Color names
Color Name Hex (RGB) Red%
  Acid green[citation needed] #A8BB19 66 73 10 67 76 42 87 73
  Aero #7CB9E8 49 73 91 206 70 70 47 91
  Aero blue #C9FFE5 79 100 90 151 100 89 21 100
  African violet #B284BE 70 52 75 288 31 63 31 75
  Air Force blue (RAF) #5D8AA8 36 54 66 204 30 51 45 66
  Air Force blue (USAF) #00308F 0 19 56 220 100 28 100 56
  Air superiority blue #72A0C1 45 63 76 205 39 60 41 76
  Alabama Crimson #AF002A 69 0 16 346 100 34 100 69
  Alice blue #F0F8FF 94 97 100 208 100 97 6 100
  Alizarin crimson #E32636 89 15 21 355 77 52 83 89
  Alloy orange #C46210 77 38 6 27 85 42 92 77
  Almond #EFDECD 94 87 80 30 52 87 14 94
  Amaranth #E52B50 90 17 31 348 78 53 81 90
  Amaranth pink #F19CBB 95 61 73 338 75 78 35 95
  Amaranth purple #AB274F 67 15 31 342 63 41 77 67
  Amazon #3B7A57 23 48 34 147 35 35 52 48
  Amber #FFBF00 100 75 0 45 100 50 100 100
  SAE/ECE Amber (color) #FF7E00 100 49 0 30 100 50 100 100
  American rose #FF033E 100 1 24 346 100 51 99 100
  Amethyst #9966CC 60 40 80 270 50 60 50 80
  Android green #A4C639 64 78 22 74 55 50 71 78
  Anti-flash white #F2F3F4 95 95 96 210 8 95 1 96
  Antique brass #CD9575 80 58 46 22 47 63 43 80
  Antique bronze #665D1E 40 36 12 53 55 26 71 40
  Antique fuchsia #915C83 57 36 51 316 22 46 37 57
  Antique ruby #841B2D 52 11 18 350 66 31 80 52
  Antique white #FAEBD7 98 92 84 34 78 91 14 98
  Ao (English) #008000 0 50 0 120 100 25 100 50
  Apple green #8DB600 55 71 0 74 100 36 100 71
  Apricot #FBCEB1 98 81 69 24 90 84 29 98
  Aqua #00FFFF 0 100 100 180 100 50 100 100
  Aquamarine #7FFFD4 50 100 83 160 100 75 50 100
  Army green #4B5320 29 33 13 69 44 23 61 33
  Arsenic #3B444B 23 27 29 206 12 26 21 29
  Artichoke #8F9779 56 59 47 76 13 53 20 59
  Arylide yellow #E9D66B 91 84 42 51 74 67 54 91
  Ash grey #B2BEB5 70 75 71 135 8 72 6 75
  Asparagus #87A96B 53 66 42 93 26 54 37 66
  Atomic tangerine #FF9966 100 60 40 20 100 70 60 100
  Auburn[citation needed] #A52A2A 65 16 16 0 59 41 75 65
  Aureolin #FDEE00 99 93 0 56 100 50 100 99
  AuroMetalSaurus #6E7F80 43 50 50 183 8 47 14 50
  Avocado #568203 34 51 1 81 95 26 98 51
  Azure #007FFF 0 50 100 210 100 50 100 100
  Azure mist/web #F0FFFF 94 100 100 180 100 97 6 100
  Baby blue #89CFF0 54 81 94 199 77 74 43 94
  Baby blue eyes #A1CAF1 63 79 95 209 74 79 33 95
  Baby pink #F4C2C2 96 76 76 0 69 86 20 96
  Baby powder #FEFEFA 100 100 98 60 67 99 2 100
  Baker-Miller pink #FF91AF 100 57 69 344 100 78 43 100
  Ball blue #21ABCD 13 67 80 192 72 47 84 80
  Banana Mania #FAE7B5 98 91 71 43 87 85 28 98
  Banana yellow #FFE135 100 88 21 51 100 60 79 100
  Bangladesh green #006A4E 0 42 31 164 100 21 100 42
  Barbie pink #E0218A 88 13 54 327 75 50 85 88
  Barn red #7C0A02 49 4 1 4 97 25 98 49
  Battleship grey #848482 52 52 51 60 1 51 2 52
  Bazaar #98777B 60 47 48 353 14 53 22 60
  Beau blue #BCD4E6 74 83 90 206 46 82 18 90
  Beaver #9F8170 62 51 44 22 20 53 30 62
  Beige #F5F5DC 96 96 86 60 56 91 10 96
  B'dazzled blue #2E5894 18 35 58 215 53 38 69 58
  Big dip o’ruby #9C2542 61 15 26 345 62 38 76 61
  Bisque #FFE4C4 100 89 77 33 100 88 23 100
  Bistre #3D2B1F 24 17 12 24 33 18 49 24
  Bistre brown #967117 59 44 9 43 73 34 85 59
  Bitter lemon #CAE00D 79 88 5 66 89 46 94 88
  Bitter lime #BFFF00 75 100 0 75 100 50 100 100
  Bittersweet #FE6F5E 100 44 37 6 99 68 63 100
  Bittersweet shimmer #BF4F51 75 31 32 359 47 53 59 75
  Black #000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Black bean #3D0C02 24 5 1 10 94 12 97 24
  Black leather jacket #253529 15 21 16 135 18 18 30 21
  Black olive #3B3C36 23 24 21 70 5 22 10 24
  Blanched almond #FFEBCD 100 92 80 36 100 90 20 100
  Blast-off bronze #A57164 65 44 39 12 27 52 39 65
  Bleu de France #318CE7 19 55 91 210 79 55 79 91
  Blizzard Blue #ACE5EE 67 90 93 188 66 80 28 93
  Blond #FAF0BE 98 94 75 50 86 86 24 98
  Blue #0000FF 0 0 100 240 100 50 100 100
  Blue (Crayola) #1F75FE 12 46 100 217 99 56 88 100
  Blue (Munsell) #0093AF 0 58 69 190 100 34 100 69
  Blue (NCS) #0087BD 0 53 74 197 100 37 100 74
  Blue (Pantone) #0018A8 0 9 66 231 100 33 100 66
  Blue (pigment) #333399 20 20 60 240 50 40 67 60
  Blue (RYB) #0247FE 1 28 100 224 99 50 99 100
  Blue Bell #A2A2D0 64 64 82 240 33 73 22 82
  Blue-gray #6699CC 40 60 80 210 50 60 50 80
  Blue-green #0D98BA 5 60 73 192 87 39 93 73
  Blue sapphire #126180 7 38 50 197 75 29 86 50
  Blue-violet #8A2BE2 54 17 89 271 76 53 81 89
  Blue yonder #5072A7 31 45 65 217 35 48 52 65
  Blueberry #4F86F7 31 53 97 220 91 64 68 97
  Bluebonnet #1C1CF0 11 11 94 240 88 53 88 94
  Blush #DE5D83 87 36 51 342 66 62 58 87
  Bole #79443B 47 27 23 9 34 35 51 47
  Bondi blue #0095B6 0 58 71 191 100 36 100 71
  Bone #E3DAC9 89 85 79 39 32 84 11 89
  Boston University Red #CC0000 80 0 0 0 100 40 100 80
  Bottle green #006A4E 0 42 31 164 100 21 100 42
  Boysenberry #873260 53 20 38 328 46 36 63 53
  Brandeis blue #0070FF 0 44 100 214 100 50 100 100
  Brass #B5A642 71 65 26 52 47 48 64 71
  Brick red #CB4154 80 25 33 352 57 53 68 80
  Bright cerulean #1DACD6 11 67 84 194 76 48 86 84
  Bright green #66FF00 40 100 0 96 100 50 100 100
  Bright lavender #BF94E4 75 58 89 272 60 74 35 89
  Bright lilac #D891EF 85 57 94 285 75 75 39 94
  Bright maroon #C32148 76 13 28 346 71 45 83 76
  Bright navy blue #1974D2 10 45 82 210 79 46 88 82
  Bright pink #FF007F 100 0 50 330 100 50 100 100
  Bright turquoise #08E8DE 3 91 87 177 93 47 97 91
  Bright ube #D19FE8 82 62 91 281 61 77 31 91
  Brilliant lavender #F4BBFF 96 73 100 290 100 87 27 100
  Brilliant rose #FF55A3 100 33 64 332 100 67 67 100
  Brink pink #FB607F 98 38 50 348 95 68 62 98
  British racing green #004225 0 26 15 154 100 13 100 26
  Bronze #CD7F32 80 50 20 30 61 50 76 80
  Bronze Yellow #737000 45 44 0 58 100 23 100 45
  Brown (traditional) #964B00 59 29 0 30 100 29 100 59
  Brown (web) #A52A2A 65 16 16 0 59 41 75 65
  Brown-nose #6B4423 42 27 14 28 51 28 67 42
  Brunswick green #1B4D3E 11 30 24 162 48 20 65 30
  Bubble gum #FFC1CC 100 76 80 349 100 88 24 100
  Bubbles #E7FEFF 91 100 100 183 100 95 9 100
  Buff #F0DC82 94 86 51 49 79 73 46 94
  Bud green #7BB661 48 71 38 102 37 55 47 71
  Bulgarian rose #480607 28 2 3 359 85 15 92 28
  Burgundy #800020 50 0 13 345 100 25 100 50
  Burlywood #DEB887 87 72 53 34 57 70 39 87
  Burnt orange #CC5500 80 33 0 25 100 40 100 80
  Burnt sienna #E97451 91 45 32 14 78 62 65 91
  Burnt umber #8A3324 54 20 14 9 59 34 74 54
  Byzantine #BD33A4 74 20 64 311 58 47 73 74
  Byzantium #702963 44 16 39 311 46 30 63 44
  Cadet #536872 33 41 45 199 16 39 27 45
