Possible Cleanup[edit]

It seems clear to me that the text was copied from some academic paper/assignment, along with its own work cited. There are no inline citations and a plethora of original research--these references will be greatly difficult to verify. Here is a starting point if someone would wish to help cleanup this article: https://prestelpublishing.penguinrandomhouse.de/leseprobe/Lazar-Khidekel-and-Suprematism/leseprobe_9783791349688.pdf PerpetuityGrat (talk) 14:06, 16 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Copied text[edit]

This page is basically unreadable and I suspect copied in its entirety from another source. I'm copying the text that is unhelpful and replicating it here. Bangabandhu (talk) 17:53, 21 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

http://www.timelinesdb.com 1986 Lazar Khidekel (b.1904), Russian artist and architect, died. He sustained a radical utopian vision and avant-garde aesthetic during decades of Soviet control of cultural production.

   (SFC, 2/22/05, p.E1)

Categories: | Russian artists | Russian architects Suprematism | Russian Avant-garde | Modern artists | 1904 births | 1986 deaths | Visionary architect | Futuristic cities

LAZAR KHIDEKEL archives, unique by its entirety embracing more than six decades of work from 1918 to the 1970s. The archives had been never part. They survived WW2 with the siege of Leningrad and the repressive Stalinist era. The collection includes hundreds of works of art in Suprematist style, architectural drawings, plans, drafts, blueprints, and photographs. Along with Lazar Khidekel's theoretical manuscripts (dated as early as 1920 and written under Kazimir Malevich's influence), professional letters, including letters from El Lissitzky (1920) and Ilya Chashnik (1921), personal documents, and photographs, there is a solid body of historical material such as art publications including lithographic issues of the UNOVIS Suprematist group in Vitebsk, book and articles of Kazimir Malevich (1920–1922), Lazar Khidekel and Ilya Chashnik hand made book "Aero" (1920), one of Russian avant-garde mysterious rarities. Some of these unique materials such as "Aero" or letters to El Lissitzky and Ylya Chashnik had been never reproduced (some in their entirety).

1. 1918-1919 Pupil of Chagall: (1918–1919, gouaches). 2. 1920-1922 Vitebsk UNOVIS, under instruction of Kazimir Malevich. A series of drawings: from cubo-futurism to linear suprematism; stages of Suprematism: black, colored, white, metallic; Splitting the Square; Concentric Circles; Crosses; Yellow Cross, oil/c; Suprematist Cosmic ideas: Nebula – design for a Habitat in Space; From two-dimensional drawings to three-dimensional projects.

3. 1922-1925 Petrograd. Architectural studies 4. 1925-1930 First Suprematist architectural projects such as Worker’s Club, Collective Housing, and first futuristic projects: Aero-Cities, City on the Pillars, City over Water, and Garden-City. 5. 1930-1935 Leningrad. Projects and constructions: Radio Center, Sports Club, Cooperative Institute, Red Banner House of Culture, School on Weavers Prospect (drawings, photographs, drafts, blueprints) 6. 1935-1941 Projects and constructions: the school on Miasnitsky Street, the Movie theater Moscow. Sketches of arches for a proposed book Arches, 1941 7. 1941-1955 Projects and constructions: A school building on Dzerzhinsky Street; projects of monuments commemorating the Great Patriotic War (WWII). Sketches on subject of Russian national architecture inspired by the victory over Nazis. Participation in the competition for the Stalin’s Pantheon. 8. 1955- 1960’s Search for a new (sculptural) architectural language based on Suprematist vision. Architectural Projects: Theater in Budapest Museum of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (international competitions). 9. Late 1950’s - Synthesis: Sketches for monumental frescos and a series of

          works on paper developing the ideas and styles of Suprematism.

Unovis Group (1919–1922) Ilya Chashnik, Vera Ermolayeva, Ivan Gavris, Emma Gurovich, Anna Kagan, Lazar Khidekel, Katarzhina Kobro, Nina Kogan, Ivan Kudriashov, Evgenia Magaril, Georghy Noskov, Yefim Royak, Dmitry Sannikov, Vladislav Strzheminsky, Nikolai Suetin, Tziperson, Abram Vexler, Mikhail Vexler, Lev Yudin.

