Template:Endbookneighbor Template:ASUE book The End is the thirteenth and final novel in the A Series of Unfortunate Events series by Lemony Snicket.



Clues pointing towards any events or revelations in The End are likely to be found in Book the Twelfth, The Penultimate Peril, which was published on October 18, 2005, The Beatrice Letters, which will be published on September 5th and purportedly contains information about The End, and possibly previous books in the series.

For example, each book concludes with a letter from Lemony Snicket to his editor concerning the next book. In The Penultimate Peril, the twelfth book, this is simply a paper napkin with a picture of a ship on the bottom right-hand corner, with the following written on it: "To My Kind Editor, The end is near. With all due respect, Lemony Snicket." The ship on the napkin may be the Prospero, which is suspected to be in league with V.F.D..

The illustration and the end of the book also contains clues. In The Penultimate Peril, there are birds on the right side of the drawing, leading readers to believe that these birds, especially the eagles and crows from the book, may play a part in the last book. Some people believe that the birds could be seagulls due to information in Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography. There is a conspicuous water tower atop one of the buildings, which may be another clue. There is also an octopus on top of the boat's figurehead. The latter two details appear in other illustrations and in the text of the book respectively, however, whereas similar clues in previous books are entirely new details.

The book may be set at sea. At the end of The Penultimate Peril the Baudelaires escape on a boat with Count Olaf. While Count Olaf is trying to escape from the authorities, the Baudelaires are searching for their friends.

The cover of The End initially appeared in The New York Times on May 14, 2006 (a scan can be seen here: [1]), and was later sent to fans by HarperCollins's AuthorTracker. It depicts the three Baudelaires in shallow water, in their now tattered and damp concierge clothes, with what seems to be the remains of a boat or various flotsam and jetsam behind them. At the bottom of the picture are possibly the feet of Count Olaf. One of the person's shoes are missing, and the V.F.D. tattoo on their ankle is clearly visible. The person's clothing matches previous illustrations of Count Olaf. Also, the clouds in the background have been speculated to be smoke from a fire; however, they do not match previous illustrations of fire, but do match all previous illustrations of clouds, suggesting that they are perfectly ordinary.

Other Notes

See also