  Cadet blue #5F9EA0 37 62 63 182 25 50 41 63
  Cadet grey #91A3B0 57 64 69 205 16 63 18 69
  Cadmium green #006B3C 0 42 24 154 100 21 100 42
  Cadmium orange #ED872D 93 53 18 28 84 55 81 93
  Cadmium red #E30022 89 0 13 351 100 45 100 89
  Cadmium yellow #FFF600 100 96 0 58 100 50 100 100
  Café au lait #A67B5B 65 48 36 26 30 50 45 65
  Café noir #4B3621 29 21 13 30 39 21 56 29
  Cal Poly Pomona green #1E4D2B 12 30 17 137 44 21 61 30
  Cambridge Blue #A3C1AD 64 76 68 140 19 70 16 76
  Camel #C19A6B 76 60 42 33 41 59 45 76
  Cameo pink #EFBBCC 94 73 80 340 62 84 22 94
  Camouflage green #78866B 47 53 42 91 11 47 20 53
  Canary yellow #FFEF00 100 94 0 56 100 50 100 100
  Candy apple red #FF0800 100 3 0 2 100 50 100 100
  Candy pink #E4717A 89 44 48 355 68 67 50 89
  Capri #00BFFF 0 75 100 195 100 50 100 100
  Caput mortuum #592720 35 15 13 7 47 24 64 35
  Cardinal #C41E3A 77 12 23 350 73 44 85 77
  Caribbean green #00CC99 0 80 60 165 100 40 100 80
  Carmine #960018 59 0 9 350 100 29 100 59
  Carmine (M&P) #D70040 84 0 25 342 100 42 100 84
  Carmine pink #EB4C42 92 30 26 4 81 59 72 92
  Carmine red #FF0038 100 0 22 347 100 50 100 100
  Carnation pink #FFA6C9 100 65 79 336 100 83 35 100
  Carnelian #B31B1B 70 11 11 0 74 40 85 70
  Carolina blue #56A0D3 34 63 83 204 59 58 59 83
  Carrot orange #ED9121 93 57 13 33 85 53 86 93
  Castleton green #00563F 0 34 25 164 100 17 100 34
  Catalina blue #062A78 2 16 47 221 90 25 95 47
  Catawba #703642 44 21 26 348 35 33 52 44
  Cedar Chest #C95A49 79 35 29 8 54 54 64 79
  Ceil #92A1CF 57 63 81 225 39 69 29 81
  Celadon #ACE1AF 67 88 69 123 47 78 24 88
  Celadon blue #007BA7 0 48 65 196 100 33 100 65
  Celadon green #2F847C 18 52 49 174 47 35 64 52
  Celeste #B2FFFF 70 100 100 180 100 85 30 100
  Celestial blue #4997D0 29 59 82 205 59 55 65 82
  Cerise #DE3163 87 19 39 343 72 53 78 87
  Cerise pink #EC3B83 93 23 51 336 82 58 75 93
  Cerulean #007BA7 0 48 65 196 100 33 100 65
  Cerulean blue #2A52BE 16 32 75 224 64 45 78 75
  Cerulean frost #6D9BC3 43 61 76 208 42 60 44 76
  CG Blue #007AA5 0 48 65 196 100 32 100 65
  CG Red #E03C31 88 24 19 4 74 54 78 88
  Chamoisee #A0785A 63 47 35 26 28 49 44 63
  Champagne #F7E7CE 97 91 81 37 72 89 17 97
  Charcoal #36454F 21 27 31 204 19 26 32 31
  Charleston green #232B2B 14 17 17 180 10 15 19 17
  Charm pink #E68FAC 90 56 67 340 64 73 38 90
  Chartreuse (traditional) #DFFF00 87 100 0 68 100 50 100 100
  Chartreuse (web) #7FFF00 50 100 0 90 100 50 100 100
  Cherry #DE3163 87 19 39 343 72 53 78 87
  Cherry blossom pink #FFB7C5 100 72 77 348 100 86 28 100
  Chestnut #954535 58 27 21 10 48 40 64 58
  China pink #DE6FA1 87 44 63 333 63 65 50 87
  China rose #A8516E 66 32 43 340 35 49 52 66
  Chinese red #AA381E 67 22 12 11 70 39 82 67
  Chinese violet #856088 52 38 53 296 17 45 29 53
  Chocolate (traditional) #7B3F00 48 25 0 31 100 24 100 48
  Chocolate (web) #D2691E 82 41 12 25 75 47 86 82
  Chrome yellow #FFA700 100 65 0 39 100 50 100 100
  Cinereous #98817B 60 51 48 12 12 54 19 60
  Cinnabar #E34234 89 26 20 5 76 55 77 89
  Cinnamon[citation needed] #D2691E 82 41 12 25 75 47 86 82
  Citrine #E4D00A 89 82 4 54 92 47 96 89
  Citron #9FA91F 62 66 12 64 69 39 82 66
  Claret #7F1734 50 9 20 343 69 29 82 50
  Classic rose #FBCCE7 98 80 91 326 85 89 19 98
  Cobalt #0047AB 0 28 67 215 100 34 100 67
  Cocoa brown #D2691E 82 41 12 25 75 47 86 82
  Coconut #965A3E 59 35 24 19 42 42 59 59
  Coffee #6F4E37 44 31 22 25 34 33 50 44
  Columbia blue #C4D8E2 77 85 89 200 34 83 13 89
  Congo pink #F88379 97 51 47 5 90 72 51 97
  Cool black #000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Cool grey #8C92AC 55 57 67 229 16 61 19 67
  Copper #B87333 72 45 20 29 57 46 72 72
  Copper (Crayola) #DA8A67 85 54 40 18 61 63 53 85
  Copper penny #AD6F69 68 44 41 5 29 55 39 68
  Copper red #CB6D51 80 43 32 14 54 56 60 80
  Copper rose #996666 60 40 40 0 20 50 33 60
  Coquelicot #FF3800 100 22 0 13 100 50 100 100
  Coral #FF7F50 100 50 31 16 100 66 69 100
  Coral pink #F88379 97 51 47 5 90 72 51 97
  Coral red #FF4040 100 25 25 0 100 63 75 100
  Cordovan #893F45 54 25 27 355 37 39 54 54
  Corn #FBEC5D 98 93 36 54 95 67 63 98
  Cornell Red #B31B1B 70 11 11 0 74 40 85 70
  Cornflower blue #6495ED 39 58 93 219 79 66 58 93
  Cornsilk #FFF8DC 100 97 86 48 100 93 14 100
  Cosmic latte #FFF8E7 100 97 91 43 100 95 9 100
  Cotton candy #FFBCD9 100 74 85 334 100 87 26 100
  Cream #FFFDD0 100 99 82 57 100 91 18 100
  Crimson #DC143C 86 8 24 348 83 47 91 86
  Crimson glory #BE0032 75 0 20 344 100 37 100 75
  Cyan #00FFFF 0 100 100 180 100 50 100 100
  Cyan (process) #00B7EB 0 72 92 193 100 46 100 92
  Cyber grape #58427C 35 26 49 263 31 37 47 49
  Cyber yellow #FFD300 100 83 0 50 100 50 100 100
  Daffodil #FFFF31 100 100 19 60 100 60 81 100
  Dandelion #F0E130 94 88 19 55 86 56 80 94
  Dark blue #00008B 0 0 55 240 100 27 100 55
  Dark blue-gray #666699 40 40 60 240 20 50 33 60
  Dark brown #654321 40 26 13 30 51 26 67 40
  Dark byzantium #5D3954 36 22 33 315 24 29 39 36
  Dark candy apple red #A40000 64 0 0 0 100 32 100 64
  Dark cerulean #08457E 3 27 49 209 88 26 94 49
  Dark chestnut #986960 60 41 38 10 23 49 37 60
  Dark coral #CD5B45 80 36 27 10 58 54 66 80
  Dark cyan #008B8B 0 55 55 180 100 27 100 55
  Dark electric blue #536878 33 41 47 206 18 40 31 47
  Dark goldenrod #B8860B 72 53 4 43 89 38 94 72
  Dark gray (X11) #A9A9A9 66 66 66 0 66 0 66
  Dark green #013220 0 20 13 158 96 10 98 20
  Dark green (X11) #006400 0 39 0 120 100 20 100 39
  Dark imperial blue #00416A 0 25 42 203 100 21 100 42
  Dark jungle green #1A2421 10 14 13 162 16 12 28 14
  Dark khaki #BDB76B 74 72 42 56 38 58 43 74
  Dark lava #483C32 28 24 20 27 18 24 31 28
  Dark lavender #734F96 45 31 59 270 31 45 47 59
  Dark liver #534B4F 33 29 31 330 5 31 10 33
  Dark liver (horses) #543D37 33 24 22 12 21 27 35 33
  Dark magenta #8B008B 55 0 55 300 100 27 100 55
  Dark medium gray #A9A9A9 66 66 66 0 66 0 66
  Dark midnight blue #003366 0 20 40 210 100 20 100 40
  Dark moss green #4A5D23 29 36 14 80 45 25 62 36
  Dark olive green #556B2F 33 42 18 82 39 30 56 42
  Dark orange #FF8C00 100 55 0 33 100 50 100 100
  Dark orchid #9932CC 60 20 80 280 61 50 75 80
  Dark pastel blue #779ECB 47 62 80 212 45 63 41 80
  Dark pastel green #03C03C 1 75 24 138 97 38 98 75
  Dark pastel purple #966FD6 59 44 84 263 56 64 48 84
  Dark pastel red #C23B22 76 23 13 9 70 45 82 76
  Dark pink #E75480 91 33 50 342 75 62 64 91
  Dark powder blue #003399 0 20 60 220 100 30 100 60