Lazar Khidekel’s selected publications (1920–1928):

Lazar Khidekel, Ilya Chashnik AERO. Articles and Projects. Hand lithographed & typewritten manifesto Unovis, Vitebsk, 1920

Лазарь Хидекель, Илья Чашник AERO. Статьи и проекты. Рукописный литографированный & машинописный манифест УНОВИС, Витебск, 1920

Lazar Khidekel

The Way of Unovis

“AERO 2” (unpublished) Vitebsk, 1920

Lazar Khidekel Novyi Realism – Nasha Sovremennost (New Realism – Our Present) UNOVIS, Listok Vitebskogo Tvorkoma No. 1, p 1. (UNOVIS. Flyer No 1 of the Vitebsk Creative Committee of UNOVIS) Hand lithographed pamphlet, Vitebsk, November 20, 1920

Lazar Khidekel O borjbe s estetikoy (On the struggle with aesthetics) UNOVIS, Listok Vitebskogo Tvorkoma No 1, p. 6 Hand lithographed pamphlet. Publication of the Central Creative Committee of UNOVIS, Vitebsk, November 20, 1920

Khronika (chronicles UNOVIS, Listok Vitebskogo Tvorkoma No 1, p. 6 Hand lithographed pamphlet. Publication of the Central Creative Committee of UNOVIS, Vitebsk, November 20, 1920 Вышел Листок Витебского УНОВИСа со статьямиЧашника, Коган, Хидекеля

Листок "От УНОВИСа" (без даты) воспроизведен в чехословацком журнале "Vytvarne umeni" (1967, № 8-9).

Lazar Khidekel UNOVIS in the Studios UNOVIS, 2nd Publication of the Vitebsk UNOVIS Creative Committee Hand lithographed pamphlet, Vitebsk, January 1921

Как возник Уновис. Эрмитаж,- 1922, № 10, с. 3, 4 Kak voznik Unovis. Ermitazh,1922, № 10, s. 3, 4 How did emerge Unovis. Hermitage,1922, № 10, p. 3, 4

Lazar Khidekel O reformakh v shkolakh iskusstv (About the reforms at art schools) Vulkan, Petrograd University, 1923, No 3

Lazar Khidekel Ploskie krishi (Flat Roofs) “Science and Technique”, Leningrad, 1928, No 18

Publications of the early Suprematist projects (1927–1931):

“Wasmuths Monatshefte fur Baukunst” Berlin, 1927, №10. p. 413

“L’Architecture Vivant” Paris, 1928, v.II, p. 46

“Sovremennaya Architectura” Moscow, 1930, No 4

Catalog Pervoy vistavki sovremennoy arhitectury, M., 1927 (Catalog of “The First Exhibition of Contemporary Architecture” Moscow, 1927

“Sovremennaya Architectura” (Contemporary Architecture) Moscow, 1927, No 6

Дома-коммуны. Матеpиалы конкурсов: Всесoюзного межвузовского конкурса на студенческий дом-коммуну. Конкурса Ленинградского Совета на дома-коммуны для рабочих. НТО Ленинградского Института Коммунального Строительства Кубуч. 1931 (Kubuch 1931) подпись Л. Хидекель Collective Housing. Mateials related to the competitions: All-Union inter-university competition for a Student house-commune. Leningrad Council's Competition for the house-commune for the workers. NTO of the Leningrad Institute of Public Construction Kubuch. 1931 (Kubuch 1931) Signature L. Khidekel

Сборник Студенческих Работ. Выпуск 1929 года Ленинградский Институт Коммунального Строительства бывш. Л.И.Г.И. Ленинград 1931 ("Коллективное Жилище" Л.Хидекель, курс IV. 1927 г. стр. 18-19; Проект Рабочего Клуба с залом на 320 чел. и столовой- Л.Хидекель, курс III. 1925 г. стр. 22) Collection of Student Works. Issued in 1929 Leningrad Institute of Public Construction former. L.I.G.I. Leningrad, 1931 ("Collective Housing" L.Hidekel, the rate of IV. In 1927 pp. 18–19; Project of Workers' Club with room for 320 people and dining-L. Khidekel, course III. 1925 page 22)

And 200 publications in the Soviet magazines, books, and catalogues through the 1930s-2008

Selected Publications (1973 –Present)

masterskaya A.S. Nikolskogo (The Architectural Movement in Petrograd-Leningrad in the 1920s and the Studio of A.S. Nikolsky) LISI, Leningrad, 1965

Yuri Yaralov, Stareyshiy zodchiy (O L. Khidekel). Zodchestvo 2, М., 1978 (Yaralov Yu. The Elder Architect (About L. Khidekel), Zodchestvo 2, М., 1978, p. 138-146)

Thames and Hudson, London, 1982

New York, Rizzoli, 1987

The Jewish Renaissance in Russian Avant-Garde Art 1912-1928 The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, 1988

Architectural Design 59, # 7-8, 1989

Solomon Guggenheim Museum, State Tretiakov Gallery, State Russian Museum, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, 1992

The State Russian Museum, Palace Edition, St. Petersburg, 2000

Vitebsk: Classics and Avant-garde. History of Vitebsk Art School in documents of State Archive of Vitebsk region (1918–1923). Vitebsk, 2004

Participants: Mitchell Schwarzer, Chair of Visual Studies, California College of the Arts, Kathleen James-Chakraborty, Associate Professor of Architecture, UC Berkeley, Mark and Regina Khidekel, and Alla Efimova, Chief Curator at the Magnes.

