
I notice that this page has been marked for potential deletion. If the more active editors on Wikipedia would like to see non-Wikipedian experts contribute to the project, they should be a bit less critical and dogmatic. I put a good hour into putting together this article -- if it's simply deleted (as the editor suggests it will be) there's no chance in hell I'll be contributing to Wikipedia again. If you want serious experts (I'm a Johns Hopkins Ph.D. who holds a faculty position at the Univ. of Sydney) to contribute, you can't ride roughshod over their contributions. I put up the barebones of an entry on an important scholar ... over time I'll add a few links, and hopefully others will too, and the entry will evolve into something of very high quality. That's the idea, right?

One thing Wikipedians don't seem to understand is that agressive editorial challenges lead, in some cases, to nutty articles dominated by the views of dogmatic extremists, since they're the only ones who care enough to keep pounding away to see their views reflected.