  Dark puce #4F3A3C 31 23 24 354 15 27 27 31
  Dark raspberry #872657 53 15 34 330 56 34 72 53
  Dark red #8B0000 55 0 0 0 100 27 100 55
  Dark salmon #E9967A 91 59 48 15 72 70 48 91
  Dark scarlet #560319 34 1 10 344 93 17 97 34
  Dark sea green #8FBC8F 56 74 56 120 25 65 24 74
  Dark sienna #3C1414 24 8 8 0 50 16 67 24
  Dark sky blue #8CBED6 55 75 84 199 47 69 35 84
  Dark slate blue #483D8B 28 24 55 248 39 39 56 55
  Dark slate gray #2F4F4F 18 31 31 180 25 25 41 31
  Dark spring green #177245 9 45 27 150 66 27 80 45
  Dark tan #918151 57 51 32 45 28 44 44 57
  Dark tangerine #FFA812 100 66 7 38 100 54 93 100
  Dark taupe #483C32 28 24 20 27 18 24 31 28
  Dark terra cotta #CC4E5C 80 31 36 353 55 55 62 80
  Dark turquoise #00CED1 0 81 82 181 100 41 100 82
  Dark vanilla #D1BEA8 82 75 66 32 31 74 20 82
  Dark violet #9400D3 58 0 83 282 100 41 100 83
  Dark yellow #9B870C 61 53 5 52 86 33 92 61
  Dartmouth green #00703C 0 44 24 152 100 22 100 44
  Davy's grey #555555 33 33 33 0 33 0 33
  Debian red #D70A53 84 4 33 339 91 44 95 84
  Deep carmine #A9203E 66 13 24 347 68 39 81 66
  Deep carmine pink #EF3038 94 19 22 357 86 56 80 94
  Deep carrot orange #E9692C 91 41 17 19 81 54 81 91
  Deep cerise #DA3287 85 20 53 330 69 53 77 85
  Deep champagne #FAD6A5 98 84 65 35 89 81 34 98
  Deep chestnut #B94E48 73 31 28 3 45 50 61 73
  Deep coffee #704241 44 26 25 1 27 35 42 44
  Deep fuchsia #C154C1 76 33 76 300 47 54 56 76
  Deep jungle green #004B49 0 29 29 178 100 15 100 29
  Deep lemon #F5C71A 96 78 10 47 92 53 89 96
  Deep lilac #9955BB 60 33 73 280 43 53 55 73
  Deep magenta #CC00CC 80 0 80 300 100 40 100 80
  Deep mauve #D473D4 83 45 83 300 53 64 46 83
  Deep moss green #355E3B 21 37 23 129 28 29 44 37
  Deep peach #FFCBA4 100 80 64 26 100 82 36 100
  Deep pink #FF1493 100 8 58 328 100 54 92 100
  Deep puce #A95C68 66 36 41 351 31 51 46 66
  Deep ruby #843F5B 52 25 36 336 35 38 52 52
  Deep saffron #FF9933 100 60 20 30 100 60 80 100
  Deep sky blue #00BFFF 0 75 100 195 100 50 100 100
  Deep Space Sparkle #4A646C 29 39 42 194 19 36 31 42
  Deep Taupe #7E5E60 49 37 38 356 15 43 25 49
  Deep Tuscan red #66424D 40 26 30 342 21 33 35 40
  Deer #BA8759 73 53 35 28 41 54 52 73
  Denim #1560BD 8 38 74 213 80 41 89 74
  Desert #C19A6B 76 60 42 33 41 59 45 76
  Desert sand #EDC9AF 93 79 69 25 63 81 26 93
  Desire #EA3C53 92 24 33 352 81 58 74 92
  Diamond #B9F2FF 73 95 100 191 100 86 27 100
  Dim gray #696969 41 41 41 0 41 0 41
  Dirt #9B7653 61 46 33 29 30 47 46 61
  Dodger blue #1E90FF 12 56 100 210 100 56 88 100
  Dogwood rose #D71868 84 9 41 335 80 47 89 84
  Dollar bill #85BB65 52 73 40 98 39 56 46 73
  Donkey brown #664C28 40 30 16 35 44 28 61 40
  Drab #967117 59 44 9 43 73 34 85 59
  Duke blue #00009C 0 0 61 240 100 31 100 61
  Dust storm #E5CCC9 90 80 79 6 35 84 12 90
  Dutch white #EFDFBB 94 87 73 42 62 84 22 94
  Earth yellow #E1A95F 88 66 37 34 68 63 58 88
  Ebony #555D50 33 36 31 97 8 34 14 36
  Ecru #C2B280 76 70 50 45 35 63 34 76
  Eerie black #1B1B1B 11 11 11 0 11 0 11
  Eggplant #614051 38 25 32 329 20 32 34 38
  Eggshell #F0EAD6 94 92 84 46 46 89 11 94
  Egyptian blue #1034A6 6 20 65 226 82 36 90 65
  Electric blue #7DF9FF 49 98 100 183 100 75 51 100
  Electric crimson #FF003F 100 0 25 345 100 50 100 100
  Electric cyan #00FFFF 0 100 100 180 100 50 100 100
  Electric green #00FF00 0 100 0 120 100 50 100 100
  Electric indigo #6F00FF 44 0 100 266 100 50 100 100
  Electric lavender #F4BBFF 96 73 100 290 100 87 27 100
  Electric lime #CCFF00 80 100 0 72 100 50 100 100
  Electric purple #BF00FF 75 0 100 285 100 50 100 100
  Electric ultramarine #3F00FF 25 0 100 255 100 50 100 100
  Electric violet #8F00FF 56 0 100 274 100 50 100 100
  Electric yellow #FFFF33 100 100 20 60 100 60 80 100
  Emerald #50C878 31 78 47 140 52 55 60 78
  Eminence #6C3082 42 19 51 284 46 35 63 51
  English green #1B4D3E 11 30 24 162 48 20 65 30
  English lavender #B48395 71 51 58 338 25 61 27 71
  English red #AB4B52 67 29 32 356 39 48 56 67
  English violet #563C5C 34 24 36 289 21 30 35 36
  Eton blue #96C8A2 59 78 64 134 31 69 25 78
  Eucalyptus #44D7A8 27 84 66 161 65 55 68 84
  Fallow #C19A6B 76 60 42 33 41 59 45 76
  Falu red #801818 50 9 9 0 68 30 81 50
  Fandango #B53389 71 20 54 320 56 45 72 71
  Fandango pink #DE5285 87 32 52 338 68 60 63 87
  Fashion fuchsia #F400A1 96 0 63 320 100 48 100 96
  Fawn #E5AA70 90 67 44 30 69 67 51 90
  Feldgrau #4D5D53 30 36 33 143 9 33 17 36
  Feldspar #FDD5B1 99 84 69 28 95 84 30 99
  Fern green #4F7942 31 47 26 106 29 37 45 47
  Ferrari Red #FF2800 100 16 0 9 100 50 100 100
  Field drab #6C541E 42 33 12 42 57 27 72 42
  Firebrick #B22222 70 13 13 0 68 42 81 70
  Fire engine red #CE2029 81 13 16 357 73 47 84 81
  Flame #E25822 89 35 13 17 77 51 85 89
  Flamingo pink #FC8EAC 99 56 67 344 95 77 44 99
  Flattery #6B4423 42 27 14 28 51 28 67 42
  Flavescent #F7E98E 97 91 56 52 87 76 43 97
  Flax #EEDC82 93 86 51 50 76 72 45 93
  Flirt #A2006D 64 0 43 320 100 32 100 64
  Floral white #FFFAF0 100 98 94 40 100 97 6 100
  Fluorescent orange #FFBF00 100 75 0 45 100 50 100 100
  Fluorescent pink #FF1493 100 8 58 328 100 54 92 100
  Fluorescent yellow #CCFF00 80 100 0 72 100 50 100 100
  Folly #FF004F 100 0 31 341 100 50 100 100
  Forest green (traditional) #014421 0 27 13 149 97 14 99 27
  Forest green (web) #228B22 13 55 13 120 61 34 76 55
  French beige #A67B5B 65 48 36 26 30 50 45 65
  French bistre #856D4D 52 43 30 34 27 41 42 52
  French blue #0072BB 0 45 73 203 100 37 100 73
  French fuchsia #FD3F92 99 25 57 334 98 62 75 99
  French lilac #86608E 53 38 56 290 19 47 32 56
  French lime #9EFD38 62 99 22 89 98 61 78 99
  French mauve #D473D4 83 45 83 300 53 64 46 83
  French pink #FD6C9E 99 42 62 339 97 71 57 99
  French plum #811453 51 8 33 325 73 29 84 51
  French puce #4E1609 31 9 4 11 79 17 88 31
  French raspberry #C72C48 78 17 28 349 64 48 78 78
  French rose #F64A8A 96 29 54 338 91 63 70 96
  French sky blue #77B5FE 47 71 100 212 99 73 53 100
  French violet #8806CE 53 2 81 279 94 42 97 81
  French wine #AC1E44 67 12 27 344 70 40 83 67
  Fresh Air #A6E7FF 65 91 100 196 100 83 35 100
  Fuchsia #FF00FF 100 0 100 300 100 50 100 100
  Fuchsia (Crayola) #C154C1 76 33 76 300 47 54 56 76
  Fuchsia pink #FF77FF 100 47 100 300 100 73 53 100
  Fuchsia purple #CC397B 80 22 48 333 59 51 72 80
  Fuchsia rose #C74375 78 26 46 337 54 52 66 78
  Fulvous #E48400 89 52 0 35 100 45 100 89
  Fuzzy Wuzzy #CC6666 80 40 40 0 50 60 50 80
  Gainsboro #DCDCDC 86 86 86 0 86 0 86
  Gamboge #E49B0F 89 61 6 39 88 48 93 89
