This is a list of alleged sightings of unidentified flying objects or UFOs in Greece.

404 BC

A fiery pillar appeared near Athens in 404 BC on a moonless, stormy night.[1]


Main Article Ghost rockets
Ghost rockets were witnessed in Thessaloniki by British Army units in Greece. In an interview on September 5, 1946, the Greek Prime Minister, Konstantinos Tsaldaris reported a number of projectiles had been seen over Macedonia and Thessaloniki on September 1.[2]

The Greek government conducted their own investigation, with their leading scientist, physicist Paul Santorini. The government believed they were Soviet missiles over Greece but the Greek Astronomical Society announced in 1967 that they were not missiles. Regrettably, after conferring with the U.S. Department of Defense the investigation was stopped.[2]


The Great 1954 Greek UFO flap. In 1954 a considerable amount of UFO sightings occurred throughout South America and Europe. Clusters of UFO sightings are called “flaps,”[3]






See also


  1. ^ Stothers 2007, pp. 86.
  2. ^ a b Keyhoe 1973.
  3. ^ Wright & Harzan 2019, pp. 27, 63, 68, 324, 366, 368.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Vempos 2002.
  5. ^ Hall 1964, pp. 74.
  6. ^ a b c d Vempos 2012.
  7. ^ Day 1997, pp. 111.
  8. ^ Brent Swancer (October 2, 2021). "Conspiracies and a Mysterious UFO Crash in Greece". Journal News Online. Retrieved April 7, 2023.
  9. ^ Georg N. Pantoulas (April 7, 2023). "UFO sightings from around the world 05.41 Greece [man]". Art Angel Extraordinary Art Unexpected Places. Retrieved April 7, 2023.
  10. ^ Marcus Lowth (July 12, 2018). "The UFO Crash At Megas Platanos, Greece". UFO Insight. Retrieved April 7, 2023.
  11. ^ George Pantoulas (April 7, 2023). "The UFO Crash At Megas Platanos, Greece". Crashes at Megas Platanos. Retrieved April 7, 2023.
