United Nations Development Programme
Legal statusActive
Ayodele Odusola
Parent organization

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in South Africa is one of the 177 offices of the UNDP’s global networks located in the country's capital, Pretoria. Its vision is to empower people's lives and help nations to become stronger and more resilient. As a part of the wider UNDP's development efforts, the local office is responsible for  supporting the government to develop and implement policies to accelerate the attainment  of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in South Africa. UNDP interventions in South Africa focus on promoting actions that contribute to address the triple challenge of inequality, poverty and unemployment that the county faces. In that regard, the interventions include the promotion of youth employment; building resilience to climate change impacts; biodiversity conservation; water management; promotion of access to sustainable, clean and affordable energy; and promotion of citizens participation in democratic processes. Leaving no-one behind, gender mainstreaming and innovation are in the center of all UNDP cooperation.[2][3][4]


The republic of South Africa formally accepted membership of the UNDP in 1994 and was admitted to the UNDP executive board in January 1998.[5] South Africa through the Department of Foreign Affairs, coordinates the activities of the UNDP. The UNDP is involved in numerous projects in South Africa dealing with a variety of central and provincial government departments.[6]

Country Office Programmes

Inclusive growth

The inclusive growth programme on women, youth and other marginalized groups aim to increase productivity in primary, secondary and tertiary sectors, and to enhance value chain development in South Africa. As economies continue to slow down and unemployment soars in the face of COVID-19, keeping the commitment of the SDGs to leaving no one behind will require going beyond income and building multi-dimensional poverty indices to improve social inclusion. Some of the projects under inclusive growth include:

Service delivery and democratic governance

Strengthening Democratic Governance aims to assist the South African Government to reposition the public sector to enhance the quality-of-service delivery through innovation, with an emphasis on providing services to historically disadvantaged communities. The outcome would be women and marginalized groups that are able to participate meaningfully in decision-making and access justice, state institutions that deliver effective public services to all, and oversight bodies that are strengthened. Some of the projects under this programme include:

Climate change & greening South Africa's economy

Climate Change and Greening South Africa’s Economy aims to support the South African Government to grow its ecological footprint, affirming its commitment to contribute to a cleaner and greener global environment. By 2025, the Country Office aims towards a just transition to a low-carbon society and to ensure that vulnerable and marginalized communities are more resilient to the adverse effects of climate change.

At the global level, UNDP has decades of experience supporting countries to take action on climate change. With its partners, it has helped people and communities in over 140 countries to mitigate emissions and adapt to climate impacts.[7]

Through this programme, UNDP South Africa has been a trusted support to government’s ongoing efforts to meet commitments under the three Rio Conventions toward combatting desertification (UNCCD), biodiversity loss (UNCBD) and climate change (UNFCCC). The programme has achieved this through strong partnerships, in particular with funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), which has resulted in over 25 projects to the cumulative value of over US$100 million. Impact on the ground through these projects and other UNDP global initiatives, has been enabled by climate change advocacy, sound knowledge management, and capacity building for informed decision-making. UNDP’s current work on nature, climate and energy, focusses systemically on a number of areas that show UNDP’s commitment to ensuring that South Africa is on a just transition to a low-carbon society and that vulnerable and marginalized communities are more resilient to adverse effects of climate change and have access to sustainable nature-based solutions.

Some of the projects under the Nature, Climate and Energy programme include:

Gender equality & HIV

The silence around the abuse of women and girls is finally breaking. UNDP is committed to ensuring that gender is integrated into every aspect of its work, thereby contributing to a just and equal world, and that the Country Office achieves a Gold in the next round of the Gender Seal. To this end, the Country Office has put together a Gender Focal Team (GFT) to play a critical role in overseeing the development and implementation of the Country Office Gender Equality Strategy and Action Plan, as well as the Gender Seal Certification process.

Accelerator Labs

Innovation is at the core of UNDP. In 2020, the Country Office launched the Accelerator Lab (AccLab) as part of the global network, which was assigned the role of being the integrator of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UNDP aims to use innovation as one of its pillars to eradicate poverty, address inequality and reorient current unsuitable development trajectories. Finally, the AccLabs have been engaged in several innovative projects, which are outlined in this report under the section Innovation.

South South Cooperation

Support to South Africa’s Regional and Global Engagement aims to support South Africa’s role in the region and globally to promote South-South cooperation and raise Africa’s voice on development issues in the United Nations and other multilateral measures.

Knowledge products

The country office releases several knowledge products which are split between reports that helps the country office's programme implementation strategy as well as research reports that aims to assist government in policy development and implementation.


  1. ^ "Background Guide;: Executive board of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)" (PDF). UN-USA. Archived from the original (PDF) on 14 June 2007. Retrieved 13 December 2007. ((cite journal)): Cite journal requires |journal= (help) (from internet archive)
  2. ^ "UNDP in South Africa".
  3. ^ "To solve a crisis, tap into the innovative energy of the youth".
  5. ^ "United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)".
  6. ^ "Coronavirus - South Africa: Funzi Virtual Launch". 22 April 2020.
  7. ^ "UNDP and Climate Change" (PDF). UNDP. 2020-12-01.
  8. ^ "Climate Promise". UNDP. Retrieved 2020-12-01.
  9. ^ "Mission 1.5 a game-changer". UNDP. 2020-12-01.
  10. ^ "BIOFIN South Africa". BIOFIN. 2020-12-01.
  11. ^ "Securing multiple ecosystems benefit through Sustainable Land Management in the productive but degraded landscapes of South Africa (SLM)". UNDP in South Africa. Retrieved 2020-12-01.
  12. ^ "Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Land Use Regulation & Management at the Municipal Scale". UNDP in South Africa. Retrieved 2020-12-01.
  13. ^ "South Africa". Global ABS. Retrieved 2020-12-01.
  14. ^ "Development of Value Chains for Products derived from Genetic Resources in Compliance with the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing and the National Biodiversity Economy Strategy". UNDP in South Africa. Retrieved 2020-12-01.
  15. ^ "Improving Management Effectiveness of the Protected Area Network". UNDP in South Africa. Retrieved 2020-12-01.
  16. ^ "Home Page - Orange-Senqu River Commission (ORASECOM)". www.orasecom.org. Retrieved 2020-12-01.
  17. ^ "South African Wind Energy Programme Phase II". UNDP in South Africa. Retrieved 2020-12-01.
  18. ^ "The South African Wind Energy Programme (SAWEP)". Sawep. Retrieved 2020-12-01.
  19. ^ "Leapfrogging South Africa's markets to high-efficiency LED lighting and high efficiency distribution transformers". UNDP in South Africa. Retrieved 2020-12-01.
  20. ^ "What is 'South-South cooperation' and why does it matter? | UN DESA | United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs".
  21. ^ "Socio-Economic Impact of COVID-19 in South Africa | UNDP in South Africa". UNDP. Retrieved 2020-12-01.
  22. ^ Mokhoali, Veronica. "UNDP: Effects of COVID-19 expected to increase poverty, inequality in SA". ewn.co.za. Retrieved 2020-12-01.
  23. ^ Mokhoali, Veronica. "UNDP: Govt needs to focus on poverty line to safeguard 'vulnerable middle class'". ewn.co.za. Retrieved 2020-12-01.
  24. ^ "South Africa SDG Investor Map 2020 | UNDP in South Africa". UNDP. Retrieved 2020-12-01.