Indicators and other notes (for internal use)
Admin actions:
information Administrator note ((adminnote))  Clerk assistance requested:  ((Clerk Request))
CheckUser requested ((CURequest))  Blocked and tagged  ((bnt))
 IP blocked  ((IPblock))  Blocked without tags  ((bwt))
 Blocked but awaiting tags  ((Sblock))  Blocked and tagged. Closing.  ((btc))
 Looks like a duck to me  ((duck)) Redirect arrow Global lock(s) requested  ((glr))
 Sounds like a duck quacking into a megaphone to me  ((Megaphoneduck))  Tagged  ((Stagged))
Clerk actions:
 Additional information needed  ((MoreInfo)) (or ((DiffsNeeded)) for a more descriptive message; see documentation)
 Clerk note:  ((Clerknote))  Relisted  ((Relisted))
 Clerk declined  ((Decline))  Clerk endorsed  ((Endorse))
 Completed  ((Completed))  Not possible  ((Impossible))
Self-endorsed by clerk for checkuser attention  ((selfendorse))
Pink clock Awaiting administrative action  ((awaitingadmin))
checkuser actions:
 Checkuser note:  ((CUnote))  In progress  ((Inprogress))
 Confirmed  ((Confirmed)) Red X Unrelated  ((Unrelated))
 Confirmed with respect to the named user(s). no No comment with respect to IP address(es).  ((Confirmed-nc))
 Likely  ((Likely))  Unlikely  ((Unlikely))
 Possible  ((Possible))  Inconclusive  ((Inconclusive))
 Check declined by a checkuser  ((Cudecline)) no Unnecessary  ((Unnecessary))
 No sleepers immediately visible  ((Nosleepers))  Behavioural evidence needs evaluation  ((behav))
no No comment with respect to IP address(es)  ((nc)) no No comment  ((Nocomment))
 Endorsed by a checkuser  ((Cu-endorsed)) no No comment regarding X  ((nc|regarding X))
 Stale  ((StaleIP))  Technically indistinguishable  ((Tallyho))
crystal ball CheckUser is not a crystal ball  ((Crystalball)) fish CheckUser is not for fishing  ((Fishing))
 CheckUser is not magic pixie dust  ((Pixiedust)) magic eight ball The CheckUser Magic 8-Ball says:  ((8ball))

Useful tools:

Scripts and bits:


Parameter Returns
none or open – This SPI case is open.
CU or checkuser or CUrequest or request – A user has requested CheckUser. An SPI clerk will shortly look at the case and endorse or decline the request.
admin – An SPI clerk has requested administrator assistance for action regarding the case below. The requested action is below.
clerk Clerk assistance is requested in the case below.
decline or declined – An SPI clerk has declined a request for CheckUser, and the case is now awaiting administration.
CUdecline or CUdeclined – A CheckUser has declined a request for CheckUser, and the case is now awaiting administration.
hold – An SPI clerk has placed this case on hold pending further information or developments.
cuhold – A CheckUser has placed this case on hold pending further information or developments.
moreinfo – An administrator or SPI clerk requires more information to determine what action to take.
cumoreinfo – A user has requested CheckUser, but more information is required before deciding whether to check.
endorse or endorsed – An SPI clerk has endorsed a request for CheckUser. A CheckUser will review the case in a timely manner.
inprogress or checking – A CheckUser is in the process of checking relevant users.
checked or completed – A CheckUser completed a check on relevant users in this case, and it is now awaiting administration and close.
relist or relisted – An SPI clerk has relisted this case for a CheckUser to make another check.
close – This SPI case is closed and will shortly be archived by an SPI clerk or CheckUser.