The Longest Hundred Miles is a 1967 American TV movie. It aired on NBC.[1]



The film was shot on location in the Philippines over three months.[2]


It was the equal sixth highest rated film on US TV, tying with The Doomsday Flight. The first five were The Bridge on the River Kwai, The Robe, Lillies of the Field, Five Branded Women and PT109. Others in the top ten were Blue Hawaii, Fame is the Name of the Game and, equal tenth, Delicate Delinquent and A Summer Place.[3]


  1. ^ TV: 'Longest Hundred Miles' Viewed: 'World Premiere' Film of Well-Worn War First 2 Years in Life of Race Horse Also Seen By GEORGE GENT. New York Times 23 Jan 1967: 87.
  2. ^ One Actress Who Shall Not Return Dutton, Walt. Los Angeles Times 20 Jan 1967: c12.
  3. ^ 'Kwai' Easily Tops All '66 TV Movies By Rick Du Brow. The Washington Post, Times Herald 24 Apr 1967: 66.