

Changed a bit to make it more clear what the IAYCs really are about. Hope this doesn't sound to much 'advertising', but... since I'm not one of the organizers, this should be unsuspicious:-).

Can somebody find out more accurate numbers (how many different locations, how many participants in total...)? The statistics on the iayc.org side seem to be gone... --CWitte 14:27, 27 Jan 2005 (UTC)


I created the page, (and forgot the official name - we always call it IAYC, had no idea it was astronomical, not astronomy!) but didn't wanna advertise, so left it brief and stubby in the hope that someone neutral would come along and improve it without a view to advertising.

Here are some stats:

If you want any more info, then message me (or just write here)!

Neo 15:15, 27 Jan 2005 (UTC)

Im not sure either, but I think CSFR stands for Czecho Slovak Federal Republic. I have no sources for that though. Another example of not existing countries would be Yugoslavia, though the large majority of Former Yugoslav participants are very likely to be Slovenes. Some time ago I translated the text to Dutch (and was followed by a French and a German) and added when the next camp will be held. I think I'll edit that to this article now, too. Tim B.