The German order of Chaos named RIOT is sometimes mistaken for the Order of the Prophet Ted; The Ramsgate Illuminates of Thanet, inaugurated by Kiya Gowdie (d.1997) and an offshoot of the Planet Thanet Class War, often associated with the Ramsgate based pressure group Critical Mass, (itself often confused with the reformists in America and globally whom meet regularly to protest effectivly against environmental problems).

RIOT denies any association with the IOT, other than privileges granted during that groups development. Chaos magic was a phenomenon existent prior to Carroll and Sherwin's adoption of the term and understanding of the forces in their grasp, which they have since relinquished to the servitors in their respective lodges, who were attracted by dark forces beyond their intent.

It has been a number of years since the last ‘Official’ publication of any material by the Critical Mass. Other agencies, notably in London, England have carried on unofficially in the spirit of the Mass, in their own idiom since the 1985 Schism with the Flat Earth Society. It must be stressed that out of the natural evolution of Critical Mass from a local protest group this had always been the intention of the Founders.

RIOT proceeded from the principal that laughter is a psychic power (Liber Null) and added to this notion that absurdity could be used to open the closed mind to new ideas. Following this principal the Ramsgate flat earth society was formed in Thanet in 1984.

Critical Mass then an active political pressure group was bolstered in its membership thereafter by numerous pagans Quaballists and Chaoists. It was known that the secretary had worked in a ceremonial and ritual context with the IOT, and the occult membership of Critical Mass asked for tuition in several published IOT group meditations. Using the notions outlined above the group developed and merged with occultists in London (The Scions of Maat) and initiation ritual 'The Profane Pimento of Rami Tuppem The Thrice Cursed' was introduced, under the auspices of the false god Zark, and his prophet Ted. These events remain obscure but do in fact represent a little known splinter group directly formed from IOT theories.

Pete Carroll and Ray Sherwin went from strength to strength and, as with all good ideas the momentum they created overtook the founding fathers, whom retired to commercial and private ventures still flourishing today.

Chaos was a term in use by occultists in Kent (and no doubt elsewhere) before it was officially adopted by the IOT, it is thus I became involved with the group, having used the term prior to my first meeting with the group at Morton around 1980.

The primary aim of Riot was to generate ideas, structures and procedures for the collective liberation of the Kia Energy, to direct a course for channelling personal experiences into a greater reality. To encourage the formation of a libertarian sub culture that provokes independent thought, action and resolve, whilst not considering a whit to the proposition of common sense, and hampering the realists proposition. Absolute and manic dedication to the absurd and an intuitive understanding of life’s important aspects has given rise to many a group or movement in the past in revolutions in Art, Music, Design, Magic, and Politics.

Riot remained a movement from the lunatic fringe and the desperate, whereas Critical Mass perseveres consistent with its reformist principals, it was the urgent necessity to allow cooperation between reformers and revolutionaries (who are each others worst enimies) that prompted the foresight to separate Critical Mass from its lunatic fringe founders. Critical Mass has thus acquired a rather radical reputation, in that it had been willing to support both ‘Class War’ and ‘The Green Party'! The decentralizing effects of such a shift from the emphasis toward a central identifiable organization to a more random basis of networking allowed the evolution of a new culture, which in itself remains a concept central to Critical Mass, and its many offshoots. A focus being the elimination of conflict and the propagation of understanding, but with the emphasis firmly placed on getting the job done, and by all means necessary.

It is nevertheless unwise to become so involved with group activity to reach the point of sublimation of the personal identity (whatever it represents to you). For knowledge gained in learning via a group mind, however apparently sincere, offers the risk of unforeseen conclusions evolving through changes in the given ‘collective’, this must be anticipated. It is possible for you to be the cause of such changes.

Only the Zen Buddhist perhaps has perfected existence and only through silence is the word of Truth spoken. Revolution is but the ebbing of today’s tide, its motive floundering within the indecisive will of the uncritical mass.

Democracy inherently indicates a contempt for Free Will. As the citizen marks a vote for the politician so s/he defers and neglects the duty of care placed upon him/her by the community to which s/he is a peer. So it is with all initiative based systems, deferring to experts and Grand Masters, whereas the Truth is to be found within the remit individual self awareness.

Some benefits may be had from merging into a human collective, as long as you remain aware that you must be totally liable for the consequences of all sustained group activities and individual decisions within the group. This we are told is the basis for many an initiatory oath, regardless of any ability found therein to enhance and develop your spiritual or political growth. Not too much faith ought be placed in those who seek to command, or even lead the way. Those who might appear confidant as experienced avatars or initiators.

The Tedonists (riot membership) code of conduct requires the Good Tedonist to have scant regard by way of faith in singularly explicit manifestations of either Chaos or Order, with the knowledge that the opposing forces of Light and Darkness, positive or negative, as even in a magnet are inseparable in the one true pattern, and are incompatible when thrown into reverse, so it is with all forms of interaction within the Dao. Self reliance is thus the first principal for any trust in other people.


In Islam the Ismailis took the idea of the Imam of the Prophets household and metamorphosed it into the Imam of ones own being, the perfect self who is beyond all law and rule, who is atoned with the one & this doctrine led them into revolt against Islam to terror and assassination in the name of pure esoteric self liberalisation & total realisation.

From the Cultural Terrorism Committee of the Inner Adepts Chamber of Hmoca; Nizari-Ismaili esotericists, Shiite heretics and fanatics, (whose ancestry may be traced to Hassan I Sabbah 1, through Aladin Mohammad III, the Madman, 7th and last Pir of Alamut), we note a common opposition to all forms of law and authority, in the name of chaos, the Druzes of Lebanon, the Bahais of Iran, Subud and other Kebatinin Sects of Java, might be called ‘Schisms’ of Islam.

Other semi Islamic schisms include the Din Ilahi of the Mogul Emperor Akbar or the Sufi Tantrik Bauls of Bengal or the Gujerati Khojas, who publicly identify Ali as the 10th Avatar of Vishnu. 

Islamic heretics proper must ultimately disagree with the fundamentals of Islam, as any good Christian would seek the destruction of Conservatism. The Nizari Ismailis, the Bekashi Sufis, the Ghulat or extremist Shiites, the lawless Dervish Orders such as the Qalandars, and the puritan Ahmadiyya of Pakistan. heretics, if for no other reason that many of these sects acknowledged the teachings of prophets who came after Mohammed, and the setting down of the Koran, and are hated in Iran for just this reason.

The Kurdish sect of the Ahl I Haqq (The People of Truth) had progressive orders of induction and was formed and began its days as a ‘Secret Service’ (under the Safauid Shars.) 

Unbelievers are encouraged to return to meditation of the Unholy Abandonment’s, and to make haste in their study of the Sacred Mantra. To an Tedonist ‘reality’ is a construct built up of habit and convenience, beyond this lies a deeper resonance, the frequency of discord and irregular phenomena.

So: to all those we have overlooked but without whom this work would not have been possible: We say goodbye and thank you, to all fittings and fixtures, past and present, all doors, windows, locks, bolts and hinges, sinks, basins and the bloodbath in the bathroom, to the Carpets, to all Banisters broken, missing or killed in action, and last but not least our dear departed friend Arm-Chair; missing, presumed burnt.

see for futher details.

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