Historic collection of Jewish artifacts to move to UC Berkeley Thousands of objects and documents from the Judah L. Magnes Museum will be housed close to campus, more easily accessible. Los Angeles Times,2010

Published by the decision of NIITAG (Institute of Scientific Research on Theory of Architecture and Urbanism) M., Editorial URSS, 2005

Japan 2007

Vladimir Smirnov, Pereuchet / Khidekelevskye shkoli

Catalog: Regina Khidekel, Lazar Khidekel. Trajectory of Suprematism – between Sky and Earth.

Regina Khidekel, editor and Chronology Maria Kokkori and Alexander Bouras The Suprematist line: Kazimir Malevich and Lazar Khidekel Gines Garrido Anti-Gravity urban visions for a new world Roman Khidekel From Visionary to Reality


Оммаж Хидекелю — литографские этюды. Mikhail Karasik: Homage to Khidekel Санкт-Петербург: Издательство М.К., 2012. 12 + 1 листов – автолитография в одну краску, бумага BFK Rives Cream. Не сброшюрована. Папка – фанера, картон, переплетная ткань, шелкография. На русском и англ. яз.; перевод – Пол Уильямс. 35 × 59 см. Тираж: 12 экз. http://mikhailkarasik.com/ENG/Selected/Khidekel.html http://www.mikhailkarasik.com/RUS/Selected/Khidekel.html

http://www.snipview.com/q/Lazar%20Khidekel (video)

Khidekel Elements # Suprematism for Humanity, Venice Biennial 2014 Booth D1

Regina Khidekel, with contributions by Constantin Boym, Magdalena Dabrowski, Charlotte Douglas, Tatyana Goryacheva, Irina Karasik, Boris Kirikov and Margarita Shtiglits, and Alla Rosenfeld

Catalog: Alexandra Selivanova, …

(The needs and desires that expire our exhibitors)

http://www.strelka.com/en/magazine/2014/07/16/biennale-week http://fairenough.ru/participants/khidekel-elements/ http://fairenough.ru/about/

Catalog: The Lazar Khidekel Archives by Maria Kokkori, Lazar Khidekel Society, London 2014

http://blog.gmane.org/gmane.culture.studies.history.slavic/month=20130401 http://www.russianartandculture.com/exh-symposium-exhibition-opening-reception-lazar-khidekel-21-april-2013-yivo-institute-at-the-center-for-jewish-history-manhattan/ http://www.bustler.net/index.php/event/floating_worlds_and_future_citieslazar_khidekel_suprematism/ http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/2013/04/14/this-week-at-yivo/

http://kharshak.livejournal.com/117943.html (Proector #2, Sankt Petersburg) http://www.revistacruce.com/artes/lazar-khidekel-y-la-posibilidad-de-una-arquitectura-revolucionaria.html


Selected Exhibitions/Symposiums

Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt 1992

Bonn 27, May – 16, October 1994

Lazar Markovich Khidekel – the Rediscovered Suprematist at COMPLETE CONCRETE (100-year of development constructivist, concrete and conceptual art and its effect on the present) at House Konstruktiv, Zurich, Switzerland, 2010–2011 Regina Khidekel “Visual Power of Suprematism”(Lecture), at House Konstruktiv, Zurich,January 24, 2011 Lazar Khidekel’s manifesto “AERO” 1920 was included in the exhibition Timeline.

Dr. Mark Khidekel and Roman Khidekel; Moderator: Dr. Regina Khidekel,

The Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, Moscow, August 5, 2014

Exhibition and Panel Discussion.Introduction lecture and moderator: Regina Khidekel Speakers: Christina Lodder, Brandon Taylor, and Elena Sudakova at Pushkin House, London 2014

Lazar Khidekel Award for Young Architects St. Petersburg 2013 Baku 2014 Zheleznovodsk 2015 http://azmiu.edu.az/images/konkursen.pdf