Sweetwater Branch tibrovirus (530 nm to 690 nm and up to 900 nm long, 65 nm to 75 nm in diameter)[2]
Virus classification Edit this classification
(unranked): Virus
Realm: Riboviria
Kingdom: Orthornavirae
Phylum: Negarnaviricota
Class: Monjiviricetes
Order: Mononegavirales
Family: Rhabdoviridae
Genus: Tibrovirus
  • Bas-Congo tibrovirus
  • Beatrice Hill tibrovirus
  • Coastal Plains tibrovirus
  • Ekpoma 1 tibrovirus
  • Ekpoma 2 tibrovirus
  • Sweetwater Branch tibrovirus
  • Tibrogargan tibrovirus

Tibrovirus is a poorly characterized genus of viruses in the family Rhabdoviridae, order Mononegavirales. There are 8 members of the genus.[3] Tibroviruses have been isolated from biting midges, cattle, and humans. None of the tibroviruses, except for Bas-Congo virus, have been associated with any diseases.

Genus members


BHV, BAV, SWBV and TIBV were isolated from biting midges, suggesting that midges are the major arthropod vector for these viruses. It is not known how BASV, EKV-1 and EKV-2 are transmitted.[citation needed]

Genetic divergence

Tibroviruses are highly divergent.  For example, overall amino acid homology among the human-associated tibroviruses (i.e. BASV, EKV-1 and EKV-2) ranges from 33% - 39%.[9]


Tibrovirus virions are enveloped, but only the morphology of Tibrogargan virus and Sweetwater branch virus have been observed by electron microscopy.[2]

Genus Structure Symmetry Capsid Genomic arrangement Genomic segmentation
Tibrovirus Bullet-shaped Helical Enveloped Linear Non-segmented


Tibrovirus genomes are single-stranded, negative-sense RNA molecules approximately 13 kb in length. The genome encodes for the typical five proteins found in all rhabdoviruses: nucleocapsid (N), phosphoprotein (P), matrix (M), glycoprotein (G), and polymerase (L). However, there are three additional genes, U1-U3, that encode for proteins of unknown function.[13]

Life cycle

Viral replication is cytoplasmic. Entry into the host cell is achieved by attachment of the viral G glycoproteins to host receptors, which mediate clathrin-mediated endocytosis.[14][10] Replication follows the negative-stranded RNA virus replication model. Negative stranded RNA virus transcription, using polymerase stuttering is the method of transcription. The virus exits the host cell by budding, and tubule-guided viral movement.[citation needed]

Genus Host details Tissue tropism Entry details Release details Replication site Assembly site Transmission
Tibrovirus Bovine None Clathrin-mediated endocytosis Budding Cytoplasm Cytoplasm Zoonosis; arthropod bite: midges


  1. ^ "Virus Taxonomy: 2018b Release". International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). March 2019. Retrieved 3 February 2020.
  2. ^ a b Popov VL, Tesh RB, Weaver SC, Vasilakis N. Electron Microscopy in Discovery of Novel and Emerging Viruses from the Collection of the World Reference Center for Emerging Viruses and Arboviruses (WRCEVA). Viruses. 2019;11(5):477. Published 2019 May 25. doi:10.3390/v11050477
  3. ^ "International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses - Tibrovirus genus". Archived from the original on 8 August 2019.
  4. ^ Grard G, Fair JN, Lee D, et al. A novel rhabdovirus associated with acute hemorrhagic fever in central Africa [published correction appears in PLoS Pathog. 2016 Mar;12(3):e1005503] [published correction appears in PLoS Pathog. 2017 Sep 7;13(9):e1006583]. PLoS Pathog. 2012;8(9):e1002924. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1002924
  5. ^ Branco, Luis M.; Garry, Robert F. (3 December 2018). "Bas-Congo virus - not an established pathogen". Retrieved 31 January 2020.
  6. ^ Standfast, H. A.; Dyce, A. L.; St George, T. D.; Muller, M. J.; Doherty, R. L.; Carley, J. G.; Filippich, C., Isolation of arboviruses from insects collected at Beatrice Hill, Northern Territory of Australia, 1974-1976. Aust J Biol Sci 1984, 37, (5-6), 351-66   
  7. ^ a b Gibbs, E. P.; Calisher, C. H.; Tesh, R. B.; Lazuick, J. S.; Bowen, R.; Greiner, E. C., Bivens Arm virus: a new rhabdovirus isolated from Culicoides insignis in Florida and related to Tibrogargan virus of Australia. Vet Microbiol 1989, 19, (2), 141-50   
  8. ^ Cybinski DH, Gard GP. Isolation of a new rhabdovirus in Australia related to Tibrogargan virus. Aust J Biol Sci. 1986;39(3):225–232. doi:10.1071/bi9860225
  9. ^ a b c Stremlau MH, Andersen KG, Folarin OA, et al. Discovery of novel rhabdoviruses in the blood of healthy individuals from West Africa. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2015;9(3):e0003631. Published 2015 Mar 17. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0003631
  10. ^ a b c Caì Y, Yú S, Jangra RK, et al. Human, Nonhuman Primate, and Bat Cells Are Broadly Susceptible to Tibrovirus Particle Cell Entry. Front Microbiol. 2019;10:856. Published 2019 Apr 26. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2019.00856
  11. ^ Cybinski, D. H.; St. George, T. D.; Standfast, H. A.; McGregor, A., Isolation of Tibrogargan virus, a new Australian rhabdovirus, from Culicoides brevitaris. Vet Microbiol 1980, 5, 301-308   
  12. ^ Cybinski, D. H.; Gard, G. P., Isolation of a new rhabdovirus in Australia related to Tibrogargan virus. Aust J Biol Sci 1986, 39, (3), 225-32   
  13. ^ "Viral Zone". ExPASy. Retrieved 13 August 2015.
  14. ^ Steffen I, Liss NM, Schneider BS, Fair JN, Chiu CY, Simmons G. Characterization of the Bas-Congo virus glycoprotein and its function in pseudotyped viruses. J Virol. 2013;87(17):9558–9568. doi:10.1128/JVI.01183-13