:

I wish that this my autobiography can be one of introductional forms about myself