  Generic viridian #007F66 0 50 40 168 100 25 100 50
  Ghost white #F8F8FF 97 97 100 240 100 99 3 100
  Giants orange #FE5A1D 100 35 11 16 99 55 89 100
  Ginger #B06500 69 40 0 34 100 35 100 69
  Glaucous #6082B6 38 51 71 216 37 55 47 71
  Glitter #E6E8FA 90 91 98 234 67 94 8 98
  GO green #00AB66 0 67 40 156 100 34 100 67
  Gold (metallic) #D4AF37 83 69 22 46 65 52 74 83
  Gold (web) (Golden) #FFD700 100 84 0 51 100 50 100 100
  Gold Fusion #85754E 52 46 31 43 26 41 41 52
  Golden brown #996515 60 40 8 36 76 34 86 60
  Golden poppy #FCC200 99 76 0 46 100 49 100 99
  Golden yellow #FFDF00 100 87 0 52 100 50 100 100
  Goldenrod #DAA520 85 65 13 43 74 49 85 85
  Granny Smith Apple #A8E4A0 66 89 63 113 56 76 30 89
  Grape #6F2DA8 44 18 66 272 58 42 73 66
  Gray #808080 50 50 50 0 50 0 50
  Gray (HTML/CSS gray) #808080 50 50 50 0 50 0 50
  Gray (X11 gray) #BEBEBE 75 75 75 0 75 0 75
  Gray-asparagus #465945 27 35 27 117 13 31 22 35
  Gray-blue #8C92AC 55 57 67 229 16 61 19 67
  Green (Color Wheel) (X11 green) #00FF00 0 100 0 120 100 50 100 100
  Green (Crayola) #1CAC78 11 67 47 158 72 39 84 67
  Green (HTML/CSS color) #008000 0 50 0 120 100 25 100 50
  Green (Munsell) #00A877 0 66 47 163 100 33 100 66
  Green (NCS) #009F6B 0 62 42 160 100 31 100 62
  Green (Pantone) #00AD43 0 68 26 143 100 34 100 68
  Green (pigment) #00A550 0 65 31 149 100 32 100 65
  Green (RYB) #66B032 40 69 20 95 56 44 72 69
  Green-yellow #ADFF2F 68 100 18 84 100 59 82 100
  Grullo #A99A86 66 60 53 34 17 59 21 66
  Guppie green #00FF7F 0 100 50 150 100 50 100 100
  Halayà úbe #663854 40 22 33 323 29 31 45 40
  Han blue #446CCF 27 42 81 223 59 54 67 81
  Han purple #5218FA 32 9 98 255 96 54 90 98
  Hansa yellow #E9D66B 91 84 42 51 74 67 54 91
  Harlequin #3FFF00 25 100 0 105 100 50 100 100
  Harvard crimson #C90016 79 0 9 353 100 39 100 79
  Harvest gold #DA9100 85 57 0 40 100 43 100 85
  Heart Gold #808000 50 50 0 60 100 25 100 50
  Heliotrope #DF73FF 87 45 100 286 100 73 55 100
  Heliotrope gray #AA98A9 67 60 66 303 10 63 11 67
  Hollywood cerise #F400A1 96 0 63 320 100 48 100 96
  Honeydew #F0FFF0 94 100 94 120 100 97 6 100
  Honolulu blue #006DB0 0 43 69 203 100 35 100 69
  Hooker's green #49796B 29 47 42 163 25 38 40 47
  Hot magenta #FF1DCE 100 11 81 313 100 56 89 100
  Hot pink #FF69B4 100 41 71 330 100 71 59 100
  Hunter green #355E3B 21 37 23 129 28 29 44 37
  Iceberg #71A6D2 44 65 82 207 52 63 46 82
  Icterine #FCF75E 99 97 37 58 96 68 63 99
  Illuminating Emerald #319177 19 57 47 164 49 38 66 57
  Imperial #602F6B 38 18 42 289 39 30 56 42
  Imperial blue #002395 0 14 58 226 100 29 100 58
  Imperial purple #66023C 40 1 24 325 96 20 98 40
  Imperial red #ED2939 93 16 22 355 84 55 83 93
  Inchworm #B2EC5D 70 93 36 84 79 65 61 93
  Independence #4C516D 30 32 43 231 18 36 30 43
  India green #138808 7 53 3 115 89 28 94 53
  Indian red #CD5C5C 80 36 36 0 53 58 55 80
  Indian yellow #E3A857 89 66 34 35 71 62 62 89
  Indigo #6F00FF 44 0 100 266 100 50 100 100
  Indigo dye #091F92 4 12 57 230 88 30 94 57
  Indigo (web) #4B0082 29 0 51 275 100 25 100 51
  International Klein Blue #002FA7 0 18 65 223 100 33 100 65
  International orange (aerospace) #FF4F00 100 31 0 19 100 50 100 100
  International orange (engineering) #BA160C 73 9 5 3 88 39 94 73
  International orange (Golden Gate Bridge) #C0362C 75 21 17 4 63 46 77 75
  Iris #5A4FCF 35 31 81 245 57 56 62 81
  Irresistible #B3446C 70 27 42 338 45 48 62 70
  Isabelline #F4F0EC 96 94 93 30 27 94 3 96
  Islamic green #009000 0 56 0 120 100 28 100 56
  Italian sky blue #B2FFFF 70 100 100 180 100 85 30 100
  Ivory #FFFFF0 100 100 94 60 100 97 6 100
  Jade #00A86B 0 66 42 158 100 33 100 66
  Japanese carmine #9D2933 62 16 20 355 59 39 74 62
  Japanese indigo #264348 15 26 28 189 31 22 47 28
  Japanese violet #5B3256 36 20 34 307 29 28 45 36
  Jasmine #F8DE7E 97 87 49 47 90 73 49 97
  Jasper #D73B3E 84 23 24 359 66 54 73 84
  Jazzberry jam #A50B5E 65 4 37 328 88 35 93 65
  Jelly Bean #DA614E 85 38 31 8 65 58 64 85
  Jet #343434 20 20 20 0 20 0 20
  Jonquil #F4CA16 96 79 9 49 91 52 91 96
  Jordy blue #8AB9F1 54 73 95 213 79 74 43 95
  June bud #BDDA57 74 85 34 73 64 60 60 85
  Jungle green #29AB87 16 67 53 163 61 42 76 67
  Kelly green #4CBB17 30 73 9 101 78 41 88 73
  Kenyan copper #7C1C05 49 11 2 12 92 25 96 49
  Keppel #3AB09E 23 69 62 171 50 46 67 69
  Khaki (HTML/CSS) (Khaki) #C3B091 76 69 57 37 29 67 26 76
  Khaki (X11) (Light khaki) #F0E68C 94 90 55 54 77 75 42 94
  Kobe #882D17 53 18 9 12 71 31 83 53
  Kobi #E79FC4 91 62 77 329 60 76 31 91
  Kombu green #354230 21 26 19 103 16 22 27 26
  KU Crimson #E8000D 91 0 5 357 100 45 100 91
  La Salle Green #087830 3 47 19 141 88 25 93 47
  Languid lavender #D6CADD 84 79 87 278 22 83 9 87
  Lapis lazuli #26619C 15 38 61 210 61 38 76 61
  Laser Lemon #FFFF66 100 100 40 60 100 70 60 100
  Laurel green #A9BA9D 66 73 62 95 17 67 16 73
  Lava #CF1020 81 6 13 355 86 44 92 81
  Lavender (floral) #B57EDC 71 49 86 275 57 68 43 86
  Lavender (web) #E6E6FA 90 90 98 240 67 94 8 98
  Lavender blue #CCCCFF 80 80 100 240 100 90 20 100
  Lavender blush #FFF0F5 100 94 96 340 100 97 6 100
  Lavender gray #C4C3D0 77 76 82 245 12 79 6 82
  Lavender indigo #9457EB 58 34 92 265 79 63 63 92
  Lavender magenta #EE82EE 93 51 93 300 76 72 45 93
  Lavender mist #E6E6FA 90 90 98 240 67 94 8 98
  Lavender pink #FBAED2 98 68 82 332 91 83 31 98
  Lavender purple #967BB6 59 48 71 267 29 60 32 71
  Lavender rose #FBA0E3 98 63 89 316 92 81 36 98
  Lawn green #7CFC00 49 99 0 90 100 49 100 99
  Lemon #FFF700 100 97 0 58 100 50 100 100
  Lemon chiffon #FFFACD 100 98 80 54 100 90 20 100
  Lemon curry #CCA01D 80 63 11 45 75 46 86 80
  Lemon glacier #FDFF00 99 100 0 60 100 50 100 100
  Lemon lime #E3FF00 89 100 0 67 100 50 100 100
  Lemon meringue #F6EABE 96 92 75 47 76 85 23 96
  Lemon yellow #FFF44F 100 96 31 56 100 65 69 100
  Licorice #1A1110 10 7 6 6 24 8 38 10
  Liberty #545AA7 33 35 65 236 33 49 50 65
  Light apricot #FDD5B1 99 84 69 28 95 84 30 99
  Light blue #ADD8E6 68 85 90 195 53 79 25 90
  Light brown #B5651D 71 40 11 28 72 41 84 71
  Light carmine pink #E66771 90 40 44 355 72 65 55 90
  Light coral #F08080 94 50 50 0 79 72 47 94
  Light cornflower blue #93CCEA 58 80 92 201 67 75 37 92
  Light crimson #F56991 96 41 57 343 88 69 57 96
  Light cyan #E0FFFF 88 100 100 180 100 94 12 100
  Light deep pink #FF5CCD 100 36 80 318 100 68 64 100
  Light French beige #C8AD7F 78 68 50 38 40 64 37 78
  Light fuchsia pink #F984EF 98 52 94 305 91 75 47 98
