Costa Rica in the United Nations


Costa Rica has been an active member of the United Nations since its inception at the San Francisco Conference in 1945. Its first ambassador to the United Nations was Fernando Soto Harrison, the Secretary of Governance under President Picado [1].

Gecekondu (plural gecekondular) is a Turkish squatter settlement, usually established by rural migrants moving to the periphery of Turkey's urban cities. Gecekondu bölgesi is a neighborhood made of those gecekondular. Meaning "thrown up over night", the term was initially one of derision, a negative reaction to mass migration of rural workers.



In Turkish, gece means "at night" and kondu means "placed" (from the verb konmak, "to settle" or "to be placed"). And bölge means a "zone", "district" or even "region", so a gecekondu bölgesi is a "suddenly built-up shanty-neighborhood."




  1. ^ Soto Harrison, Fernando (1991). Que Paso en los Anos Quaranta. San Jose: Universidad Estatal a Distancia.