
The link to Ant Farm links to the toy where you keep live ants in a novelty farm-like setting. It should link to the fringe group of radical architects that went by that name.

Reference in Cars movie poster[edit]

The final promotional poster for the Disney movie Cars features rock formations in the background which are designed to look like Cadillac Ranch. 18:24, 24 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The buried Cadillacs[edit]

Despite the fact that this has somehow become art, the original purpose of this was the fact that Stanley Marsh had claimed that the Cadillacs were lemons, and decided to start buring them as some sort of protest. I can't verify th == 1.It was originally located in a wheat feild, but in 1997 they moved by a local contractor.2.It was created in 1974 by Chip Lord,Hudson Marquez and Doug Michels who are a a part of a art group.3.Half-buried nose frist in the ground, at an angle corresponding to thatf time great pyramid of Giza in Egypt. ==

The Reason For Cadillac Ranch[edit]

Acording to a show on the History Channel or the Discovery Channel, I can't remember which, Cadillac Ranch was created as a tribute to the fins on the brake lights. Due to the fact that the fins were not changed from year to year, the cars are from the years that they did change the fins.Vlasktom 18:30, 8 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Bad Sources[edit]

NONE of the cited sources work, any they need a password, so the way-back machine won't workLittlebum2002 18:13, 18 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Mention of a random bar.[edit]

The bar in "CT" that is mentioned in the end of the article has nothing to do with this article. It should be removed along with all of the 'page not found' refferences. (talk) 06:34, 15 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Were some of the cars there before 1974?[edit]

In 1967 my family took a train trip for Los Angeles to Saint Louis. I seem to remember hsving some of these cars pointed out from the train, I was very young but seem to remeber 4 cars? Is this possible? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 02:37, 2 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]


czar 21:03, 30 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]