  Light goldenrod yellow #FAFAD2 98 98 82 60 80 90 16 98
  Light gray #D3D3D3 83 83 83 0 83 0 83
  Light green #90EE90 56 93 56 120 73 75 39 93
  Light hot pink #FFB3DE 100 70 87 326 100 85 30 100
  Light khaki #F0E68C 94 90 55 54 77 75 42 94
  Light medium orchid #D39BCB 83 61 80 309 39 72 27 83
  Light moss green #ADDFAD 68 87 68 120 44 78 22 87
  Light orchid #E6A8D7 90 66 84 315 55 78 27 90
  Light pastel purple #B19CD9 69 61 85 261 45 73 28 85
  Light pink #FFB6C1 100 71 76 351 100 86 29 100
  Light red ochre #E97451 91 45 32 14 78 62 65 91
  Light salmon #FFA07A 100 63 48 17 100 74 52 100
  Light salmon pink #FF9999 100 60 60 0 100 80 40 100
  Light sea green #20B2AA 13 70 67 177 70 41 82 70
  Light sky blue #87CEFA 53 81 98 203 92 75 46 98
  Light slate gray #778899 47 53 60 210 14 53 22 60
  Light steel blue #B0C4DE 69 77 87 214 41 78 21 87
  Light taupe #B38B6D 70 55 43 26 32 56 39 70
  Light Thulian pink #E68FAC 90 56 67 340 64 73 38 90
  Light yellow #FFFFE0 100 100 88 60 100 94 12 100
  Lilac #C8A2C8 78 64 78 300 26 71 19 78
  Lime (color wheel) #BFFF00 75 100 0 75 100 50 100 100
  Lime (web) (X11 green) #00FF00 0 100 0 120 100 50 100 100
  Lime green #32CD32 20 80 20 120 61 50 76 80
  Limerick #9DC209 62 76 4 72 91 40 95 76
  Lincoln green #195905 10 35 2 106 89 18 94 35
  Linen #FAF0E6 98 94 90 30 67 94 8 98
  Lion #C19A6B 76 60 42 33 41 59 45 76
  Liseran Purple #DE6FA1 87 44 63 333 63 65 50 87
  Little boy blue #6CA0DC 42 63 86 212 62 64 51 86
  Liver #674C47 40 30 28 9 18 34 31 40
  Liver (dogs) #B86D29 72 43 16 29 64 44 78 72
  Liver (organ) #6C2E1F 42 18 12 12 55 27 71 42
  Liver chestnut #987456 60 45 34 27 28 47 43 60
  Livid #6699CC 40 60 80 210 50 60 50 80
  Lumber #FFE4CD 100 89 80 28 100 90 20 100
  Lust #E62020 90 13 13 0 80 51 86 90
  Magenta #FF00FF 100 0 100 300 100 50 100 100
  Magenta (Crayola) #FF55A3 100 33 64 332 100 67 67 100
  Magenta (dye) #CA1F7B 79 12 48 328 73 46 85 79
  Magenta (Pantone) #D0417E 82 25 49 334 60 54 69 82
  Magenta (process) #FF0090 100 0 56 326 100 50 100 100
  Magenta haze #9F4576 62 27 46 327 39 45 57 62
  Magic mint #AAF0D1 67 94 82 153 70 80 29 94
  Magnolia #F8F4FF 97 96 100 262 100 98 4 100
  Mahogany #C04000 75 25 0 20 100 38 100 75
  Maize #FBEC5D 98 93 36 54 95 67 63 98
  Majorelle Blue #6050DC 38 31 86 247 67 59 64 86
  Malachite #0BDA51 4 85 32 140 90 45 95 85
  Manatee #979AAA 59 60 67 231 10 63 11 67
  Mango Tango #FF8243 100 51 26 20 100 63 74 100
  Mantis #74C365 45 76 40 110 44 58 48 76
  Mardi Gras #880085 53 0 52 301 100 27 100 53
  Maroon (Crayola) #C32148 76 13 28 346 71 45 83 76
  Maroon (HTML/CSS) #800000 50 0 0 0 100 25 100 50
  Maroon (X11) #B03060 69 19 38 338 57 44 73 69
  Mauve #E0B0FF 88 69 100 276 100 85 31 100
  Mauve taupe #915F6D 57 37 43 343 21 47 34 57
  Mauvelous #EF98AA 94 60 67 348 73 77 36 94
  May green #4C9141 30 57 25 112 38 41 55 57
  Maya blue #73C2FB 45 76 98 205 94 72 54 98
  Meat brown #E5B73B 90 72 23 44 77 56 74 90
  Medium aquamarine #66DDAA 40 87 67 154 64 63 54 87
  Medium blue #0000CD 0 0 80 240 100 40 100 80
  Medium candy apple red #E2062C 89 2 17 350 95 45 97 89
  Medium carmine #AF4035 69 25 21 5 54 45 70 69
  Medium champagne #F3E5AB 95 90 67 48 75 81 30 95
  Medium electric blue #035096 1 31 59 209 96 30 98 59
  Medium jungle green #1C352D 11 21 18 161 31 16 47 21
  Medium lavender magenta #DDA0DD 87 63 87 300 47 75 28 87
  Medium orchid #BA55D3 73 33 83 288 59 58 60 83
  Medium Persian blue #0067A5 0 40 65 203 100 32 100 65
  Medium purple #9370DB 58 44 86 260 60 65 49 86
  Medium red-violet #BB3385 73 20 52 324 57 47 73 73
  Medium ruby #AA4069 67 25 41 337 45 46 62 67
  Medium sea green #3CB371 24 70 44 147 50 47 66 70
  Medium sky blue #80DAEB 50 85 92 190 73 71 46 92
  Medium slate blue #7B68EE 48 41 93 249 80 67 56 93
  Medium spring bud #C9DC87 79 86 53 73 55 70 39 86
  Medium spring green #00FA9A 0 98 60 157 100 49 100 98
  Medium taupe #674C47 40 30 28 9 18 34 31 40
  Medium turquoise #48D1CC 28 82 80 178 60 55 66 82
  Medium Tuscan red #79443B 47 27 23 9 34 35 51 47
  Medium vermilion #D9603B 85 38 23 14 68 54 73 85
  Medium violet-red #C71585 78 8 52 322 81 43 89 78
  Mellow apricot #F8B878 97 72 47 30 90 72 52 97
  Mellow yellow #F8DE7E 97 87 49 47 90 73 49 97
  Melon #FDBCB4 99 74 71 7 95 85 29 99
  Metallic Seaweed #0A7E8C 4 49 55 186 87 29 93 55
  Metallic Sunburst #9C7C38 61 49 22 41 47 42 64 61
  Mexican pink #E4007C 89 0 49 327 100 45 100 89
  Midnight blue #191970 10 10 44 240 64 27 78 44
  Midnight green (eagle green) #004953 0 29 33 187 100 16 100 33
  Mikado yellow #FFC40C 100 77 5 45 100 52 95 100
  Mindaro #E3F988 89 98 53 72 90 75 45 98
  Mint #3EB489 24 71 54 158 49 47 66 71
  Mint cream #F5FFFA 96 100 98 150 100 98 4 100
  Mint green #98FF98 60 100 60 120 100 80 40 100
  Misty rose #FFE4E1 100 89 88 6 100 94 12 100
  Moccasin #FAEBD7 98 92 84 34 78 91 14 98
  Mode beige #967117 59 44 9 43 73 34 85 59
  Moonstone blue #73A9C2 45 66 76 199 39 61 41 76
  Mordant red 19 #AE0C00 68 5 0 4 100 34 100 68
  Moss green #8A9A5B 54 60 36 75 26 48 41 60
  Mountain Meadow #30BA8F 19 73 56 161 59 46 74 73
  Mountbatten pink #997A8D 60 48 55 323 13 54 20 60
  MSU Green #18453B 9 27 23 167 48 18 65 27
  Mughal green #306030 19 38 19 120 33 28 50 38
  Mulberry #C54B8C 77 29 55 328 51 53 62 77
  Mustard #FFDB58 100 86 35 47 100 67 65 100
  Myrtle green #317873 19 47 45 176 42 33 59 47
  Nadeshiko pink #F6ADC6 96 68 78 339 80 82 30 96
  Napier green #2A8000 16 50 0 100 100 25 100 50
  Naples yellow #FADA5E 98 85 37 48 94 67 62 98
  Navajo white #FFDEAD 100 87 68 36 100 84 32 100
  Navy #000080 0 0 50 240 100 25 100 50
  Navy purple #9457EB 58 34 92 265 79 63 63 92
  Neon Carrot #FFA343 100 64 26 31 100 63 74 100
  Neon fuchsia #FE4164 100 25 39 349 99 63 74 100
  Neon green #39FF14 22 100 8 111 100 54 92 100
  New Car #214FC6 13 31 78 223 71 45 83 78
  New York pink #D7837F 84 51 50 3 52 67 41 84
  Non-photo blue #A4DDED 64 87 93 193 67 79 31 93
  North Texas Green #059033 2 56 20 140 93 29 97 56
  Nyanza #E9FFDB 91 100 86 97 100 93 14 100
  Ocean Boat Blue #0077BE 0 47 75 202 100 37 100 75
  Ochre #CC7722 80 47 13 30 71 47 83 80
  Office green #008000 0 50 0 120 100 25 100 50
  Old burgundy #43302E 26 19 18 6 19 22 31 26
  Old gold #CFB53B 81 71 23 49 61 52 71 81
  Old heliotrope #563C5C 34 24 36 289 21 30 35 36
  Pineapple #563C5C 34 24 5 289 74 19 35 36
  Old lace #FDF5E6 99 96 90 39 85 95 9 99
  Old lavender #796878 47 41 47 304 8 44 14 47
  Old mauve #673147 40 19 28 336 36 30 52 40
