New project[edit]

Conflicts on the Internet/Internets are noteable, as they often spill into various aspects of "real life", offline, and often impact on various industries and news media.

This project is going to attempt to compile them all. While some like Operation Clambake are *more* notable, and have their own full blown Wikipedia articles, many of them will be notable enough for a line or two here for archival and encyclopediac reference purposes. This in turn may uncover other items of note as more people join the project that in turn could turn up more data from notable sources that could lead to further Wikipedia articles.

Please feel free to contribute. At first, I recommend we compile by year. As the project grows we can expand/reformat as needed. I do *NOT* envision this as just a list of the 'big' things and events, overlooking smaller, also notable events. Note: by notable events, I don't mean that something for example that happened in 2000 or 2004 should be excluded, simply because people don't talk about it today, in 2006. This will be a combination timeline/compiling of it all, to create an outline for people to follow of Internet conflicts.

Plan for growth[edit]

Simple Growth Plan

What fits on here

The inevitable complaint

More to come

Soon. Suggestions?

topic material - pending list to add, find content of[edit]

For long/ongoing ones, recommend it be placed in the year section in which it originated.

Please add more as you think of them. This can be used to easily find the conflicts and fights to add here.