this page needs good references to generalized mean, theoretical & implementation details, uses and possible links back to the softmax function. So far only John Cook's blog posts seem to be useful, He does however use a different function that converges in the limit and call the topic soft maximum.

definition according to who?[edit]

The article gives a definition of a smooth maximum in general - a category of functions that must fulfil some criteria - but does not say who gave this definition, or who uses it, or why this definition might exist. Is it real? Is there supporting literature?--mcld (talk) 15:33, 8 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]


The article claims that LogSumExp is a smooth maximum, but this is a category error, since we have defined a smooth maximum to be a *family* of functions, rather than a single function. There is no discussion on how we can parameterize LogSumExp to get a better approximation to the maximum function.  J.Gowers  12:47, 2 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]