Second? Third? When and where?[edit]

There are a few details that I feel would be appropriate for inclusion in this article. However, I'm no Tolkien scholar and lack suitable literary resources for verifying such details, so I won't be editing it myself based solely on information I found in other Wiki pages.

The Timeline of Arda article lists the Second White Tree being planted in T.A. 2. This article should also mention that date, provided that someone can confirm its accuracy. (Oh, I see now that it does appear on the geneology chart, but is absent from the text.)

This article mentions the Third White Tree being (trans)planted by Tarondor in 1640, but does not indicate the source of the sapling. If the First Tree was destroyed when Sauron first captured Minas Ithil and the Second Tree died during the Great Plague, whence came this third seedling?

Nor does the article text say where Tarondor planted the Third Tree. The location is mentioned in the in the geneology chart, but should also be named in the text. However, the chart names it "Minas Tirith", but, according to the Minas Tirith article, that would not become the city's name until some three and a half centuries later.

It would be helpful to the non-scholar if there was explicit indication that Minas Anor and Minas Tirith are the same site (as the latter name is much more widely recognizable to readers of LotR). Perhaps "planted at Minas Anor (later known as Minas Tirith)" or somesuch. This would make it more obvious to readers that this Third Tree is indeed the dead tree in Denethor's courtyard.

Also, the text gives 2872 as the year of the Third Tree's death, but the chart indicates 2852.

The text offers little context for the geneology shown in the chart prior to the First White Tree. I feel this article should provide some brief explanation of what the White Tree of Numenor is, as that ancestory is essential to understanding the significance of the White Tree of Gondor in Tolkien's works. (Indeed, "White Tree" redirects to this article, there being no separate overview article of Tolkien's White Trees. Such a distinct overview article should exist if this one is to deal exclusively with the WT of Gondor. However, I feel the material would, instead, be better presented by simply placing a short "White Tree of Numenor" paragraph at the beginning of the History section to provide a little more background on the pre-Gondor origins of the line.) Starling2001 (talk) 20:24, 24 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]