This seems to be two articles put together - perhaps the first part could be reduced to a brief summary with the second as is. Leonard G. 00:36, 28 Apr 2004 (UTC)

The latter half seems to be fairly colourful writing, not quite what you see in other Wikipedia articles.

Actually, it feels to me (obviously I don't know for certain) like it was just pulled from somewhere else.

I have removed the second part since it was very long and did indeed seem to be taken from a book. I didn't think the style was appropriate for an encyclopedia anyway. I left the first part intact as it is more of a concise summary of the event. L. Pistachio 20:59, Dec 14, 2004 (UTC)


no acually this was very nice even the lastb bpart

Date of disaster[edit]

Excuse me? It exploded on April 28, not 27, according to the picture. Кéò

According to what picture? Every source I can find says 27 April.--chris.lawson 23:47, 16 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I have no idea what the correct date is...but the caption on the picture of the Sultana in the article does say April 28!?!?
I have no idea what you're talking about. The article makes no mention whatsoever of 28 April, nor has it made any such mention in the last year (check the history).--chris.lawson 03:04, 3 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
No the article doesn't mention it...if you look at the top of the article, there is a picture of the Sultana on fire. Click that picture to enlarge it, you will see on the bottom of the picture that the date says April 28. I don't know who is right but I see what the original person was questioning. SkaTroma 03:54, 6 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Ah, I see. It appears that either Harper's got the caption wrong, or it's the 28 April issue of Harper's Weekly. I'm not sure if the latter is the case, as I don't know the day of the week Harper's was published at that time. 28 April 1865 was a Friday; a copy of Harper's I found from 1859 was published on a Saturday. My first comment above still stands, though; every single source I can find on Google that seems even halfway reliable says the explosion happened around 0200 on 27 April. I suspect Harper's got the caption wrong.--chris.lawson 04:30, 6 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]


This was not the Sultana page I was looking for but it didn't have a link back to the disambuation page like many other Wikipedia articles. Unfortunately, I don't know how to add one. It would be helpful for future users if someone could add the link to in the correct manner.