Much of this page is copied from here: Someone should at least edit out "this module" etc. :) gromgull (talk) 13:30, 31 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Relation to Johnson Lindenstrauss[edit]

I would like to contribute to this article, but I'm a bit unsure where to draw the distinction between Random projections and the Jonshon Lindenstrausss Lemma.

For example, Achlioptas calls his 1/3-sparse algorithm (mentioned in this article) "Database-friendly random projections", but the more recent work on -sparse projections by Nelson and others are called "Sparser Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transforms".

Similarly, there has recently been a number of papers on Tensorized Random Projections, which are also studied in papers like "Faster Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transforms via Kronecker Products".

Does anyone really see a meaningful difference? Or should we just merge the two articles? --Thomasda (talk) 15:51, 24 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]