  Old moss green #867E36 53 49 21 54 43 37 60 53
  Old rose #C08081 75 50 51 359 34 63 33 75
  Old silver #848482 52 52 51 60 1 51 2 52
  Olive #808000 50 50 0 60 100 25 100 50
  Olive Drab (#3) #6B8E23 42 56 14 80 60 35 75 56
  Olive Drab #7 #3C341F 24 20 12 43 32 18 48 24
  Olivine #9AB973 60 73 45 87 33 59 38 73
  Onyx #353839 21 22 22 195 4 22 7 22
  Opera mauve #B784A7 72 52 65 319 26 62 28 72
  Orange (color wheel) #FF7F00 100 50 0 30 100 50 100 100
  Orange (Crayola) #FF7538 100 46 22 18 100 61 78 100
  Orange (Pantone) #FF5800 100 35 0 21 100 50 100 100
  Orange (RYB) #FB9902 98 60 1 36 98 50 99 98
  Orange (web) #FFA500 100 65 0 39 100 50 100 100
  Orange peel #FF9F00 100 62 0 37 100 50 100 100
  Orange-red #FF4500 100 27 0 16 100 50 100 100
  Orchid #DA70D6 85 44 84 302 59 65 49 85
  Orchid pink #F2BDCD 95 74 80 342 67 85 22 95
  Orioles orange #FB4F14 98 31 8 15 97 53 92 98
  Otter brown #654321 40 26 13 30 51 26 67 40
  Outer Space #414A4C 25 29 30 191 8 28 14 30
  Outrageous Orange #FF6E4A 100 43 29 12 100 65 71 100
  Oxford Blue #002147 0 13 28 212 100 14 100 28
  OU Crimson Red #990000 60 0 0 0 100 30 100 60
  Pakistan green #006600 0 40 0 120 100 20 100 40
  Palatinate blue #273BE2 15 23 89 234 76 52 83 89
  Palatinate purple #682860 41 16 38 308 44 28 62 41
  Pale aqua #BCD4E6 74 83 90 206 46 82 18 90
  Pale blue #AFEEEE 69 93 93 180 65 81 26 93
  Pale brown #987654 60 46 33 30 29 46 45 60
  Pale carmine #AF4035 69 25 21 5 54 45 70 69
  Pale cerulean #9BC4E2 61 77 89 205 55 75 31 89
  Pale chestnut #DDADAF 87 68 69 358 41 77 22 87
  Pale copper #DA8A67 85 54 40 18 61 63 53 85
  Pale cornflower blue #ABCDEF 67 80 94 210 68 80 28 94
  Pale gold #E6BE8A 90 75 54 34 65 72 40 90
  Pale goldenrod #EEE8AA 93 91 67 55 67 80 29 93
  Pale green #98FB98 60 98 60 120 93 79 39 98
  Pale lavender #DCD0FF 86 82 100 255 100 91 18 100
  Pale magenta #F984E5 98 52 90 310 91 75 47 98
  Pale pink #FADADD 98 85 87 354 76 92 13 98
  Pale plum #DDA0DD 87 63 87 300 47 75 28 87
  Pale red-violet #DB7093 86 44 58 340 60 65 49 86
  Pale robin egg blue #96DED1 59 87 82 169 52 73 32 87
  Pale silver #C9C0BB 79 75 73 21 11 76 7 79
  Pale spring bud #ECEBBD 93 92 74 59 55 83 20 93
  Pale taupe #BC987E 74 60 49 25 32 62 33 74
  Pale turquoise #AFEEEE 69 93 93 180 65 81 26 93
  Pale violet-red #DB7093 86 44 58 340 60 65 49 86
  Pansy purple #78184A 47 9 29 329 67 28 80 47
  Paolo Veronese green #009B7D 0 61 49 168 100 30 100 61
  Papaya whip #FFEFD5 100 94 84 37 100 92 16 100
  Paradise pink #E63E62 90 24 38 347 77 57 73 90
  Paris Green #50C878 31 78 47 140 52 55 60 78
  Pastel blue #AEC6CF 68 78 81 196 26 75 16 81
  Pastel brown #836953 51 41 33 28 22 42 37 51
  Pastel gray #CFCFC4 81 81 77 60 10 79 5 81
  Pastel green #77DD77 47 87 47 120 60 67 46 87
  Pastel magenta #F49AC2 96 60 76 333 80 78 37 96
  Pastel orange #FFB347 100 70 28 35 100 64 72 100
  Pastel pink #DEA5A4 87 65 64 1 47 76 26 87
  Pastel purple #B39EB5 70 62 71 295 13 66 13 71
  Pastel red #FF6961 100 41 38 3 100 69 62 100
  Pastel violet #CB99C9 80 60 79 302 32 70 25 80
  Pastel yellow #FDFD96 99 99 59 60 96 79 41 99
  Patriarch #800080 50 0 50 300 100 25 100 50
  Payne's grey #536878 33 41 47 206 18 40 31 47
  Peach #FFE5B4 100 90 71 39 100 85 29 100
  Peach #FFCBA4 100 80 64 26 100 82 36 100
  Peach-orange #FFCC99 100 80 60 30 100 80 40 100
  Peach puff #FFDAB9 100 85 73 28 100 86 27 100
  Peach-yellow #FADFAD 98 87 68 39 89 83 31 98
  Pear #D1E231 82 89 19 66 75 54 78 89
  Pearl #EAE0C8 92 88 78 42 45 85 15 92
  Pearl Aqua #88D8C0 53 85 75 162 51 69 37 85
  Pearly purple #B768A2 72 41 64 316 35 56 43 72
  Peridot #E6E200 90 89 0 59 100 45 100 90
  Periwinkle #CCCCFF 80 80 100 240 100 90 20 100
  Persian blue #1C39BB 11 22 73 229 74 42 85 73
  Persian green #00A693 0 65 58 173 100 33 100 65
  Persian indigo #32127A 20 7 48 258 74 27 85 48
  Persian orange #D99058 85 56 35 26 63 60 59 85
  Persian pink #F77FBE 97 50 75 329 88 73 49 97
  Persian plum #701C1C 44 11 11 0 60 27 75 44
  Persian red #CC3333 80 20 20 0 60 50 75 80
  Persian rose #FE28A2 100 16 64 326 99 58 84 100
  Persimmon #EC5800 93 35 0 22 100 46 100 93
  Peru #CD853F 80 52 25 30 59 53 69 80
  Phlox #DF00FF 87 0 100 292 100 50 100 100
  Phthalo blue #000F89 0 6 54 233 100 27 100 54
  Phthalo green #123524 7 21 14 151 49 14 66 21
  Picton blue #45B1E8 27 69 91 200 78 59 70 91
  Pictorial carmine #C30B4E 76 4 31 338 89 40 94 76
  Piggy pink #FDDDE6 99 87 90 343 89 93 13 99
  Pine green #01796F 0 47 44 175 98 24 99 47
  Pink #FFC0CB 100 75 80 350 100 88 25 100
  Pink (Pantone) #D74894 84 28 58 328 64 56 67 84
  Pink lace #FFDDF4 100 87 96 319 100 93 13 100
  Pink lavender #D8B2D1 85 70 82 311 33 77 18 85
  Pink-orange #FF9966 100 60 40 20 100 70 60 100
  Pink pearl #E7ACCF 91 67 81 324 55 79 26 91
  Pink Sherbet #F78FA7 97 56 65 346 87 76 42 97
  Pistachio #93C572 58 77 45 96 42 61 42 77
  Platinum #E5E4E2 90 89 89 40 5 89 1 90
  Plum #8E4585 56 27 52 307 35 41 51 56
  Plum (web) #DDA0DD 87 63 87 300 47 75 28 87
  Pomp and Power #86608E 53 38 56 290 19 47 32 56
  Popstar #BE4F62 75 31 38 350 46 53 58 75
  Portland Orange #FF5A36 100 35 21 11 100 61 79 100
  Powder blue #B0E0E6 69 88 90 187 52 80 23 90
  Princeton orange #F58025 96 50 15 26 91 55 85 96
  Prune #701C1C 44 11 11 0 60 27 75 44
  Prussian blue #003153 0 19 33 205 100 16 100 33
  Psychedelic purple #DF00FF 87 0 100 292 100 50 100 100
  Puce #CC8899 80 53 60 345 40 67 33 80
  Puce red #722F37 45 18 22 353 42 32 59 45
  Pullman Brown (UPS Brown) #644117 39 25 9 33 63 24 77 39
  Pumpkin #FF7518 100 46 9 24 100 55 91 100
  Purple (HTML) #800080 50 0 50 300 100 25 100 50
  Purple (Munsell) #9F00C5 62 0 77 288 100 39 100 77
  Purple (X11) #A020F0 63 13 94 277 87 53 87 94
  Purple Heart #69359C 41 21 61 270 49 41 66 61
  Purple mountain majesty #9678B6 59 47 71 269 30 59 34 71
  Purple navy #4E5180 31 32 50 236 24 40 39 50
  Purple pizzazz #FE4EDA 100 31 85 312 99 65 69 100
  Purple taupe #50404D 31 25 30 311 11 28 20 31
  Purpureus #9A4EAE 60 31 68 288 38 49 55 68
  Quartz #51484F 32 28 31 313 6 30 11 32
  Queen blue #436B95 26 42 58 211 38 42 55 58
  Queen pink #E8CCD7 91 80 84 336 38 85 12 91
  Quinacridone magenta #8E3A59 56 23 35 338 42 39 59 56
  Rackley #5D8AA8 36 54 66 204 30 51 45 66
  Radical Red #FF355E 100 21 37 348 100 60 79 100
  Rajah #FBAB60 98 67 38 29 95 68 62 98
  Raspberry #E30B5D 89 4 36 337 91 47 95 89
  Raspberry glace #915F6D 57 37 43 343 21 47 34 57
  Raspberry pink #E25098 89 31 60 330 72 60 65 89
