Filter parameters
Filter ID:1,157


(publicly viewable)
Filter hits:5,171 hits
Statistics:Of the last 192,469 actions, this filter has matched 3 (0%). On average, its run time is 0.13 ms, and it consumes 0.1 conditions of the condition limit.
socktags := "((\s*(?:Template\s*:\s*)?(?:Blocked sockpuppet|Meatpuppet|Multisock|Checked\s?sock|Sock|Checkuserblock-account|Ipsock)"; ignoreusers := "^(?:1997kB|SubjectiveNotability|RoySmith-Mobile|Jack Frost|MarioGom)$"; equals_to_any(page_namespace, 2, 3) & added_lines irlike socktags & !removed_lines irlike socktags & !contains_any(user_groups, "sysop", "checkuser", "oversight", "bot") & !"steward" in global_user_groups & !user_name rlike ignoreusers
Filter last modified:08:14, 11 June 2024 by DannyS712 (talk | contribs)
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Actions to take when matched
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