Ramallah Center for Human Rights Studies
مركز رام الله لدراسات حقوق الانسان
ServicesAdvocating human rights, tolerance, democracy, secularism, freedom of expression, good governance, civil liberties, academic freedom
FieldsMedia attention, research, advocacy, educational programs, violations monitor, public awareness

The Ramallah Center for Human Rights Studies (RCHRS) is an independent Palestinian non-profit and non-governmental organization that advocates human rights, democracy and tolerance from a secular perspective. It conducts theoretical and applied research, publishes studies and journals, operates educational programs and workshops and undertakes advocacy work. Its headquarters are in Ramallah and it has an office in Gaza.

RCHRS monitors and raises awareness about human rights violations in Palestine and advocates the need to defend justice and basic freedoms for all.


RCHRS was founded in 1998 by a group of academics, researchers, lawyers and human rights activists.[1]


RCHRS aims to engender a culture of tolerance and human rights by supporting inter-religious, inter-cultural and non-violent dialogue. It also advocates educational rights and academic freedoms in Palestinian educational institutions. RCHRS seeks to strengthen civil liberties, the freedom of belief, opinion, and expression and media freedom in Palestine by documenting their violations and advocating for their protection. The goals of the organization include the advancement of secularism and pluralism in Palestinian society and to raise awareness and support for democratic processes and good governance.

RCHRS has a wide network of researchers and associated institutions that enables it to reach isolated and marginalized areas and to cooperate on human rights and tolerance issues.

Applied and theoretical research

RCHRS relies on a wide network of researchers and associated institutions that contribute their theoretical and applied research on issues relevant to human rights and freedoms in Palestine. Debate, constructive critiques and peer review of these studies are a crucial part of the research process. RCHRS publishes its research widely in books and reports that are distributed locally, internationally and online. These publications are of a high academic standard and are published in Arabic with an introduction in English.

Conferences, workshops and seminars

One key area RCHRS focuses on is facilitating dialogue between various social groups especially young people. Recent projects include Tolerance Among University Students, a training course for students in the West Bank and Gaza. Workshop topics such as the importance of tolerance, academic freedom, democracy and civil rights were discussed. Students from a variety of social, ideological and religious backgrounds take part.

RCHRS also holds monthly meetings for representatives from local and international media, civil society organizations and academic institutions. Participants discuss recent events in Palestinian politics and the impact these events have on public security and human rights. The goal is to encourage political leaders to adopt policies and practices that further democracy and enhance civil liberties.

Reaching isolated and marginalized areas

The ongoing occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip has meant not only physical fragmentation of Palestinian society but also a social and cultural fragmentation. As a result, RCHRS sees it as critical that the Center try and reach as many isolated and marginalized areas as possible. This is done through a wide network of associates that work in many local communities.

The political events in Gaza in June 2007 and the ongoing internal division in Palestine, prompted the center to expand its reach even further by opening a branch in Gaza. This has allowed RCHRS to continue its activities in this volatile region ensuring that the values of tolerance, human rights and democracy continue to be communicated to all Palestinians.

Organizational structure

RCHRS's internal structure is founded upon the principle of pluralism. The staff includes secular, Muslim, Christian and Samaritan men and women with differing ideological orientations and social and economic backgrounds.


The Ramallah Center for Human Rights Studies publishes reports, articles, quarterly journals, studies, and press releases on various topics and issues concerning Palestinian and Arab society. In particular, RCHRS documents and examines the state of tolerance and human rights within these societies.

Tasamuh (Tolerance)

The Tasamuh[2] quarterly, first released in 2003, is an independent periodical dedicated to debates on tolerance and human rights issues in Palestine and the Arab region. It seeks to disseminate a contemporary illuminated culture through its assertion on the values of human rights and tolerance. It also tries to consider the current socio-political situation and to evaluate its impact on the reality of tolerance within the community.

Professor Iyad Barghouti, the General Director of the Ramallah Center for Human Rights Studies is the chief editor of the Tasamuh periodical.

Tasamuh consists four sections: studies and articles, reports, laws and legislations and culture. The reports section focuses on different human issues that all defend people's rights in practicing their freedoms. This is done through publishing reports that expose specific occurrences or research findings in the Arab world and discuss their impact on the state of tolerance. The laws and legislations section discusses subjects -not only theories- based on scientific research mainly related to human rights in the Arab societies. The cultural section consists of an essay on tolerance in the thought of an Arab or foreign intellectuals. This aims at demonstrating this noble concept as an ideology and as a practice.

Four issues of Tasamuh are published each year. The first issue was published in December 2003. Main language of publication is Arabic.

Writers of Tasamuh

In addition to Palestinian writers, Tasamuh is also open to writers from the whole Arab world as well as to writers from the Diaspora. Recent issues included material written by authors from Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Jordan as well as Arab writers living in France and UK. Young writers and researchers are contribute to Tasamuh.















Other Studies


"Towards Ideological and Political Tolerance among university students"

Tolerance (Tasamuh) Art Exhibition

The Ramallah Center for Human Rights Studies holds an annual Tolerance (Tasaumh) Art Exhibition. The exhibition gathers young Palestinian and Arab artists though cultural art workshops and activities themed around concepts of tolerance. The annual event exhibits poster art displaying symbols of tolerance and acceptance of cultural and religious diversity.


Arab Network for Tolerance

The Arab Network for Tolerance is a regional network established by RCHRS in June 2008 to serve as a forum where activists, academics, media professionals and youth can come together to identify new strategies for improving the human rights situation in the region. The founding of the Arab Network for Tolerance was announced at a press conference held at the Lebanese Journalists' Union in Beirut on 2 September 2008. This project coincides with RCHRS's decision to broaden its work outside Palestine, and is part of RCHRS's efforts to reach a wider audience in its work of diffusing the concepts and values of tolerance.

The Network aims to disseminate the culture, values and concepts of tolerance and counter fundamentalism, violence and division, trends seen throughout Arab countries today. The Network's stated goal is to "actively contribute to building more tolerant societies in the Arab world". RCHRS expects that this association of individuals and organisations will be the start of a moderate, secular and effective movement in the Arab countries that can positively influence and develop a variety of sectors in the Arab world, including education, civil society and media.

Anticipated outcomes of the Network include:

The Network started with pre-identified groups in six Arab countries (Yemen, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Lebanon and Palestine) that shared a basic understanding of the concept of tolerance. The Network is open for organisations and individuals who wish to join and will eventually extend to more Arab countries.

RCHRS coordinates the Network and is responsible for developing its conceptual and practical framework and for taking a leading role in steering its work. The Network includes a range of structured activities, including training sessions, regional meetings, conferences and publications.

See also


  1. ^ About Ramallah Center for Human Rights Studies, Ramallah Center for Human Rights Studies. Retrieved 22 January 2011.
  2. ^ Tasamuh (Tolerance) Journal, Ramallah Center for Human Rights Studies. Retrieved 25 January 2011.