  Raspberry rose #B3446C 70 27 42 338 45 48 62 70
  Raw umber #826644 51 40 27 33 31 39 48 51
  Razzle dazzle rose #FF33CC 100 20 80 315 100 60 80 100
  Razzmatazz #E3256B 89 15 42 338 77 52 84 89
  Razzmic Berry #8D4E85 55 31 52 308 29 43 45 55
  Red #FF0000 100 0 0 0 100 50 100 100
  Red (Crayola) #EE204D 93 13 30 347 86 53 87 93
  Red (Munsell) #F2003C 95 0 24 345 100 47 100 95
  Red (NCS) #C40233 77 1 20 345 98 39 99 77
  Red (Pantone) #ED2939 93 16 22 355 84 55 83 93
  Red (pigment) #ED1C24 93 11 14 358 85 52 88 93
  Red (RYB) #FE2712 100 15 7 5 99 53 93 100
  Red-brown #A52A2A 65 16 16 0 59 41 75 65
  Red devil #860111 53 0 7 353 99 26 99 53
  Red-orange #FF5349 100 33 29 3 100 64 71 100
  Red-purple #E40078 89 0 47 328 100 45 100 89
  Red-violet #C71585 78 8 52 322 81 43 89 78
  Redwood #A45A52 64 35 32 6 33 48 50 64
  Regalia #522D80 32 18 50 267 48 34 65 50
  Resolution blue #002387 0 14 53 224 100 26 100 53
  Rhythm #777696 47 46 59 242 13 53 21 59
  Rich black #004040 0 25 25 180 100 13 100 25
  Rich brilliant lavender #F1A7FE 95 65 100 291 98 83 34 100
  Rich carmine #D70040 84 0 25 342 100 42 100 84
  Rich electric blue #0892D0 3 57 82 199 93 42 96 82
  Rich lavender #A76BCF 65 42 81 276 51 62 48 81
  Rich lilac #B666D2 71 40 82 284 55 61 51 82
  Rich maroon #B03060 69 19 38 338 57 44 73 69
  Rifle green #444C38 27 30 22 84 15 26 26 30
  Roast coffee #704241 44 26 25 1 27 35 42 44
  Robin egg blue #00CCCC 0 80 80 180 100 40 100 80
  Rocket metallic #8A7F80 54 50 50 355 4 52 8 54
  Roman silver #838996 51 54 59 221 8 55 13 59
  Rose #FF007F 100 0 50 330 100 50 100 100
  Rose bonbon #F9429E 98 26 62 330 94 62 73 98
  Rose ebony #674846 40 28 27 4 19 34 32 40
  Rose gold #B76E79 72 43 47 351 34 57 40 72
  Rose madder #E32636 89 15 21 355 77 52 83 89
  Rose pink #FF66CC 100 40 80 320 100 70 60 100
  Rose quartz #AA98A9 67 60 66 303 10 63 11 67
  Rose red #C21E56 76 12 34 340 73 44 85 76
  Rose taupe #905D5D 56 36 36 0 22 46 35 56
  Rose vale #AB4E52 67 31 32 357 37 49 54 67
  Rosewood #65000B 40 0 4 353 100 20 100 40
  Rosso corsa #D40000 83 0 0 0 100 42 100 83
  Rosy brown #BC8F8F 74 56 56 0 25 65 24 74
  Royal azure #0038A8 0 22 66 220 100 33 100 66
  Royal blue #002366 0 14 40 219 100 20 100 40
  Royal blue #4169E1 25 41 88 225 73 57 71 88
  Royal fuchsia #CA2C92 79 17 57 321 64 48 78 79
  Royal purple #7851A9 47 32 66 267 35 49 52 66
  Royal yellow #FADA5E 98 85 37 48 94 67 62 98
  Ruber #CE4676 81 27 46 339 58 54 66 81
  Rubine red #D10056 82 0 34 335 100 41 100 82
  Ruby #E0115F 88 7 37 337 86 47 92 88
  Ruby red #9B111E 61 7 12 354 80 34 89 61
  Ruddy #FF0028 100 0 16 351 100 50 100 100
  Ruddy brown #BB6528 73 40 16 25 65 45 79 73
  Ruddy pink #E18E96 88 56 59 354 58 72 37 88
  Rufous #A81C07 66 11 3 8 92 34 96 66
  Russet #80461B 50 27 11 26 65 30 79 50
  Russian green #679267 40 57 40 120 17 49 29 57
  Russian violet #32174D 20 9 30 270 54 20 70 30
  Rust #B7410E 72 25 5 18 86 39 92 72
  Rusty red #DA2C43 85 17 26 352 70 51 80 85
  Sacramento State green #00563F 0 34 25 164 100 17 100 34
  Saddle brown #8B4513 55 27 7 25 76 31 86 55
  Safety orange (blaze orange) #FF6700 100 40 0 24 100 50 100 100
  Safety yellow #EED202 93 82 1 53 98 47 99 93
  Saffron #F4C430 96 77 19 45 90 57 80 96
  Sage #BCB88A 74 72 54 55 27 64 27 74
  St. Patrick's blue #23297A 14 16 48 236 55 31 71 48
  Salmon #FA8072 98 50 45 6 93 71 54 98
  Salmon pink #FF91A4 100 57 64 350 100 78 43 100
  Sand #C2B280 76 70 50 45 35 63 34 76
  Sand dune #967117 59 44 9 43 73 34 85 59
  Sandstorm #ECD540 93 84 25 52 82 59 73 93
  Sandy brown #F4A460 96 64 38 28 87 67 61 96
  Sandy taupe #967117 59 44 9 43 73 34 85 59
  Sangria #92000A 57 0 4 356 100 29 100 57
  Sap green #507D2A 31 49 16 93 50 33 66 49
  Sapphire #0F52BA 6 32 73 216 85 39 92 73
  Sapphire blue #0067A5 0 40 65 203 100 32 100 65
  Satin sheen gold #CBA135 80 63 21 43 59 50 74 80
  Scarlet #FF2400 100 14 0 8 100 50 100 100
  Scarlet #FD0E35 99 5 21 350 98 52 94 99
  Schauss pink #FF91AF 100 57 69 344 100 78 43 100
  School bus yellow #FFD800 100 85 0 51 100 50 100 100
  Screamin' Green #76FF7A 46 100 48 122 100 73 54 100
  Sea blue #006994 0 41 58 197 100 29 100 58
  Sea green #2E8B57 18 55 34 146 50 36 67 55
  Seal brown #321414 20 8 8 0 43 14 60 20
  Seashell #FFF5EE 100 96 93 25 100 97 7 100
  Selective yellow #FFBA00 100 73 0 44 100 50 100 100
  Sepia #704214 44 26 8 30 70 26 82 44
  Shadow #8A795D 54 47 36 37 19 45 33 54
  Shadow blue #778BA5 47 55 65 214 20 56 28 65
  Shampoo #FFCFF1 100 81 95 318 100 91 19 100
  Shamrock green #009E60 0 62 38 156 100 31 100 62
  Sheen Green #8FD400 56 83 0 80 100 42 100 83
  Shimmering Blush #D98695 85 53 58 349 52 69 38 85
  Shocking pink #FC0FC0 99 6 75 315 98 52 94 99
  Shocking pink (Crayola) #FF6FFF 100 44 100 300 100 72 56 100
  Sienna #882D17 53 18 9 12 71 31 83 53
  Silver #C0C0C0 75 75 75 0 75 0 75
  Silver chalice #ACACAC 67 67 67 0 67 0 67
  Silver Lake blue #5D89BA 36 54 73 212 40 55 50 73
  Silver pink #C4AEAD 77 68 68 3 16 72 12 77
  Silver sand #BFC1C2 75 76 76 200 2 75 2 76
  Sinopia #CB410B 80 25 4 17 90 42 95 80
  Skobeloff #007474 0 45 45 180 100 23 100 45
  Sky blue #87CEEB 53 81 92 197 71 73 43 92
  Sky magenta #CF71AF 81 44 69 320 49 63 45 81
  Slate blue #6A5ACD 42 35 80 248 53 58 56 80
  Slate gray #708090 44 50 56 210 13 50 22 56
  Smalt (Dark powder blue) #003399 0 20 60 220 100 30 100 60
  Smitten #C84186 78 25 53 329 55 52 68 78
  Smoke #738276 45 51 46 132 6 48 12 51
  Smokey topaz #933D41 58 24 25 357 41 41 59 58
  Smoky black #100C08 6 5 3 30 33 5 50 6
  Snow #FFFAFA 100 98 98 0 100 99 2 100
  Soap #CEC8EF 81 78 94 249 55 86 16 94
  Solid pink #893843 54 22 26 352 42 38 59 54
  Sonic silver #757575 46 46 46 0 46 0 46
  Spartan Crimson #9E1316 62 7 9 359 79 35 88 62
  Space cadet #1D2951 11 16 32 226 47 22 64 32
  Spanish bistre #807532 50 46 20 52 44 35 61 50
  Spanish blue #0070B8 0 44 72 203 100 36 100 72
  Spanish carmine #D10047 82 0 28 340 100 41 100 82
  Spanish crimson #E51A4C 90 10 30 345 80 50 89 90
  Spanish gray #989898 60 60 60 0 60 0 60
  Spanish green #009150 0 57 31 153 100 28 100 57
  Spanish orange #E86100 91 38 0 25 100 45 100 91
  Spanish pink #F7BFBE 97 75 75 1 78 86 23 97
  Spanish red #E60026 90 0 15 350 100 45 100 90
  Spanish sky blue #00FFFF 0 100 100 180 100 50 100 100
  Spanish violet #4C2882 30 16 51 264 53 33 69 51
  Spanish viridian #007F5C 0 50 36 163 100 25 100 50
  Spiro Disco Ball #0FC0FC 6 75 99 195 98 52 94 99
  Spring bud #A7FC00 65 99 0 80 100 49 100 99
