The Spleen (Chinese: ; pinyin: ) is one of the zàng organs stipulated by traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).[1] It is a functionally defined entity and not equivalent to the anatomical organ of the same name.[2]

In the context of the zang-fu concept

As a zàng, the Spleen is considered to be a yin organ. Its associated yang organ is the Stomach. Both Spleen and Stomach are attributed to the Earth element.

Regarding its stipulated functions, the Spleen

Its associated body fluid is saliva.
The Spleen's function (i.e., the Spleen-qì) is said to be strongest between 9 and 11am. When the Spleen is functioning well, digestion will be good, the muscles will be strong and circulation will be efficient. Dysfunction of the Spleen typically presents as diarrhea, malnutrition, edema, weak/atrophic muscles, greasy taste in the mouth, or excessive bleeding and prolapse.[9] The Spleen is especially weakened by the Pathogenic Factor ''Dampness'' and overthinking.


  1. ^ "TCM: Understanding The Role Of The Spleen". Retrieved 2022-02-18.
  2. ^ Wu, Xie-Ning (1998-02-15). "Current concept of Spleen-Stomach theory and Spleen deficiency syndrome in TCM". World Journal of Gastroenterology. 4 (1): 2–6. doi:10.3748/wjg.v4.i1.2. ISSN 1007-9327. PMC 4767755. PMID 11819216.
  3. ^ 中医世家 2006, chapter
  4. ^ 中医世家 2006, chapter 3, lead
  5. ^ 中医世家 2006, chapter 3, lead
  6. ^ 中医世家 2006, chapter 3, lead
  7. ^ 郭卜乐 (24 October 2009). [Qi] (in Chinese). Archived from the original on 8 January 2009. Retrieved 2 December 2010.
  8. ^ 阵雨 (15 December 2009). 中医理论:基础理论:第二节 内伤病因:一、七情:(二)七情与脏腑气血的关系 [TCM theory – Basic theory – Chapter 2: Internal causes of disease – 1. The Seven Emotions – 1.2. The relations between the Seven Emotions, the zang-fu, and qi and blood] (in Chinese). Archived from the original on 10 October 2010. Retrieved 20 December 2010.
  9. ^ Cultural China 2007


Further reading