how about an addition[edit]

the General motors, Ford and Volkswagen steam cars of 1940s? — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:40, 24 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]

The cars cited in the article ran on gas produced by burning wood and were not steam powered. NealeFamily (talk) 02:56, 25 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
"The cars cited in the article ran on gas produced by burning wood and were not steam powered" hey Adams "family", and the Kinetics engine of 1970 uses other gases instead of steam and it is included to the list as a "variant"! — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:46, 4 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Understood, but method of producing power is based on the same principle. NealeFamily (talk) 10:57, 6 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

"deleted random list...." you don't have to delete because you don't know something!

no one forced you to participate after all!

it wasn't a "random" list it was suggested for an addition

"....and indented comments" there weren't any "indented" comments!

"....but method of producing power is based on the same principle" then why it is included to the list?! (talk) 00:18, 7 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

how about these ones then:

the Evans Amphibious steam car of 1805, the Griffith Steam car of 1821, the Knight Steam car of 1868, the Gurney Steam car of 1827, the Fowler Steam car of 1862, the Summers Ogle Steam car of 1831, the Inshaw Steam car of 1881, the Trevithick Steam car of 1803, the Burstall Hill Steam car of 1824, the Yarrow Hilditch Steam car of 1861, the Hancock Enterprise steam bus of 1833, the Hancock Era I steam bus of 18??, the Hancock Era II steam bus of 1834, the Hancock Automaton steam bus of 1836, the Hancock Autopsy steam bus of 18??, the Hancock German drag steam bus of 18??, the Hancock Infant steam bus of 1829, the Squire Steam bus of 1843, the James Steam car of 1828, the Pagani Steam car of 1830, the Macerone Steam car of 1832, the Bordino Steam car of 1854, the Pecori Steam tricycle of 1891, the Rogers Steam car of 18??, the Anderson Steam car of 18??, the Nairn Steam bus of 1870, the Russell Steam car of 1834, the Randolph Steam bus of 1872, the Thomson Steam car of 1869, the Lotz Eclair steam car of 1860, the Lotz Steam car of 1865, the Lotz France steam car of 1866, the Bollee Steam car of 1885, the Bollee Nouvelle steam bus of 1880, the Bollee Rapide steam car of 1881, the Bollee Obeissante steam bus of 1873, the Bollee Marie-Anne steam car of 1879 and the Weidknecht Steam bus of 1911 (talk) 00:18, 7 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

a comment[edit]


"Magnificently excessively gifted, this brilliant inventor...." was given technology from the Nefelim

"The "cornish giant", as his contemporaries called him, was an exceptional being,...." from Tartara

"....had to produce a beautiful panic..." didn't had to, the panic is not "beautiful"

by the way the word "panic" came from the name Pan of the Narudh tribe of the Nefelim

"Times had changed..." "changed" by whom?


"A real pioneer." not so "real" — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:20, 24 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Lifu (Steam car, 1899–1902)[edit]

I do not know the subject. Xx236 (talk) 08:58, 19 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]

I came across this LiFu page on the Virtual Steam Car Museum of Texas; apparently House was more active in the US than the UK. -- Verbarson  talkedits 11:41, 19 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]
And Wikipedia has an article on Henry Alonzo House, though it says more about his boats than his cars. -- Verbarson  talkedits 11:47, 19 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]