  Spring green #00FF7F 0 100 50 150 100 50 100 100
  Star command blue #007BB8 0 48 72 200 100 36 100 72
  Steel blue #4682B4 27 51 71 207 44 49 61 71
  Steel pink #CC33CC 80 20 80 300 60 50 75 80
  Stil de grain yellow #FADA5E 98 85 37 48 94 67 62 98
  Stizza #990000 60 0 0 0 100 30 100 60
  Stormcloud #4F666A 31 40 42 189 15 36 25 42
  Straw #E4D96F 89 85 44 54 68 66 51 89
  Strawberry #FC5A8D 99 35 55 341 96 67 64 99
  Sunglow #FFCC33 100 80 20 45 100 60 80 100
  Sunray #E3AB57 89 67 34 36 71 62 62 89
  Sunset #FAD6A5 98 84 65 35 89 81 34 98
  Sunset orange #FD5E53 99 37 33 4 98 66 67 99
  Super pink #CF6BA9 81 42 66 323 51 62 48 81
  Tan #D2B48C 82 71 55 34 44 69 33 82
  Tangelo #F94D00 98 30 0 19 100 49 100 98
  Tangerine #F28500 95 52 0 33 100 47 100 95
  Tangerine yellow #FFCC00 100 80 0 48 100 50 100 100
  Tango pink #E4717A 89 44 48 355 68 67 50 89
  Taupe #483C32 28 24 20 27 18 24 31 28
  Taupe gray #8B8589 55 52 54 320 3 53 4 55
  Tea green #D0F0C0 82 94 75 100 62 85 20 94
  Tea rose #F88379 97 51 47 5 90 72 51 97
  Tea rose #F4C2C2 96 76 76 0 69 86 20 96
  Teal #008080 0 50 50 180 100 25 100 50
  Teal blue #367588 21 46 53 194 43 37 60 53
  Teal deer #99E6B3 60 90 70 140 61 75 33 90
  Teal green #00827F 0 51 50 179 100 25 100 51
  Telemagenta #CF3476 81 20 46 334 62 51 75 81
  Tenné #CD5700 80 34 0 25 100 40 100 80
  Terra cotta #E2725B 89 45 36 10 70 62 60 89
  Thistle #D8BFD8 85 75 85 300 24 80 12 85
  Thulian pink #DE6FA1 87 44 63 333 63 65 50 87
  Tickle Me Pink #FC89AC 99 54 67 342 95 76 46 99
  Tiffany Blue #0ABAB5 4 73 71 178 90 38 95 73
  Tiger's eye #E08D3C 88 55 24 30 73 56 73 88
  Timberwolf #DBD7D2 86 84 82 33 11 84 4 86
  Titanium yellow #EEE600 93 90 0 58 100 47 100 93
  Tomato #FF6347 100 39 28 9 100 64 72 100
  Toolbox #746CC0 45 42 75 246 40 59 44 75
  Topaz #FFC87C 100 78 49 35 100 74 51 100
  Tractor red #FD0E35 99 5 21 350 98 52 94 99
  Trolley Grey #808080 50 50 50 0 50 0 50
  Tropical rain forest #00755E 0 46 37 168 100 23 100 46
  True Blue #0073CF 0 45 81 207 100 41 100 81
  Tufts Blue #417DC1 25 49 76 212 51 51 66 76
  Tulip #FF878D 100 53 55 357 100 76 47 100
  Tumbleweed #DEAA88 87 67 53 24 57 70 39 87
  Turkish rose #B57281 71 45 51 347 31 58 37 71
  Turquoise #40E0D0 25 88 82 174 72 56 71 88
  Turquoise blue #00FFEF 0 100 94 176 100 50 100 100
  Turquoise green #A0D6B4 63 84 71 142 40 73 25 84
  Tuscan #FAD6A5 98 84 65 35 89 81 34 98
  Tuscan brown #6F4E37 44 31 22 25 34 33 50 44
  Tuscan red #7C4848 49 28 28 0 27 38 42 49
  Tuscan tan #A67B5B 65 48 36 26 30 50 45 65
  Tuscany #C09999 75 60 60 0 24 68 20 75
  Twilight lavender #8A496B 54 29 42 329 31 41 47 54
  Tyrian purple #66023C 40 1 24 325 96 20 98 40
  UA blue #0033AA 0 20 67 222 100 33 100 67
  UA red #D9004C 85 0 30 339 100 43 100 85
  Ube #8878C3 53 47 76 253 39 62 38 76
  UCLA Blue #536895 33 41 58 221 28 46 44 58
  UCLA Gold #FFB300 100 70 0 42 100 50 100 100
  UFO Green #3CD070 24 82 44 141 61 53 71 82
  Ultramarine #120A8F 7 4 56 244 87 30 93 56
  Ultramarine blue #4166F5 25 40 96 228 90 61 73 96
  Ultra pink #FF6FFF 100 44 100 300 100 72 56 100
  Ultra red #FC6C85 99 42 52 350 96 71 57 99
  Umber #635147 39 32 28 21 16 33 28 39
  Unbleached silk #FFDDCA 100 87 79 22 100 90 21 100
  United Nations blue #5B92E5 36 57 90 216 73 63 60 90
  University of California Gold #B78727 72 53 15 40 65 44 79 72
  Unmellow yellow #FFFF66 100 100 40 60 100 70 60 100
  UP Forest green #014421 0 27 13 149 97 14 99 27
  UP Maroon #7B1113 48 7 7 359 76 27 86 48
  Upsdell red #AE2029 68 13 16 356 69 40 82 68
  Urobilin #E1AD21 88 68 13 44 76 51 85 88
  USAFA blue #004F98 0 31 60 209 100 30 100 60
  USC Cardinal #990000 60 0 0 0 100 30 100 60
  USC Gold #FFCC00 100 80 0 48 100 50 100 100
  University of Tennessee Orange #F77F00 97 50 0 31 100 48 100 97
  Utah Crimson #D3003F 83 0 25 342 100 41 100 83
  Vanilla #F3E5AB 95 90 67 48 75 81 30 95
  Vanilla ice #F38FA9 95 56 66 344 81 76 41 95
  Vegas gold #C5B358 77 70 35 50 48 56 55 77
  Venetian red #C80815 78 3 8 356 92 41 96 78
  Verdigris #43B3AE 26 70 68 177 46 48 63 70
  Vermilion #E34234 89 26 20 5 76 55 77 89
  Vermilion #D9381E 85 22 12 8 76 48 86 85
  Veronica #A020F0 63 13 94 277 87 53 87 94
  Violet #8F00FF 56 0 100 274 100 50 100 100
  Violet (color wheel) #7F00FF 50 0 100 270 100 50 100 100
  Violet (RYB) #8601AF 53 0 69 286 99 35 99 69
  Violet (web) #EE82EE 93 51 93 300 76 72 45 93
  Violet-blue #324AB2 20 29 70 229 56 45 72 70
  Violet-red #F75394 97 33 58 336 91 65 66 97
  Viridian #40826D 25 51 43 161 34 38 51 51
  Viridian green #009698 0 59 60 181 100 30 100 60
  Vista blue #7C9ED9 49 62 85 218 55 67 43 85
  Vivid auburn #922724 57 15 14 2 60 36 75 57
  Vivid burgundy #9F1D35 62 11 21 349 69 37 82 62
  Vivid cerise #DA1D81 85 11 51 328 77 48 87 85
  Vivid orchid #CC00FF 80 0 100 288 100 50 100 100
  Vivid sky blue #00CCFF 0 80 100 192 100 50 100 100
  Vivid tangerine #FFA089 100 63 54 12 100 77 46 100
  Vivid violet #9F00FF 62 0 100 277 100 50 100 100
  Warm black #004242 0 26 26 180 100 13 100 26
  Waterspout #A4F4F9 64 96 98 184 88 81 34 98
  Wenge #645452 39 33 32 7 10 36 18 39
  Wheat #F5DEB3 96 87 70 39 77 83 27 96
  White #FFFFFF 100 100 100 0 100 0 100
  White smoke #F5F5F5 96 96 96 0 96 0 96
  Wild blue yonder #A2ADD0 64 68 82 226 33 73 22 82
  Wild orchid #D470A2 83 44 64 330 54 64 47 83
  Wild Strawberry #FF43A4 100 26 64 329 100 63 74 100
  Wild watermelon #FC6C85 99 42 52 350 96 71 57 99
  Willpower orange #FD5800 99 35 0 21 100 50 100 99
  Windsor tan #A75502 65 33 1 30 98 33 99 65
  Wine #722F37 45 18 22 353 42 32 59 45
  Wine dregs #673147 40 19 28 336 36 30 52 40
  Wisteria #C9A0DC 79 63 86 281 46 75 27 86
  Wood brown #C19A6B 76 60 42 33 41 59 45 76
  Xanadu #738678 45 53 47 136 8 49 14 53
  Yale Blue #0F4D92 6 30 57 212 81 32 90 57
  Yankees blue #1C2841 11 16 25 221 40 18 57 25
  Yellow #FFFF00 100 100 0 60 100 50 100 100
  Yellow (Crayola) #FCE883 99 91 51 50 95 75 48 99
  Yellow (Munsell) #EFCC00 94 80 0 51 100 47 100 94
  Yellow (NCS) #FFD300 100 83 0 50 100 50 100 100
  Yellow (Pantone) #FEDF00 100 87 0 53 100 50 100 100
  Yellow (process) #FFEF00 100 94 0 56 100 50 100 100
  Yellow (RYB) #FEFE33 100 100 20 60 99 60 80 100
  Yellow-green #9ACD32 60 80 20 80 61 50 76 80
  Yellow Orange #FFAE42 100 68 26 34 100 63 74 100
  Yellow rose #FFF000 100 94 0 56 100 50 100 100
  Zaffre #0014A8 0 8 66 233 100 33 100 66
  Zinnwaldite brown #2C1608 17 9 3 23 69 10 82 17
  Zomp #39A78E 22 65 56 166 49 44 66 65