Siegfried Kapper (1870), by Friedrich Kriehuber

Siegfried Kapper was the literary pseudonym of Isaac Salomon Kapper (21 March 1821, Smíchov – 7 June 1879, Prague), a Bohemian-born Austrian writer of Jewish origin. Born in Smichow, Kapper studied medicine at Prague University, later completing a Ph.D. at the University of Vienna. Kapper wrote excellent fairy tales and poems, and was one of the leading figures of Czech-Jewish assimilation. Kapper wrote in both German and Czech. He translated Mácha's Máj into German for the first time (1844).[1] Austrian composer Nina Stollewerk used Kapper's text for her composition "Zwei Gedichte," opus 5.[2]

After his death, the Kapper-Society was founded; its aim was Czech-Jewish assimilation and opposition to Zionism and German-Jewish assimilation.[3]

Selected works

English edition


  1. ^ Miloslav Uličný: Vedlejší efekt: Mácha's Mai, in: Plav magazine
  2. ^ "Nina (Anna) Stollewerk (1825 - 1914) - Vocal Texts and Translations at the LiederNet Archive". Retrieved 2021-11-11.
  3. ^ John Neubauer . 'How Did the Golem Get to Prague,' in Marcel Cornis-Pope, John Neubauer History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe: Junctures and disjunctures in the 19th and 20th centuries, Vol. IV: Types and stereotypes, John Benjamins Publishing 2010pp.296-307 p.305.
  4. ^ Kapper, Siegfried (1844). Slavische Melodien (in German). Einhorn.