I am tidying up this article but it will take some time. Biscuittin (talk) 14:40, 23 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I've done all I can with it. Perhaps someone else could tidy up the loose ends. I think there's a couple of references missing. Biscuittin (talk) 19:15, 23 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Forgot Enforced Ridicule[edit]

You forgot that those who report being abducted are treated AS being nuts, assholes, crazy, full of shit, worse, courtesy of CIA programs, such as the Robertson Panel. This should be included, since this often happens, too damn frequently. (talk) 04:17, 1 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Merge proposal[edit]

The proposal is to merge with Abduction phenomenon. I agree with the proposal. Blueboar (talk) 14:32, 24 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

section on SIMBAD[edit]

Somebody should run a check on that. It sounds pretty wacky. --Denise from the Cosby Show (talk) 01:56, 8 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Denise is not pretty wacky. It's very interesenting. --Publied (talk) 04:38, 25 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Reply: I performed a quick search on the net... It seem there's a huge amount of videos on youtube (search: Corrado Malanga), but it is 99% italian... Few stuff in english...
Two pages in english AT LAST:

on this page ( http://sentistoria.freeforumzone.leonardo.it/discussione.aspx?idd=7670812 ) I've found this text about the SIMBAD:

Before starting the real excercise, it may be useful to practice on the visualization of moving objects accompanied by sounds. For this reason we thought of a preliminary exercise so to verify the capacity of a person to delve into the virtuality. The exercise suggests to visualize a cube in complex and rapid movement, coupled with a surrounding sound, like for instance music. Once one is capable of a full visualization of a cube spinning about itself, having faces of different colours and with the right “soundtrack”, one can try the following exercise which is the heart of the SIMBAD method. Make sure nobody and nothing can bother you during the course of the whole exercise. Put yourself comfortable, close your eyes and relax. Imagine to be the moderator of a TV show. Imagine the stage trying to dedicate the required time to details: imagine the lights, the cameras and anything you need to feel more comfortable with the environment because you will be in full control of the situation from now on. Imagine the table around which you will debate and the chairs your guests will be sitting on in a few moments. Theme of tonight’s show will be: “You and the aliens”. The main guests to the table have to be invited first strictly in this order: Soul, Spirit and Mind. After some warm up time you will invite the alien to come through the door you set for the purpose; outside links, in case needed, will be available: a telephone for those who don’t want or can’t be present physically, a monitor to show footages and a screen for overhead projector. Every guest should enter from the door once called and you will let them sit where they want. Use a name or a call sign if a name is unavailable. Take your time to keep a mental note for every visual detail of the look of the people in front of you and remember that throughout the session you will be the host and have full power to invite or kick/banish whoever you want from the session. Keep a mental note also of the position of every person around the table, if they sit, if they don’t want to, if they want to stay in a particular place or not. It will be necessary for you to draw a sketch at the end of the exercise depicting the table and some notes on the occupants. Once all the participants have arrived you will be given clearance to commence the show. You will start by asking a brief introduction from the people gathered here. You should always start anything from your Soul and then follow whatever order you prefer, remember: Soul should always be first! Remember that you are the moderator and everybody HAS to do as you say: if you decide to end a discussion they will have to honour your request! After the this breaking-ice part, in which you have familiarized with the characters, you may commence the question time. You can ask as many questions as you see fit, but Soul should always be the first to start answering. The first question, being it a crucial one, to be asked to Soul should be mandatorily: “Do you know the people gathered here? Do you know who they are and what they want?”. After this important question you will commence the debate which (not to put too much strain in it) may also last several sessions. After the first question ask your main guests (remaining are Spirit and Mind) the same question you asked to Soul. Ask the aliens what are they doing here and which are their real interests. Ask if they are all friends or are there any grudges, when will they finish their job and which is their relationship with your main guests: the main purpose of this is to understand why the aliens are here and which is their relationship with the parts of yourself (Soul, Spirit and Mind). In case you need it, you may show footages of events happened especially if there is confusion among the witnesses, your Soul is capable of showing what REALLY happened and you can comment what is showed. The footages are your own memories recorded by your brain, so they are trustworthy recordings of what really happened. Don’t be afraid of inventing anything: your Mind knows exactly which events to show and will automatically blank out non-real events. In closing the footage, in order to reach a conclusion, you should ask Soul if she agrees with you. If this was not the case you can ask Soul to sort things out, for instance eliminating the problem. If she agrees to do so you should ask her to do so instantly, live. Take your time in visualizing this event of your session as this is of most importance, in case Soul won’t feel ready make sure she agrees to deal with it in the future. If she agrees to deal with the alien problem right on, take your time to record every detail of what she does in manifesting her “will to do it”. Describe the event with a brief writing. Keep note of your emotions throughout the session and let them go freely and fully. Look every character right in the eye like if you wanted to make a head-shot while they interact with you. As after any TV show, time should be reserved to greetings of the people who came so that the session can be adjourned. Make sure a special treatment is reserved for your main guests, in the end these are part of yourself.

Attention!: you may want to use an in-session alarm during the exercise in order not to fall asleep, the alarm may be given to Soul that can use it in case something distracts you or triggers a sleeping session. Safety catches: It may occur, during the exercise, that some people is not exactly what they say they are. In order to prevent wrong visualizations or misleading information, you should provide your room with a mean of "comparison". The method you chose is really irrelevant in its look, but some characteristics should be maintained: it should be a simple object to imagine and to operate, none should escape its judgment and you should be able to see how the person looks like in the reality after passed the "comparison" test. For this reason many people were suggested to imagine a mirror that everybody has o use before sitting at the table. In some cases it occurred that the aliens don't want to do it. The reason is connected to the fact that they are living what you imagine as if it was real, still realizing its fictitiousness, and so they could try to interrupt the session in many different ways like: switching the lights off, changing the room and so on. Remember that the room is yours and you can do whatever you want, even strap them to the chair and see what happens.

You may want to try, for the first sessions, to limit the number of exercises you do: since it requires a lot of work from the brain, you may experience headaches if you do the Simbad too frequently. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 22:59, 18 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]